blackberry 10

Sold out here - sold out there............nobody knows if merchants received 5 units, or 5,000 units.
Without knowing any numbers at all (the way Mr Heins likes it, apparently), would you invest your own money (For The Win / upside) in BlackBerry (BB.TO) now, at $13.60?

Too many unknowns, not to mention the buzz about Samsungs March 14th release of their next flagship device (S4).
Quarterly report from BBRY will be on March 28th, that's when numbers will be revealed.

On a side note, the dozen or so people that I personally know that have the new device, are all enjoying it.

edit: Sunny beat me by a few seconds

lol.....(in a Regis Philbin voice).....Is that your final answer?

That was public information at the end of December, as will a quarterly report be announced for June 27th (or thereabouts - they don't like Fridays............this is when you'll know BB10 sales numbers).
You'll be needin to rock a hard hat if you listen in.
(you must be long this stock?)
In any event, last yrs' year end and Q4 should make longs shudder, as some here think BB10 sales numbers will be released.
Guidance is 'guidance'........just a joke (IMO) coming from this former, once good Cdn company.

I still have no dog in this fight, but if any of my MF's held BB / BBRY, I'd of cashed them in long ago, for OBVIOUS reasons.

Carry on.

edit.........I'm going to put an order in for a couple hundred when it tanks (Mar 28th), just so I can attend their AGM.
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This is what sinks them.

Some people invested in the potential but the product proved to be the same. It showed a blip but it will turn out to be a radar blip when the last torpedo comes, say, three months after Q10 if that. Maybe a month after depending on when Applesung falls on them.

I like the play on Q10. 10-Q is when you show your quarter earnings. :) Guess they couldn't have called it 10-K

RIM was called on it in 2011 by....

A Canadian merchant bank which invests in under-performing, undervalued or unappreciated companies and acts as a catalyst to
create value.

Poor Share Price Performance

There has been a precipitous decline in the Company’s share price since 2008, from $149.90 in June 2008 to $29.59 on September 2, 2011, representing a decline of approximately 80.3%. In contrast, over the same time frame, the TSX Composite Index has only fallen by approximately 14.8%. RIM’s chronic under performance and repeated delays in executing its strategy have led Jaguar to the conclusion that fundamental change at RIM is required.

Most importantly,

RIM’s competitors have seen a significant increase in market share at RIM’s expense, both in the enterprise and consumer markets, and a corresponding increase in share price and overall valuation.

Lack of Innovation Resulting in a Loss of Market Share

While its rivals have demonstrated an ability to develop and market products with features that inspire consumer enthusiasm and drive higher adoption rates, RIM
has clearly fallen short.
Its failure to offer products with innovative features, combined with its limited selection of applications, has resulted in RIM losing market share to its competitors.
While few would question the email and security capabilities of RIM’s BlackBerry platform, the reality is that RIM has failed to develop the multi-purpose device that meets the requirements of today’s dynamic consumer landscape.
The BlackBerry, once a market leader, has been relegated to number 3 in terms of market share behind Apple’s iPhone and Google’s Android phones.A recent comScore report estimated that RIM’s U.S. smartphone market share declined from 39% to 22% over the twelve month period ended July 31, 2011. This decline in the Company’s standing can largely be attributed to significant execution delays, inadequate mobile applications, and the lack of a competitive product that addresses the needs of the consumer marketplace.

With a reduced market share for RIM there is the serious risk that developers of mobile applications will prioritize developing applications for RIM’s competitors. There should be a concerted focus for RIM to encourage or finance the development of cutting edge mobile applications. This lack of an effective ecosystem is a key shortcoming that needs to be addressed. Jaguar has noted the recent resignations of several key RIM employees. The disruption to the Company resulting from these departures could not have come at a more inopportune time. The ongoing exodus of RIM’s human capital raises questions about RIM’s ability to inspire and retain the talent that will be essential for RIM to regain its competitive standing.

Sold out here - sold out there............nobody knows if merchants received 5 units, or 5,000 units.
Without knowing any numbers at all (the way Mr Heins likes it, apparently), would you invest your own money (For The Win / upside) in BlackBerry (BB.TO) now, at $13.60?

You can be sure HQ is watching the numbers very closely. Apple is notorious for not revealing the numbers until Quarterly report day in which they tend to blow away analysts estimates.

My take on this.... its too early to reveal hard numbers until supply stabilizes and catches up to demand. I see no reason why a company who is banking on a make or break product would artificially, and deliberately shorten supply. It just doesn't make sense. Thats something Google could and would do, and they can.

NOBODY, including RIM had any idea how this product would do upon launch. You've seen the reports. Rogers says it was their best BB launch in history. Wireless Wave says its outselling the i5 and S3. England and India share similar reports.

