Bike with Less Character

The compression ratios are almost the same. 11.2:1 for the 650; 11.3:1 for the 1000.

It's not always about compression ratio. Cylinder filling and cylinder temperatures can make a big difference. The 2014+DL1000 was tuned for more torque at lower revs so has a greater need for higher octane. The
DL650's are tuned for more midrange and up torque.

Btw my DL1050 is tuned more like the 650's so feels more sporty to me than the 2014+DL1000's. But still rated for 90+ octane.

Fort gen DL1000's ran on regular. 2014+DL1000 want 90+.

In Newfoundland and Labrador only 87 octane wass available in a lot of places. On my 2015 DL1000 it ran fine on regular but I made effort to avoid using higher throttle settings at lower reve so as to avoid detonation.

Hey Tom you gonna make it out to some burger meet ups this year? Would like to hear more about your experiences with this bike.
With modern engine management computers, they normally just pull timing if lower octane fuel is used. You lose a few hp but don't hurt anything. Some manufacturers use premium to get higher hp numbers for marketing but only require regular. Tiny text lets you know that regular is safe but may affect performance.
While this is true for cars, very few bikes have the knock sensors to make this work. And apparently some of those that do still don't tolerate low octance octane fuel as well as they should

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While this is true for cars, very few bikes have the knock sensors to make this work. And apparently some of those that do still don't tolerate low octance fuel as well as they should

Hey, that's me! :D

The curious is thing is that on the 12GS, which has a knock sensor, I'd get pinging.
On the EXC-500, which doesn't have a knock sensor, it would just bog. No pinging.

Octane booster = not snake oil

Bike ran like a rocket ship for one tank full, and then back to sh!tty Mexican gas misrepresenting itself as high octane. :(
Shane, I've always considered you a man of fine taste. Apparently, I'm mistaken?

What's not to like? It's a thing of beauty!

That actually looks less bad, because the kickstand is pretty long, so it looks like the bike is pretty upright. Many bikes have a more pronounced lean when on the kickstand, so the other side of the bike is the only one worth capturing in a pic. Otherwise the pic is of a bike leaning towards the camera which looks silly. What's it look like from the other side?

I'm not sure I have fine taste in bikes though... having owned a KLR and a few Vstroms. At least I never owned a Suzuki Savage, so there's that.
Hey Tom you gonna make it out to some burger meet ups this year? Would like to hear more about your experiences with this bike.

I'd like to but can't see that I could until after I come back from my daughter's wedding in Calgary. Maybe mid or towards the end of September if you guys are still at it.

I spoke with Adam at Studio a week or two ago. He has a blue '23 available to test ride:


Do it!

P.S. Does that look okay, @shanekingsley?
snazzy, +1 for Adam and Studio Cycle. Did not end up purchasing from them but he made every attempt to throw me the keys to demo various models.
Hey guys bit of an update.

Completed the first service. So the break in is almost complete. I can't rev past 7k right now, but honest I haven't needed to.

Took a longsh ride over to Prince Edward yesterday. Prince Edward point Bird Observatory - no birds around!
prince edward point.jpg
Yes side cases finally arrived.

Some things I need to address.
- wind - have a windshield in mind hopefully that fixes it
- seat - it sucks, after soo many hours I'm beat
- gps - had to redirect a few times because of construction and was kinda lost.
- more lighting for at night - I had so much light on the HD I never used the high beams, hi beams on this doesn't do much.

Mileage is awesome, I can get 450 k a tank. Well I think it's good compared to the HD, not sure about other vStroms.

I could use some help with chain maintenance, never had to before and something the dealer pointed out which should be done after it rains, and dirty conditions. Recommended this Ipone products. Any tips etc would be helpful.
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