...are being asked to stay away from terms like Mr., Mrs., father and mother

^ I think you're right
all romance languages have a masculine/feminine structure IIRC
would extremely difficult, and face much opposition, to change that

Thanks to Liberals, Canada has become world's laughing stock!

Reaction to the move was swift, with opposition politicians ridiculing the agency’s directive. "Their priorities are way out of whack," Conservative MP Larry Miller told reporters on Wednesday. “[It's] totally ridiculous. I have a mother and I have a father. Anybody out there, even if you were born through a surrogate, you still have a mother and a father biologically... We all have a mother and a father. That's all I have to say.”
Bloc Quebecois MP Louis Plamondon suggested the move was a slippery slope, saying: “Should we stop talking about the 'black market'? Should we ban that? Should we also ban the term 'whitewashing'? This is all very philosophical, isn't it?”
Rheal Fortin, an independent MP, joked: “I almost want to say I’m glad they don’t have any bigger problems than that at Service Canada.” "
No, you’re claiming the sky is falling when the article explains it isn’t. Hysterics.

Did i say the sky is falling?
Nope. I said service Canada has been told to stop using honorific terms like Mr, Mrs and even terms like mother and father to be gender neutral.
And that's exactly what the article said. In quotations from CBC.
If you have a problem with that information, contact CBC, i didnt write that article, i just cited it and yes, it's all there. The link is still live

Thanks to Liberals, Canada has become world's laughing stock!

Reaction to the move was swift, with opposition politicians ridiculing the agency’s directive. "Their priorities are way out of whack," Conservative MP Larry Miller told reporters on Wednesday. “[It's] totally ridiculous. I have a mother and I have a father. Anybody out there, even if you were born through a surrogate, you still have a mother and a father biologically... We all have a mother and a father. That's all I have to say.”
Bloc Quebecois MP Louis Plamondon suggested the move was a slippery slope, saying: “Should we stop talking about the 'black market'? Should we ban that? Should we also ban the term 'whitewashing'? This is all very philosophical, isn't it?”
Rheal Fortin, an independent MP, joked: “I almost want to say I’m glad they don’t have any bigger problems than that at Service Canada.” "

its more sad than funny IMO
you do know what RT is I hope?

I do. and even THEY are laughing at us.
That's next level embaressing
But it's not just them. Try telling most people around the world (pick a country) that our government believes in 50 genders like Xer and Xe and is scrapping the words mother and father, Mr, and Mrs and see what kind of reaction you get.
Our government has lost it's grasp on the real world and is now on some kind of a bad trip, spiralling towards lunacy and dragging us all down with it
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How about we leave the lunatic circle jerk alone?

You can’t reason with someone who didn’t use reason to form their opinion in the first place.
This is just avoiding a tying off loose ends to avoid a scandal in the future and have the gov't pointed at as archaic or using outmoded language. It's basic risk mitigation.

What is it to you anyway? It's a small convenience offered to a group that may be reasonably or unreasonably sensitive to this kind of stuff. It has absolutely 0 bearing on your life. The reason Conservative MPs bring this crap up is cuz it gets the right wing's panties in a knot with a 100% success rate. Apparently the conservatives have solved all other problems and they're now focusing on whether people in government are too polite.

Why so butthurt?
This is just avoiding a tying off loose ends to avoid a scandal in the future and have the gov't pointed at as archaic or using outmoded language. It's basic risk mitigation.

What is it to you anyway? It's a small convenience offered to a group that may be reasonably or unreasonably sensitive to this kind of stuff. It has absolutely 0 bearing on your life. The reason Conservative MPs bring this crap up is cuz it gets the right wing's panties in a knot with a 100% success rate. Apparently the conservatives have solved all other problems and they're now focusing on whether people in government are too polite.

Why so butthurt?

And apparently no matter how hard the liberals ride some. How much they force their values on them. No matter how far they creep into people's private lives and how overtly they try to force speech on people while taking away their freedom on many fronts... Some will just take it with a smile and wonder why others are concerned!
While this does indeed affect the entire nation since we are all Mr, Mrs, Mothers, Fathers and ... minus a very small population, its not just about this move.
This is a continuation of them forcing their belief on us. Look ups bill C-16, Look up motion M-103. it is now illegal in Canada for anyone to argue that there are only two genders! The Liberals are telling us that there all all kinds of made up genders and if one refuses to live in their lunacy, they can legally come after you and penalize you upto $200,000 which means bankruptcy for many. Just for using the wrong pronoun! This government is more and more shoving what IT believes is the right way down everyones throats and is making us think and speak they way they like! Stripping us of our individuality and forcing us to have all conform!