I put my order in for a Z10 over a week ago at a Telus frigging CORPORATE store. The girl pulled out a waiting list with several ppl ahead of me, and they said if I don't hear from them to tell me its in, to follow up with them in a week. They haven't called me yet. You would think a massive company like Telus would have tonnes of BB stock. And Im sure they would be more than happy to take my money asap.

I tried no less than 6 times to purchase a Z10 outright from Kijiji, offering the seller CASH on the spot for the phone. Gone in minutes.

You are going to tell me there is no demand for this phone?


Bottom line.

I personally don't care if BBRY becomes #1, as long as they stay hungry and relevant and produce a competitive product, I'm happy.

Ppl like to point out RIMs past, and they're right. They got their *** kicked.

But if you look at what the fresh management has accomplished in the course of the last year or so, namely CEO Thorsten Heins has accomplished more positive in 1 year, then the old management did in 4. The new marketing chief is doing a splendid job of raising awareness. They've strengthened their board of directors with the addition of a higher up from Verizon, and a former higher up from Sony. These are guys with tremendous experience and bring value to the company long term.

The other positives, is their realistic outlook. Heins... "we have a clear shot at #3 platform". The old RIM management was cocky and arrogant, and would have blabbed how they were going to take over the market. Ballsillie is 100% gone.

Stocks have risen significantly in the last 6-12 months. Peter Misek, a notorious RIM-is-dead drum banger analyst, now rates their stock as a positive. BBRY have raised their production volume twice now. They hired some laid off staff back. They are hiring more assemblers for their phone. Their marketing has stepped up significantly. Every single day, new apps are released. All positives!

Where I get a chuckle is, only 3 weeks have passed, US and Australia and other markets still to come.... People expect their stock to be worth $800 already?

Give your head a shake.


So to answer your question Mr. Gary, the smart money would bet LONG on this stock. Forget the March 28 quarter numbers. That won't be accurate as US and other market launch will still be taking place. The Q10 will just start to be released at the same time.

I've been following BBRY more than the avg person, and I can tell you that Analyst Misek has a clue here as to whats to come and where BBRY will be heading with their business.....

Misek--- "We remain well above St for the May Q and Aug Q (we estimate 4M BB10 sales at a $600 ASP and 30% GM in each quarter) but reiterate that it is not just about the phone. We continue to see software opportunities in mobile device management and BYOD to drive value." BBRY is also going to be working on the M2M space in the coming years as well.

Oh, and for perspective on hard sales numbers.....when iPhone was released, in its first 5 quarters of iphone existence, only once did it hit 2 million in sales in a quarter.

IMHO, BlackBerry is back.

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Wanna see who is innovating the next OS? I mean, you wanna see "Reseach IN MOTION" changing, progressive stuff?!?!?!

Microsoft!!!! 3D Transparent OS shiiiiaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!!!!!!

This is the future of massive screens mobile screens!!! when simply holding it up to your face turns the portal into a massive screen akin to Google Goggles and reaching deeper into the "screen" can reveal layers and layers of apps, running "windows" and 3D MINORITY REPORT ISH!!!

Couple this with a HUD and you have IMAX (relative) mobile "screen" technology! Forget about expanding phones!!!

This is what a progressive OS is about!!!!


Who just creamed?!?!?!?!

Google: Glass, augmented reality
MS: 3D transparent screens, Windows 8
Samsung: Flexi screens, transparent screens
Apple: Shiny stuff?

Ummmmm BB: swipe to hub (beaten to market by Android) yeah reall innovation there!....not even shiny stuff!

But really though, I am waiting for the new Q10......
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PS if you think motion sensing is too far away, from the post above, they used kinect!

Leap has already begun rolling a mini version out, slated for release 1st quarter 2013!!! I already put in my pre-order!!!!

It wont be long before this is a 1cm x 1cm tack-on to Google Glass or a Samsung transparent screen (or transparent full frame glasses!!!).

This tech is less than 3 years away!!! Next gen phones are gonna be a pair of Samsung screen Raybans with a mini kenect tacked onto the frame and a little 3d virtual bb keyboard floating in the middle of your imax experience developed as a nostalgic app by Google or Microsoft as a fart-app-esque / Nokia-iPhone case kitch.


Get your $70 pre-orders in now....or buy some stock!!!

You can pre-order here:

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You can be sure HQ is watching the numbers very closely. Apple is notorious for not revealing the numbers until Quarterly report day in which they tend to blow away analysts estimates.

My take on this.... its too early to reveal hard numbers until supply stabilizes and catches up to demand. I see no reason why a company who is banking on a make or break product would artificially, and deliberately shorten supply. It just doesn't make sense. Thats something Google could and would do, and they can.

