Backlash for comments

If he 'advertises' his employer on his FB page (as he obviously did since that is how she found out where he worked) then any comments he makes there can be deemed as representative of the company as well. The company was well within their rights IMO to fire him. My guess is that the company has some policy stating that any use of their name/logo etc on personal social media is either forbidden or covered under the 'you represent the company so behave' type of thing.
Just because it's the internet, it doesn't mean that there shouldn't be consequences for your words. I can tell you with 100% certainty that my employer would do the same thing to me, no hesitation whatsoever. But then again I don't say horrible things like that *anywhere*, and I certainly don't list my employer on my FB page.

People think that they are invincible behind their keyboards. Apparently, he thought he would "stir the pot" and try a "social experiment" with his comment:

Or maybe he's just a **** head, and got called on it.
pathetic....****ing nanny state where if your comment insults someone it ruins your life...As much as i hate what the guy wrote and think that hes a piece of **** for it, i defend his right to free speech and voicing his opinion. Whats next, some bubble wrapped nosy busy person decides that white cars insult her because you're not supposed to wear white after labour day and starts a campaign to ban all white painted cars? Sure, an extreme example but its a slippery slope.

Chances are, no matter what you say you're gonna insult or offend SOMEONE SOMEWHERE....Look where caving in has brought us... A white person cant criticize a colour work ethic or behaviour without automatically being called a bigot and racist, even though their skin COLOUR has NOTHING to do with the issue at hand.

Bah...we're screwed as a society.
One dead white female teenager and the world loses their collective minds.

The issue is bigger than one dead white girl. It has to do with bullying, sexual exploitation of a teenager, and our collective behaviour on the internet. I was happy to hear that Anonymous tracked down the 30 year old ****** who started all this. And every jackazz who thinks they can say whatever they please online is getting a wake up call.

Guess what, karma is a b!tch.
pathetic....****ing nanny state where if your comment insults someone it ruins your life...As much as i hate what the guy wrote and think that hes a piece of **** for it, i defend his right to free speech and voicing his opinion.

Of course you should be free to voice your mind. But you don't live in a "bubble." The world then has the option of reacting to your comments, especially if your comments ruined someone else's life.
The issue is bigger than one dead white girl. It has to do with bullying, sexual exploitation of a teenager, and our collective behaviour on the internet. I was happy to hear that Anonymous tracked down the 30 year old ****** who started all this. And every jackazz who thinks they can say whatever they please online is getting a wake up call.

Guess what, karma is a b!tch.

i agree 100%
The issue is bigger than one dead white girl. It has to do with bullying, sexual exploitation of a teenager, and our collective behaviour on the internet. I was happy to hear that Anonymous tracked down the 30 year old ****** who started all this. And every jackazz who thinks they can say whatever they please online is getting a wake up call.

Guess what, karma is a b!tch.

Like one of the females here posted in another thread, although bullying was a huge factor her inability to deal with stress and depression or possibly the drugs she was one led to the suicide as well. People reached out and tried to help a month ago after she posted the video but it didn't help.
Of course you should be free to voice your mind. But you don't live in a "bubble." The world then has the option of reacting to your comments, especially if your comments ruined someone else's life.

The Idiots comments didnt ruin anyones life. The comments just chaffed someones vajajay because it didnt follow in the steps of the masses. How dare he express his opinion? I ask you again, some busybody decides that wearing red socks on white shoes is offensive to them and their sense of fashion, walks up to you and demands you take them off....A normal person would laugh and point at them and walk away and chalk them up to the idiots of the world. The internet nannies would ***** and cry and try to get the other person fired for offending them, setup counselling sessions and groups.

Take away the emotional knee jerk reaction and THINK with your head what precedent curtailing someones opinion that doesnt jive with yours has on the greater scale of society.
One dead white female teenager and the world loses their collective minds.

I think this is a repost but:
One dead white female teenager and the world loses their collective minds.

Not my words in the pic, just saying that people pick and choose on how they would have helped all without every getting out from behind the keyboard.

Remember Kony anyone...... What happened there, everyone was on board and the only thing that happened was the founder of it got rich and decided to masterbate on the side of the street...

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Take away the emotional knee jerk reaction and THINK with your head what precedent curtailing someones opinion that doesnt jive with yours has on the greater scale of society.

Curtailing someone's opinion? Who's suggesting that? By all means, have your opinion. Shout it from the rooftops, on the the Internet, or wherever. But be prepared to defend your opinion when someone of consequence in your life takes offence. Otherwise you're just a coward hiding behind the Internet.

You keep talking about knee jerk reactions and nanny states, but it sounds like you want a world where you can just say whatever you please and the rest of society has to smile, shake our heads and walk away. No, a busy body old lady on the Internet has every right to rat you out to your boss, tell your wife, or hold you accountable in some shape or form.

If you mean what you say then you should have no problem being held accountable for it.
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And the plot thickens. Any articles to back up the claim that she masturbated on cam, did it multiple times for different people, etc.? Wouldn't surprise me if it was true but I'd like to see some proof.

That would be illegal anywhere outside of Japan :P

I mentioned it was not my words just stating people pick and choose who they want to feel bad for.
Just read what you wrote and you will see the parallels between an e-thug who hides behind a keyboard and the busy body lady on the internet. Neither had to face the person they attacked. The busy body lady was just as pathetic as the original idiot by circumventing him, not sending HIM a message and telling him that shes insulted by it, but went for a low blow....Went to his boss and snitched, ratted, told, whatever to his boss, who has nothing to do with the guy in the first place because she knew she can hurt him back that way. How is that different from blackmail? or what the original pedo did to the girl?

Curtailing someone's opinion? Who's suggesting that? By all means, have your opinion. Shout it from the rooftops, on the the Internet, or wherever. But be prepared to defend your opinion when someone of consequence in your life takes offence. Otherwise you're just a coward hiding behind the Internet.

You keep talking about knee jerk reactions and nanny states, but it sounds like you want a world where you can just say whatever you please and the rest of society has to smile, shake our heads and walk away. No, a busy body old lady on the Internet has every right to rat you out to your boss, tell your wife, or hold you accountable in some shape or form.

If you mean what you say then you should have no problem being held accountable for it.
It's kind of funny how the whole "being held accountable for what you write online" thing doesn't apply to the good stuff either huh? All the people saying they support this or that cause, post up some "awareness" statuses on facebook, etc. but than do absolutely nothing in real life to support the causes........should they be held accountable for being frauds just to look like upstanding citizens online?
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