If that's not a wake up call for you, then i dont know what would be.
I guess some of us are just better at recognizing patterns/red flags/writing on the wall and seeing the big picture than others.
And apparently no matter how hard the liberals ride some. How much they force their values on them. No matter how far they creep into people's private lives and how overtly they try to force speech on people while taking away their freedom on many fronts... Some will just take it with a smile and wonder why others are concerned!
While this does indeed affect the entire nation since we are all Mr, Mrs, Mothers, Fathers and ... minus a very small population, its not just about this move.
This is a continuation of them forcing their belief on us. Look ups bill C-16, Look up motion M-103. it is now illegal in Canada for anyone to argue that there are only two genders! The Liberals are telling us that there all all kinds of made up genders and if one refuses to live in their lunacy, they can legally come after you and penalize you upto $200,000 which means bankruptcy for many. Just for using the wrong pronoun! This government is more and more shoving what IT believes is the right way down everyones throats and is making us think and speak they way they like! Stripping us of our individuality and forcing us to have all conform!

If that's not a wake up call for you, then i dont know what would be.
I guess some of us are just better at recognizing patterns/red flags/writing on the wall and seeing the big picture than others.

People are forcing you to conform by asking you what you want to be called? That's news to me and a hell of a way to get people to conform. You can just say "Mr. Whatever"

I also don't need to google any of the crap you just said; you don't need to be a lawyer to know you won't get fined $200k for using the wrong pronoun. As someone pointed out before, you're hysterical.
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I asked an old GF if they were changing the name of Her province to Persontoba. She was not amused
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People are forcing you to conform by asking you what you want to be called? That's news to me and a hell of a way to get people to conform. You can just say "Mr. Whatever"

I also don't need to google any of the crap you just said; you don't need to be a lawyer to know you won't get fined $200k for using the wrong pronoun. As someone pointed out before, you're hysterical.

Bill C-16 criminalizes the use of the wrong pronoun! Is that hard to understand? If you refuse to call someone Zir or Ze or whatever crazy creature they believ ethey are, they can now take you to court and have you charged! Maybe do a little research. Im not responsible for your ignorance. Wilful or not. Not all of us like to bury our heads in the sand, sing kumbaya and pretend everything is rainbows and rose. Read the law! It passed!

That is compelled speech. The government is forcing you to use a certain language. Is that hard to understand?

You can read correct? Read the article below


"Service Canada's front-line staff must now 'use gender-neutral language or gender-inclusive language,' according to a directive obtained by CBC/Radio-Canada"

You understand what the word 'MUST' means no?

This is not some right wing blog! It's from the CBC! But hey. It's all hysteria ;)
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Bill C-16 criminalizes the use of the wrong pronoun! Is that hard to understand? If you refuse to call someone Zir or Ze or whatever crazy creature they believ ethey are, they can now take you to court and have you charged! Maybe do a little research. Im not responsible for your ignorance. Wilful or not. Not all of us like to bury our heads in the sand, sing kumbaya and pretend everything is rainbows and rose. Read the law! It passed!

That is compelled speech. The government is forcing you to use a certain language. Is that hard to understand?

You can read correct? Read the article below


"Service Canada's front-line staff must now 'use gender-neutral language or gender-inclusive language,' according to a directive obtained by CBC/Radio-Canada"

You understand what the word 'MUST' means no?

This is not some right wing blog! It's from the CBC! But hey. It's all hysteria ;)

Lol, yes I can read. We're on a text based forum communicating with each other.

It's a directive for how Government staff are to treat their clients. Which is normal; any boss sets policies for how clients are to be treated, the same way Walmart won't keep you around if you refer to a woman as "he" if she keeps telling you she's a woman. You're representing an entity that wants to portray itself as inclusive, as is well within their rights, so you will either comply with their policy or seek employment elsewhere. Nobody is legally compelling you to speak in a particular way at home or in your day to day life.

So yeah, what you're saying absolutely is hysteria.

