Black Cat's King of the Street Series

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Can't wait to see the racing this year with all the bikes coming out and some people getting spank for all the smack talk going on lmfao!!!!! Still wait for that bike to be handed over that will be the show stopper and spilt the winning with the owner, crap the owner can have the winnings I just want the jacket to rub it in joe's face lol!!!
Tait. I know what motor combo you will be running( and no I'm not saying anything about it)

I think you are crazy not to run this class with that combo you got there

You got your chassis working damn good

Now you will have some good hp
Just my thoughts
The wheel base was the finally key to get that to work, but will be testing things at the track and see how it goes!!! If it all good just have to change the wheel base and go from there for the class, yes the payout is great but having joe seeing the a** of my bike the whole way down the track PRICELESS!!!!!
what he said!

Tait. I know what motor combo you will be running( and no I'm not saying anything about it)

I think you are crazy not to run this class with that combo you got there

You got your chassis working damn good

Now you will have some good hp
Just my thoughts
Quiet in here. Joe must be sick or on vacation
bring what you brung and hope you brought enough.......and trust me your not bringing **** cause you dont have the balls to compete. Your a friday night racer you go to the track to impress all the kids with the 600s......give your head a shake TATE
Can't wait to see the racing this year with all the bikes coming out and some people getting spank for all the smack talk going on lmfao!!!!! Still wait for that bike to be handed over that will be the show stopper and spilt the winning with the owner, crap the owner can have the winnings I just want the jacket to rub it in joe's face lol!!!
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Hope you had good holidays joe!!! And think what you will but I have the time in and have proved that I can race, I've beat you and your deep pocket bikes and I'm still there light with a low buget build!!! And when have u raced??? AT THE TRACK???? I know a ball washer like you just talk a lot of crap to the really racer!!! And no your not there yet joe!!! It will give me great pleasure to shut u up when u see the back of a really drag bike, THAT I HAVE WORK ON AND PUT TOGETHER!!!! And no I didn't build my motor!!!! Not saying that I win all the time but when I compete I'm at least closer to the top then u, Just checked and u haven't even compete and no win or even on the points board???? :dontknow:WTF????? So as I see it ur BS and all talk when it comes to a real racer's game at the track!!! C u on race day and mike will see his money for sure!!!! :thumbleft:

P.S. Beers on you when I beat that 1000 bmw, even thou I don't drink that will be the best beer I will have all year!!!!!:occasion5:
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Moderator here. Is this level of smack-talking normal?? It sure isn't in the roadracing world that I'm from. I'd be handing out infractions if this sort of thing happened in a roadracing forum, and I know this thread has been trouble before (but it wasn't me "moderating" it that time).

At this point I'd like to leave this as a friendly "chill out".

(and FWIW I won't be participating in this series because I'm a noob to drag racing and I know for sure I'd have my butt handed to me, I'll be sticking to test-and-tune for now)
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