Are you switching to Windows 11?


Well-known member
Windows 10 is EOL in Oct 2025 and if you have an older computer, Windows 11 will not load on that.
- Keep the older computer, make a couple of registry hacks and backdoor load Windows 11.
The problem with this is that the updates may fail and the whole point of getting to Windows 11 is to continue to get the updates.
- Buy a new computer that has Windows 11.
If you have the cash, yes.
Be aware that to future proof your purchase you will need to buy a computer with the Intel "Ultra" processor or the AMD equivalent and these machines are not cheap.
- Discard this Windows cashgrab and switch to a Mac or Linux.
Buying a Mac will lock you into the Apple ecosystem and it's attendant costs.
Switching to a Linux laptop (for me) is the next viable option. The issue with this is hardware drivers. There is a work around and this needs a bit of technical knowledge and command line skills.

Which option is your pick?
BTW, I found it far easier to load Linux vs Windows 11.
Windows 10 is EOL in Oct 2025 and if you have an older computer, Windows 11 will not load on that.
- Keep the older computer, make a couple of registry hacks and backdoor load Windows 11.
The problem with this is that the updates may fail and the whole point of getting to Windows 11 is to continue to get the updates.
- Buy a new computer that has Windows 11.
If you have the cash, yes.
Be aware that to future proof your purchase you will need to buy a computer with the Intel "Ultra" processor or the AMD equivalent and these machines are not cheap.
- Discard this Windows cashgrab and switch to a Mac or Linux.
Buying a Mac will lock you into the Apple ecosystem and it's attendant costs.
Switching to a Linux laptop (for me) is the next viable option. The issue with this is hardware drivers. There is a work around and this needs a bit of technical knowledge and command line skills.

Which option is your pick?
BTW, I found it far easier to load Linux vs Windows 11.
There's a huge base of W-10 still in use. I heard some speculation about the cut off being rethought.
Windows 10 is EOL in Oct 2025 and if you have an older computer, Windows 11 will not load on that.
- Keep the older computer, make a couple of registry hacks and backdoor load Windows 11.
The problem with this is that the updates may fail and the whole point of getting to Windows 11 is to continue to get the updates.
- Buy a new computer that has Windows 11.
If you have the cash, yes.
Be aware that to future proof your purchase you will need to buy a computer with the Intel "Ultra" processor or the AMD equivalent and these machines are not cheap.
- Discard this Windows cashgrab and switch to a Mac or Linux.
Buying a Mac will lock you into the Apple ecosystem and it's attendant costs.
Switching to a Linux laptop (for me) is the next viable option. The issue with this is hardware drivers. There is a work around and this needs a bit of technical knowledge and command line skills.

Which option is your pick?
BTW, I found it far easier to load Linux vs Windows 11.
I have been using the cheap mini computers all solid state come with 11 and at 2-300 not a big deal if need replacement,aps,362&sr=8-3
We have 9 or 10 of ones like this a work cheap and fast for business or normal computing.

Sent from my Pixel 5 using Tapatalk
Discard this Windows cashgrab and switch to a Mac
This made me laugh. In all honesty though, if you do any sort of banking etc online you need the security patches so will have to buy a new rig. There is a lot of cheap options around both new and refurbished thesedays as long as your not a gamer.
I dont get why a lot of these software vendors feel the need to keep releasing newer versions of what already works well.
I'd have been more than happy to keep using Windows 7 lol. Only reason I upgraded was because some of the newer games preferred a later version of Windows.
I just put 11 on a computer. It was relatively painless. I think it's a bit worse but not a huge downgrade. On another computer I am running 10 and haven't checked to see if I can upgrade to 11. I think I will be able to with virtual security in the bios. Laptops are running 8.1 or 10. They get used for work but nothing financial. I don't plan on those going to 11.

As for Mac, I've been there done that and have no expectation of going back. They work well when working but if you piss them off I found them far harder to get working again and a spare Mac is almost a requirement to fix many issues. I still have one that is the most expensive computer I will ever buy (~12k iirc). lives beside the bike in the basement.

I've played with Linux but never used it as a daily driver. I have it running on some raspberry pi's used for control/automation.