For someone so snarky, your reading comprehension is garbage. Calm yourself down, have a cup of cocoa, and go outside sniff the roses for a bit. Nobody is oppressing you by asking you how you want to be called.
Bill C-16 is not
nor will it ever be
part of the Criminal Code

I think I have to be done with this stupidity
the butthurt from right wing snow flakes is no longer amusing
go shoot something guys, it'll make you feel better
Lol, yes I can read. We're on a text based forum communicating with each other.

It's a directive for how Government staff are to treat their clients. Which is normal; any boss sets policies for how clients are to be treated, the same way Walmart won't keep you around if you refer to a woman as "he" if she keeps telling you she's a woman. You're representing an entity that wants to portray itself as inclusive, as is well within their rights, so you will either comply with their policy or seek employment elsewhere. Nobody is legally compelling you to speak in a particular way at home or in your day to day life.

So yeah, what you're saying absolutely is hysteria.

For someone so snarky, your reading comprehension is garbage. Calm yourself down, have a cup of cocoa, and go outside sniff the roses for a bit. Nobody is oppressing you by asking you how you want to be called.

Few points. First of all, this is not about referring to a women when the person is a man or vice versa. I have no porblem calling a woman a woman, a man a man and even a transgeder person by what they prefer to be addressed by. Im fine iwth all of that. This is about 50 made up genders that are just that, made up. If a man wants me to call them a giraffe and i dont because it makes no sense, then that should be between me and that person and government should have no role intervening and telling me to shut my brain and pretend that man is a giraffe. And if you think my use of giraffe is going too far, take a look at the list of accepted genders that exist in Canada according to the government. A giraffe is the most realistic.

And Walmart is a private company and can write it's own policy. Canadian government works for people and gets paid by people. We also have a charter of rights which protects our right to free speech. Which SHOULD mean that no one is forced to call a man a giraffe because the government said so. Until Bill C-16.

And furthermore, if you're making the point that like Walmart, government has rules and you either comply or leave, then what's the difference between Canada and Saudi Arabia or any other dictatorship from that point of view?
All those countries have laws that many of us, including you (im assuming) are against. Like women not being able to drive or go shopping without a man. They can say hey, this is our law, love it or leave it right?
They are tyrannical governments and dictators that would love what you just said. This is my rule, dont question it or else youre history! Do you see the similarities? Just because a government is in power, doesnt mean they should be able to pass any nonsensical law without a challenge. Specially in a democracy.
So your whole 'this is their policy, love it or leave it' sounds very Orwellian. Plus, government is not our boss, theyre our employees.

Again, if the government told it's employee to make accommodations for the exceptional people who might identify as a giraffe, i wouldnt even care. But that's not what theyre doing. They are changing the way the entire nation is being addressed for a few.

on a general note, If people never stood up to governments and their policies, slavery would still be in place. So no, its not as simple as 'this is their policy, shut up and take it'. I believe we should stand up against tyranny and wrong policies and to me, legally ridding the language from words like mother and father, Mr, and Mrs is a step too far. And if you read this thread, youll realize many others feel the same way.

Compelled speech is one of the most prominent characteristics of any dictatorial rulers. Look at China, Iran, Saudi Arabia and... they all have compelled speech and punish those who stray away.

I tried my best to not make this personal and address your points. But if none of this is sticking, then we can agree to disagree and just cast our votes next election.
This whole thing seems kinda dumb and is a non issue.

1) the government should be spending more time and resources on things which really matter for everyone. Like making service Canada issues are dealt with in a more timely manner then wasting an afternoon or lengthily call with them. Stop miss managing $hite, look into insurance fraud, better hydro rates. I am sure there are a ton of stuff. This type of thing just seems like some yahoo is all caught up managing government stuff to be blinded to the real issues. Government doesn't have to be involved in everything.

2) the flip side I don't really care... but also removing these items and generalizing everything I think reduces social etiquette and respect for your person, and social manners. Is "Hey There" really where we are headed, so lame.
Few points. First of all, this is not about referring to a women when the person is a man or vice versa. I have no porblem calling a woman a woman, a man a man and even a transgeder person by what they prefer to be addressed by. Im fine iwth all of that. This is about 50 made up genders that are just that, made up. If a man wants me to call them a giraffe and i dont because it makes no sense, then that should be between me and that person and government should have no role intervening and telling me to shut my brain and pretend that man is a giraffe. And if you think my use of giraffe is going too far, take a look at the list of accepted genders that exist in Canada according to the government. A giraffe is the most realistic.

