Dropped off $400 more today.
I'm glad I gave the guy a chance. He is paying me as he can.
Sent from my my mobile using a strange app for damaged people
Sweet. Counterintuitive but sweet.:angel11:
Dropped off $400 more today.
I'm glad I gave the guy a chance. He is paying me as he can.
Sent from my my mobile using a strange app for damaged people
This one was in a parking lot, so I guess technically would have been 50/50 at fault. The first one was on a road and 100% my fault.
Have you stopped for a minute and asked yourself why exactly you are doing a favour for this guy?
What has he ever done for you, other than run your bike over?
The only way I would ever accept cash in an accident is if there was some way I could be considered even slightly at fault by the insurance company. If I wasn't even in/on the parked vehicle, insurance all the way.
Its called courtesy, But that seems to go out the window once people get in their vehicles. I bet your the type that speeds up at merging lanes to block people from getting on the highway to......
OP, Glad to hear it's working out!
How are the repairs coming along?
Waiting on parts!
Sent from my my mobile using a strange app for damaged people
Its called courtesy, But that seems to go out the window once people get in their vehicles. I bet your the type that speeds up at merging lanes to block people from getting on the highway to......
Courtesy for for someone who just ran over your bike?
Yes, do you think he did it on purpose?
If so, why did he stick around and not take off?
Its called an accident for a reason.
And most decent people will give the opportunity for someone to right their wrong.
My bike got backed over a couple years ago and the guy askede to get a quote and if he could he wild pay, I got my quote, he said he couldn't afford it and thanked me and told me to go through his insurance.
Not one problem I encountered and if put in the same situation I would do it again.
Everyone has their own opinions, some put themselves first and some like to help others out.
in the end, it was an accident, not a malicious act, give people the chance to do the right thing if they want, just make sure you cover your ass.
Sent from my HTC One S using Tapatalk
Decide fast. The law says if you don't report an accident within X amount of time you are a hardened felon. It's 24 hours for collision centre or 48 hours for the police.
Yes, do you think he did it on purpose?
If so, why did he stick around and not take off?
Its called an accident for a reason.
And most decent people will give the opportunity for someone to right their wrong.
My bike got backed over a couple years ago and the guy askede to get a quote and if he could he wild pay, I got my quote, he said he couldn't afford it and thanked me and told me to go through his insurance.
Not one problem I encountered and if put in the same situation I would do it again.
Everyone has their own opinions, some put themselves first and some like to help others out.
in the end, it was an accident, not a malicious act, give people the chance to do the right thing if they want, just make sure you cover your ***.
Sent from my HTC One S using Tapatalk
油井緋色;2160386 said:For every person like you and the one that hit your bike, there are 10 others willing to run away.
I understand everyone should be given a clean slate but it's very difficult given how most people are complete jerks.