NOBODY, including RIM had any idea how this product would do upon launch. You've seen the reports. Rogers says it was their best BB launch in history. Wireless Wave says its outselling the i5 and S3. England and India share similar reports.

I put my order in for a Z10 over a week ago at a Telus frigging CORPORATE store. The girl pulled out a waiting list with several ppl ahead of me, and they said if I don't hear from them to tell me its in, to follow up with them in a week. They haven't called me yet. You would think a massive company like Telus would have tonnes of BB stock. And Im sure they would be more than happy to take my money asap.

I tried no less than 6 times to purchase a Z10 outright from Kijiji, offering the seller CASH on the spot for the phone. Gone in minutes.

You are going to tell me there is no demand for this phone?


Bottom line.

I personally don't care if BBRY becomes #1, as long as they stay hungry and relevant and produce a competitive product, I'm happy.

Ppl like to point out RIMs past, and they're right. They got their *** kicked.

But if you look at what the fresh management has accomplished in the course of the last year or so, namely CEO Thorsten Heins has accomplished more positive in 1 year, then the old management did in 4. The new marketing chief is doing a splendid job of raising awareness. They've strengthened their board of directors with the addition of a higher up from Verizon, and a former higher up from Sony. These are guys with tremendous experience and bring value to the company long term.

The other positives, is their realistic outlook. Heins... "we have a clear shot at #3 platform". The old RIM management was cocky and arrogant, and would have blabbed how they were going to take over the market. Ballsillie is 100% gone.

Stocks have risen significantly in the last 6-12 months. Peter Misek, a notorious RIM-is-dead drum banger analyst, now rates their stock as a positive. BBRY have raised their production volume twice now. They hired some laid off staff back. They are hiring more assemblers for their phone. Their marketing has stepped up significantly. Every single day, new apps are released. All positives!

Where I get a chuckle is, only 3 weeks have passed, US and Australia and other markets still to come.... People expect their stock to be worth $800 already?

Give your head a shake.


So to answer your question Mr. Gary, the smart money would bet LONG on this stock. Forget the March 28 quarter numbers. That won't be accurate as US and other market launch will still be taking place. The Q10 will just start to be released at the same time.

I've been following BBRY more than the avg person, and I can tell you that Analyst Misek has a clue here as to whats to come and where BBRY will be heading with their business.....

Misek--- "We remain well above St for the May Q and Aug Q (we estimate 4M BB10 sales at a $600 ASP and 30% GM in each quarter) but reiterate that it is not just about the phone. We continue to see software opportunities in mobile device management and BYOD to drive value." BBRY is also going to be working on the M2M space in the coming years as well.

Oh, and for perspective on hard sales numbers.....when iPhone was released, in its first 5 quarters of iphone existence, only once did it hit 2 million in sales in a quarter.

[TABLE="class: tborder, width: 100%, align: center"]
[TD="class: alt2, bgcolor: #EFEFEF"]IMHO, BlackBerry is back.

Good summery.......from a longs' pov......all positive, glass is half full. I like it.
If I were long, I'd be afraid, very afraid of the "replacements" from Verizon.
Since they departed, VZ has gone from $18 - $45. Not sure of any relevance though - stay tuned.
I've watched / read fundimentals more than the average Joe myself. I've had RIM / BB on my radar watchlist for roughly 16yrs already. I do know what I need to know about the company, and Misek (and guys like him) are the least of their worries / fortunes going forward. (he's not behind any display cases selling anything - he's a talking head).

My memory sux, so remind me, eoy if BB.TO is > or < $13.60.
My 'long' money will remain dry powder for now, whether it's 'smart', or 'dumb'.

I still think Corning is the play amongst all the fury (GLW-nyse), but I'm waiting for a $10 - $10.50 buying op.

edit: early peek into the future (March 28th)

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I still think Corning is the play amongst all the fury (GLW-nyse), but I'm waiting for a $10 - $10.50 buying op.

Forget Tech stocks.... start investing in Greek yogurt manufacturers.

The next big thing.

p.s. Im available next week to discuss your shack.
Forget Tech stocks.... start investing in Greek yogurt manufacturers.

The next big thing.


not next big thing, right now big thing, enormous market share and every dairy products manufacturer is on this. If the greeks figured this ***** out it could singlehandly fix thier economy. I would never have guessed the volume of sales.
Forget Tech stocks.... start investing in Greek yogurt manufacturers.

The next big thing.

p.s. Im available next week to discuss your shack.