And Walmart is a private company and can write it's own policy. Canadian government works for people and gets paid by people. We also have a charter of rights which protects our right to free speech. Which SHOULD mean that no one is forced to call a man a giraffe because the government said so. Until Bill C-16.

And furthermore, if you're making the point that like Walmart, government has rules and you either comply or leave, then what's the difference between Canada and Saudi Arabia or any other dictatorship from that point of view?
All those countries have laws that many of us, including you (im assuming) are against. Like women not being able to drive or go shopping without a man. They can say hey, this is our law, love it or leave it right?
They are tyrannical governments and dictators that would love what you just said. This is my rule, dont question it or else youre history! Do you see the similarities? Just because a government is in power, doesnt mean they should be able to pass any nonsensical law without a challenge. Specially in a democracy.
So your whole 'this is their policy, love it or leave it' sounds very Orwellian. Plus, government is not our boss, theyre our employees.

Again, if the government told it's employee to make accommodations for the exceptional people who might identify as a giraffe, i wouldnt even care. But that's not what theyre doing. They are changing the way the entire nation is being addressed for a few.

on a general note, If people never stood up to governments and their policies, slavery would still be in place. So no, its not as simple as 'this is their policy, shut up and take it'. I believe we should stand up against tyranny and wrong policies and to me, legally ridding the language from words like mother and father, Mr, and Mrs is a step too far. And if you read this thread, youll realize many others feel the same way.

Compelled speech is one of the most prominent characteristics of any dictatorial rulers. Look at China, Iran, Saudi Arabia and... they all have compelled speech and punish those who stray away.

I tried my best to not make this personal and address your points. But if none of this is sticking, then we can agree to disagree and just cast our votes next election.

Buddy, at this point you're just embarrassing yourself. Reading comprehension again. I said "so you will either comply with their policy or seek employment elsewhere." Nobody is asking them to leave Canada, only to go do a job where they will comply with what they have been hired to do. Do you know of any one person that has been fined under C16, or been told to leave Canada, or has suffered any sort of legal repercussions upheld in a Canadian court of law because they didn't call someone by their chosen pronoun? If you can find me just one example where a private citizen was punished under Canadian law because in his day to day life he misgendered someone, I'll swallow my words and admit that you're right and that the government has gone too far.

If in your Job Description it says you shall refer to people as Giraffes, then while you are at work, you must refer to people as Giraffes because otherwise you are not fulfilling the conditions of your employment. It's not a matter of philosophical debate; I hired you to do X, if you'd rather do something other than X and you refuse to perform X, then it's only normal that I find someone that can fulfill what I need.

In Canada, laws are challenged and continue to be challenged daily. We have a democratically elected government that can pass new legislation and repeal old one. I'm not sure what your rambling on dictatorships and slavery is meant to demonstrate to me.

None of this is sticking because you're comparing apples to oranges and being deliberately misleading. If you honest to god can't see the difference between Iran, China, Saudi Arabia, and Canada because in Canada, a branch of the government has required its own client facing employees to address their clients in a manner that their clients have agreed to, then I'm not sure that me or anyone else here can help you.

I'm perfectly fine to agree to disagree.
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on Martin: Trudeau's rush to unilaterally impose political correctness will generate backlash


While we're doing our back and forth, i just came across this.

Seems like my "hysteria" is shared by so many Canadians.Seems like people are finally waking up and realizing what some of us have been saying for a while now. Those who have better powers of observation anyway and see beyond the tip of their nose.

This fresh video from CTV encompasses most of my points (not just mine, many others who have been voicing their concerns and sounding the alarms). Including the very point of this thread..

Liberals wanted to remove these honorific terms and the first CBC article undeniably proves it. Then they realized people are fed up and outraged and are now eating their own words and back-pedalling in a quick hurry.

The proof is in the putting friends. You can continue with the typical leftist attacks and label us right wingers. Conservatives, bigots, haters, Trumpians, alt right and ... At the end of the day, Canada is finally seeing Trudeau for the hypocritical and tyrannical ruler that he really is! A wolf in sheep's clothing who smiles on camera, wears colourful socks, changes costumes like he changes his promises, destroys the economy, goes back on almost every single campaign promise he made including election reform... All the while slowly taking away our rights and freedoms to push his leftist agenda.

This video nicely covers the heart of my point in regards to our dangerous joke of a PM.

And here is a little bonus

New poll shows deterioration in approval ratings for Trudeau Liberals

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