Black Cat's King of the Street Series

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so do we agree its this coming wed.?? can we make it 630/700ish? i have an hour and a half drive.
I think Toronto is most central, i just hope guys will come out or its pointless.
Whos in?
I wouldn't make the meeting either.
As the rules stand now we can't run our Bandit because of the aftermarket block issue,even through it is about the same displacement of alot of the Busa's that will show up?
But rules are rules and I respect that.
We have our B King which will be about a 9.30 - 9.40 bike this year which really would be that competitive for this class.
Will probably focus on the Manufactures Cup series in the US and run Crazy Eights 8.88 or Streetfighter 9.50 classes, both which are index classes and very popular.
Anyway best of luck with the class
I think it would be of everyones best interest to discuss any issues we have here now, but all agree we have a manditory drivers meeting following the first race.
This will allow for rule tweeking etc based on real world results not speculation.
Everyone agree??
My issue with the offsets is that I ordered them before the rules were published, but specifically cleared them with Joe first. He said they were going to be good, so I bought them. The rules were changed to allow $4000 BSTs cause some guys already have them, but the $400 offsets are to expensive a change to allow?

I ordered the triples cause my stickers were twisted and cleared them with the guy responsible for getting the rules out first, why should I eat this? Incidentally, they are not extreme offsets, they're one inch instead of the stock 1.5" and I'm not running BSTs. I'm sure we can agree that if accommodations were made for the rims, I should hardly be out in the cold for a mild offset that was cleared first.
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