Best dual sport or something along those lines?

Either one would be fine. You can get the sm model, pick up some dirt wheels and have the best of both worlds. That's what I did. I eventually sold my sm wheels cause they were collecting dust in the garage.

The drzs wheels bolt right on to the sm. I'm not sure if the wr is the same in that aspect.

Either the wr or DRZ in either configuration would work for what you want. Each one does a little better than the other in different categories. Neither really stands out. If buying used, pick the one you get the best deal on.

Unfortunately, one can't just put the factory WR250R dirt wheels onto a factory WR250X supermoto because the WRX250X has a bigger front caliper/rotor combo than its WR250R dirt counterpart.

I narrowed my decision down to either a DRZ or a WR.

I was after a year round travel bike that might see high altitudes at some point in her tenure.

The lack of a 6th gear, FI, less agility in singletrack (so I've read; not personal experience) and inadequate alternator output for heated gear on the DRZ made my choice apparent.

No bike is anywhere even remotely close to perfect however the WR won this showdown for me... I do wish it had DRZ torque levels at low revs though...
So, should I be looking for a DRZ400S, then, or SM?? I always wanted the SM, as well... but, is it as good in the woods?? I might have like 5-10% woods riding, max.. the best I am going to be able to do for the most part, is ride down where rail road tracks have been tore out. Some longer stretches obviously, probably riding smart would be a 70-90kph pace on the long parts. I really don't care what I am riding in terms of looking cool... I just want to pick the best machine, more or less.

I might also use this bike to do a long haul, down to Indianapolis or something, if we decide to ride to the GP this year. No way I'm doing that on the R6.

I rode my R6 down to Indianapolis last year for the MotoGP......definitely not the most comfortable trip!
I rode my R6 down to Indianapolis last year for the MotoGP......definitely not the most comfortable trip!

Yeah, I've gone a couple times and driving is the way! Maybe trailering the bikes this year
Unfortunately, one can't just put the factory WR250R dirt wheels onto a factory WR250X supermoto because the WRX250X has a bigger front caliper/rotor combo than its WR250R dirt counterpart.

The DRZ is the same way. Couldn't you just use the larger rotor off of the SM front wheel?

That's what you do when swapping DRZS wheels onto the SM.
Matt220 has an 07 drz sm in the classifieds, 12k nice farkles $4600 obo. Paging Ajaxguy...

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I see this thread hasn't ejaculated yet...

You guys are great at helping to shopping for bikes. Can I use you all when I'm ready to buy my dual sport/sm in a few weeks? I promise to be just as picky and then buy something completely different.
I see this thread hasn't ejaculated yet...

You guys are great at helping to shopping for bikes. Can I use you all when I'm ready to buy my dual sport/sm in a few weeks? I promise to be just as picky and then buy something completely different.

Done deal, what's your first choice? Want us to look for....

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I see this thread hasn't ejaculated yet...

You guys are great at helping to shopping for bikes. Can I use you all when I'm ready to buy my dual sport/sm in a few weeks? I promise to be just as picky and then buy something completely different.
And then lowball the **** out of sellers and call them "out to lunch" when they say no.
Done deal, what's your first choice? Want us to look for....

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Ajax and I have the exact same wants and needs and tastes in bikes.
This is not a troll. Repeat. This is not a troll.
I like the KLX 250 SM cause it was the only SM I could fit on, but it seems to be the #1 choice for punk kids to completely destroy and put gay *** stickers all over.
Then you all turned me on to the WR250X, but I never see them for sale and under $4000.
So that being said...$4000 is the budget, I want to commute, trail ride and take to Deals Gap.

Easy, on kijiji right now-
05drz 18k black $3800 Sudbury

07 22k blue $4000 Markham/York

Or check out matt220 bike in the classifieds here on GTAM,
07 12k black really nice pipe and other extras, $4600 negotiable

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I forgot to mention I don't have money until I finish my tax return. Still a few weeks away.
If I were a buyer today, I would grab one of the DRZ Sms that are on Kijiji (Matt220 bike looks awesome to me) but what I would be most tempted by is this KTM in Ottawa. Hell on wheels!
If I were a buyer today, I would grab one of the DRZ Sms that are on Kijiji (Matt220 bike looks awesome to me) but what I would be most tempted by is this KTM in Ottawa. Hell on wheels!

Those aren't as high strung as the race type motors. (ie: 525, 530, etc) More of a dual-sport engine. Definitely not worth the asking price in that ad. I almost bought one brand new in 04 but opted for the Z1000 instead. IIRC it was listed at about $9000 at the time.

I'm not really sure why people think their 10 year old dual-sports are worth so much. 2004s were listed for a similar price 5 years ago. :confused:
Yeah, jump on that. You can always eBay a set of sm wheels if you wanted. Good deal.

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Yeah, jump on that. You can always eBay a set of sm wheels if you wanted. Good deal.

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ya exactly...for that price I could buy the sm wheels and still have a better deal then buying local
Plus you can wheelie all the way home!
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