Hey guys bit of an update.
Completed the first service. So the break in is almost complete. I can't rev past 7k right now, but honest I haven't needed to.
Took a longsh ride over to Prince Edward yesterday. Prince Edward point Bird Observatory - no birds around!

Yes side cases finally arrived.
Some things I need to address.
- wind - have a windshield in mind hopefully that fixes it
- seat - it sucks, after soo many hours I'm beat
- gps - had to redirect a few times because of construction and was kinda lost.
- more lighting for at night - I had so much light on the HD I never used the high beams, hi beams on this doesn't do much.
Mileage is awesome, I can get 450 k a tank. Well I think it's good compared to the HD, not sure about other vStroms.
I could use some help with chain maintenance, never had to before and something the dealer pointed out which should be done after it rains, and dirty conditions. Recommended this Ipone products. Any tips etc would be helpful.