Absolutely!! That, and tat removal products.

re p.s. - can't wait to eat without a flashlight ;-)
On the "flip side"
(The 'self serving' Misek coudn't carry their coffee)

From Gartner:

1.2 Billion Smartphones, Tablets To Be Bought Worldwide In 2013; 821 Million This Year: 70% Of Total Device Sales
The unstoppable rise of smartphones and tablets will see 1.2 billion of the devices being bought worldwide in 2013, analyst Gartner is predicting. It also forecasts sales of 821 million of the smart devices this year — which is says will account for 70 percent of total devices sold in 2012.
When it comes to the OS wars, the analyst forecasts Microsoft’s Windows 8 will take the number three position in the business tablet market by 2016 — lagging Apple and Android.

“For most businesses smartphones and tablets will not entirely replace PCs, but the ubiquity of smartphones and the increasing popularity of tablets are changing both the way consumers embrace devices and business device strategies,” noted Carolina Milanesi, research vice president at Gartner, in a statement.

The analyst predicts two-thirds of the mobile workforce will own a smartphone in 2016, and 40 percent of the workforce will be mobile.

On the smartphone side, Gartner is forecasting a win for Android in the enterprise – estimating that more than half (56 percent) of smartphones purchased by businesses in North America and Europe will be Android devices in 2016, up from around a third (34 percent) in 2012 – and virtually no penetration back in 2010.

“Today the wide range of brands and price points that the Android ecosystem offers is winning over users. While Apple remains the heartbeat by which the market moves, Google has rapidly become its archrival,” said Milanesi.

Despite Android’s growth, Gartner said it believes iOS-based devices will continue to grow their enterprise presence, and both Android and iOS will continue to take share from BlackBerry-maker RIM. “In just 12 months businesses have moved from resisting Apple to accepting its devices in the organisation,” noted Milanesi. ”As businesses are looking for a multi-device strategy and a rich application portfolio it is clear that RIM has a huge challenge ahead to regain its strong presence in the enterprise.”

On the "flip side"
(The 'self serving' Misek coudn't carry their coffee)

From Gartner:

When it comes to the OS wars, the analyst forecasts Microsoft’s Windows 8 will take the number three position in the business tablet market by 2016 — lagging Apple and Android.

“For most businesses smartphones and tablets will not entirely replace PCs, but the ubiquity of smartphones and the increasing popularity of tablets are changing both the way consumers embrace devices and business device strategies,” noted Carolina Milanesi, research vice president at Gartner, in a statement.

The analyst predicts two-thirds of the mobile workforce will own a smartphone in 2016, and 40 percent of the workforce will be mobile.

On the smartphone side, Gartner is forecasting a win for Android in the enterprise – estimating that more than half (56 percent) of smartphones purchased by businesses in North America and Europe will be Android devices in 2016, up from around a third (34 percent) in 2012 – and virtually no penetration back in 2010.

An analyst trying to predict tech four years from now complete with percentages.

An analyst trying to predict tech four years from now complete with percentages.


Leaving Misek out of the equation - correct her inaccuracies.......... ( I can't, I have a Samsung Galaxy that I barely know how to start up )
Outstanding..... not even 3 weeks on the market, and BBRY says they "are listening" and made some improvements to the OS.

If this is the new attitude of the new BlackBerry, then they are certainly on the right track.

  1. 3rd Party App PerformanceWe’ve improved performance for 3rd party applications, so developers can build apps that run fast and smooth for you. With this update, you might want to keep an eye out for some fresh new app launches in March, like WhatsApp.
  2. Phone, Calendar, and ContactsAmong the top improvements and features are fixes for Gmail calendars on BlackBerry 10. You’ll also find improvements in the BlackBerry Hub for logging calls log and how conversations are handled. We’ve also made general improvements to importing contacts from online sources.
  3. CameraWe’ve optimized the camera for better photos in low-light situations. You’ll love the difference this makes for photos where you don’t use a flash – like the Time Shift Camera feature.
  4. Browser and MediaWith more and more of you using the gorgeous screen on the BlackBerry Z10 to consume online videos and media, we’ve made a number of improvements to the software in the way the browser handles video playback to provide a fantastic experience.
  5. Battery LifeThe software team has included a number of battery life optimizations with over 60 battery saving improvements since launch to keep you moving. These combined improvements are designed so that you see improvements in battery life and heavy users especially should see a longer average usage per charge cycle

If only Android updates moved this quickly. Some phones have been waiting up to 2 years before seeing JellyBean.

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BB uses regular glass. Apple and Samsung are using GG2 with willow glass in their future.

Samsung will probably start wrapping their phones so that the screen goes around the phone to cover the entire front and some (possibly all) of the back, minus the area left for the camera, mic etc.
I've had my Z10 for exactly one week. I have to say, best mobile device I have ever owned. The keyboard is nothing short of ****ing awesome. Dictation works incredibly well. Going from app to app is seamless and way faster than my limited experience with iPhone and Samsung products.

IMHO, this mobile device is a contender.
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