For work I need some software that is windows only. Sure I could install it under an emulator but thats the worst of all worlds.
Agree with GG's comments.
- To "backdoor" WIN 11, you will have to make changes in the BIOS as well as make a couple of registry hacks.
The "backdoor" version will not accept the WIN 11 update to 24H2.
- The WIN 11 installation is painless but the post installation updates were not so.
- Linux, as a daily driver is eminently useable (emphasis on "daily driver").
The installation was quicker than WIN 11 and the subsequent updates were smooth.
Even on a 10 year old laptop, the software response times were no less.
- AI is becoming part of WIN 11 and yes you can load WIN 11 on older/cheaper computers, but then those processors will possibly stumble when running AI enabled CPU instructions.
My laptop is not that old but just failed to make the cutoff for Windows 11 (it's a Ryzen 2500U). Undecided as to what I'm going to do with it... I certainly don't like Windows 11, my desktop PC is compatible with it just fine but I'm not using it yet. There is actually one more option, by the way. Microsoft is going to allow you to purchase one extra year of security support & updates for Windows 10, for a cost of $30 USD.
There's a huge base of W-10 still in use. I heard some speculation about the cut off being rethought.
Microsoft is not going to back down from this, I guarantee it. They are jumping up and down in excitement at the enormous albatross of old hardware they are no longer going to have to care about. I don't fault them for that, the only issue is where they drew the line, and why.
I dont get why a lot of these software vendors feel the need to keep releasing newer versions of what already works well.
I'd have been more than happy to keep using Windows 7 lol. Only reason I upgraded was because some of the newer games preferred a later version of Windows.
Oddly for a Luddite I have four computers and an iPhone. My W-7 does most of the work but no longer accesses my emails due to a change in outlook. My daughter thought I needed an Apple so bought me a MacBook Air. My limited brain wants to think PC but I'm typing this on the Mac because the W-7 won't fit on my lap.

Since my virus protection wouldn't update on the W-7 I bought a bare bones W-11 laptop for financials. It doesn't surf the net, respond to clickbait, isn't linked to other computers. It doesn't have MS Office, hopefully virus resistant.

I bought a used W-10 really cheap to learn more, figuring it could save my W-7 from an errant key meltdown. I finally found out why it was so slow and did the Windows key + R thing and flushed a bunch of stuff down the cyber toilet. I have to move some data from W-7 and it becomes the workhorse. The W-7 will become obsolete, replaced by the W-10 once I get used to the layouts.

I added cheap ram and am uninstalling programs I don't use. I don't game.

The computer industry is incestuous with software, hardware and programmers trying to one up the field.

My favourite car was a 1967 Dodge Monaco 500 two door hardtop. I would love to have that car back but with air bags, air conditioning, disk brakes, radial tires and radial tuned suspension, power windows and door locks. I would also want modern rust protection.

It's all doable but the cost is impractical so I drive a 2018 Hyundai with all that stuff for less than the cost of the modernized 1967 Dodge. Adding crash protection would be a NASA project.

An old computer is the same.
The computer industry is incestuous with software, hardware and programmers trying to one up the field.

That is another thing that upsets me. All this software end up becoming so resource hungry that eventually the average person is forced into another hardware upgrade! :mad:
I am holding off on windows 11 until I really need to. My computer can run it just fine, I have an install of it on a spare partition for testing. I just don't like it. Plus MS blatant over the top data scraping and inserting distractions and other efforts to sign up for all kinds of crap.
I'll wait and see if the deadline holds for Win10.
That is another thing that upsets me. All this software end up becoming so resource hungry that eventually the average person is forced into another hardware upgrade! :mad:
Once upon a time you could run Windows with 2GB RAM, the latest iteration requires 16GB RAM.
Linux requires less, you can get away with 4 GB to 8 GB RAM.

That being said there is a reason why most companies operate their IT on Linux based platforms - stability and inherent security.
That being said there is a reason why most companies operate their IT on Linux based platforms - stability and inherent security.
Well and free licenses also helps.
That is another thing that upsets me. All this software end up becoming so resource hungry that eventually the average person is forced into another hardware upgrade! :mad:
As capacity inceased websites started using mega capacity to have fan fare sign ins. All one needs is the name. i had Windows 3 and dial up access. Then people started sending me pictures. Text was OK . I could go on vacation waiting for a video to download.
As capacity inceased websites started using mega capacity to have fan fare sign ins. All one needs is the name. i had Windows 3 and dial up access. Then people started sending me pictures. Text was OK . I could go on vacation waiting for a video to download.
We've lost all of the art of optimization and moved onto excess with no limit. I remember in dialup days where you wouldn't have an image of a line, you would have a single pixel and stretch it to width. Looked the same but was hundreds of times smaller. Now there are stupid videos auto-playing that convey nothing useful.
Don't understand why there is an issue with financials on a Mac.
Every Intel Mac will run PC software natively ( The M series will not )
There are lots of decent 2015 and earlier Intel Macs about that will run MacOS, Windows and Linux natively. Don't know why people put up with the MS crap, viruses etc.
None of that on Unix, Linix or MacOS.

GreyGhost what have you lurking in your basement ?
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