Biker wanted by police

Just putting this out there but why does the government allow vehicles on the road that can reach 300km/h? I understand you need passing power but once you're over 160km/h (high end) what is the government's justification? I'm not saying there should be governors but I've always wondered why we're given a gun with 6 bullets and only told we can use 1.

LOL... well you ride a 250, so you'll never understand the answer.
LOL... well you ride a 250, so you'll never understand the answer.'re wrong.
I ride a 250 as well and know perfectly well why...can't wait for the day to get my SS....
That dudes a dumb**** but a brave one, pulling **** like that and no **** ups...then again the highway isn't as bad or as crowded as they make it out to be. If it was legit crowded he simply wouldn't be able to go that fast in the first place unless he just just rode on the line.
I bet it was Rossi just ****** about having to ride that ****** duc the rest of the season, and pulled out his Yami for some sunday riding :tongue10:
I backed up the video in case it gets taken down. The guy knows what he's doing, he removed all the meta data from the video before he uploaded it :) Wouldn't be surprised if he went through a VPN to upload it as well.

-Jamie M.
LOL... well you ride a 250, so you'll never understand the answer.

I guess I should have seen that coming. Something tells me though that legislators weren't riding R1s. But since my motorcycle is less than 599cc I don't have the mental capacity to make such inferences. Could someone that rides a litre bike help me out? Or maybe a Honda VTX 1800 rider is the only one with an answer. Please dumb it down to Ninjette level though. Things tend to go over my head.
油井緋色;1771776 said:
Tax dollars hard at work. Why is there not a country where police actually do their job?

Thanks for the interesting read. Makes one think eh?

Anyway, in NZ the Police are much more respected than here. The police dont need to carry guns (yet) as we dont have the Gun Violence that you have here.. and cops tend to be BIG people who are used to hand to hand combat and batons when dealing with violent people. None of this "shoot first" attitude we have here. We also dont have donut shops in NZ :)

anyway back to the thread. That was some crazy riding! The guy was lucky
That guy is lucky he didn't die. What kind of bike was he riding?
I doubt this guy will be caught. I frequent the same bodybuilding website where this was originally posted but people there state that the original poster was just pretending to be the rider. Also, the police dont have any proof as the riders face is never seen on the R1. Its unfortunate but people should learn a lesson from this!
If he isn't the rider but is truly the original poster, they'll be all over him until he tells them where he got the video. If it's the guy that posted it on the body building site - he's none too bright. His photo is still up on his page. Face and...oooohhh...hello, body and all - and he's currently banned which means he can't remove it.
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If he isn't the rider but is truly the original poster, they'll be all over him until he tells them where he got the video. If it's the guy that posted it on the body building site - he's none too bright. His photo is still up on his page. Face and...oooohhh...hello, body and all - and he's currently banned which means he can't remove it.

U aware eh?

Well my point is still, there is no proof that he is the actual rider. He can say person X or Y gave it to him. A good lawyer can have any potential charges on him thrown out with ease.

Meh I dont really care but I'd rather him not get caught. This shouldn't have even surfaced the media that much...negative attention on all us supersports!
Its an 04-06 R1. The 07-08's have small differences, including the silver ring inside the tach. The 09 and newer R1s have a different cluster.
That cluster is exactly the same as the one in my 08 R6, and I know prior to 06 they used a much different cluster!? It must be at least 06+ R1!??! :)

-Jamie M.
you on that dur toronto/gta thread 3.0 brah

If he isn't the rider but is truly the original poster, they'll be all over him until he tells them where he got the video. If it's the guy that posted it on the body building site - he's none too bright. His photo is still up on his page. Face and...oooohhh...hello, body and all - and he's currently banned which means he can't remove it.

U aware eh?

Do any of you even lift?

My outcome prediction of this video: dealerships will sell out of Yamaha R1s.
On my way to work and no time to read through the whole thread. Have they caught this d-bag yet? And do they have that street racing law in BC which allows the cops to crush your vehicle for a certain speed over? I hope they do, and hope this lump gets jailtime.
On my way to work and no time to read through the whole thread. Have they caught this d-bag yet? And do they have that street racing law in BC which allows the cops to crush your vehicle for a certain speed over? I hope they do, and hope this lump gets jailtime.

Look at everyone getting so ****** off. Its not like the cops are goin to eff you for this guys actions. If YOU just obey the traffic laws YOU'LL be fine.

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