...are being asked to stay away from terms like Mr., Mrs., father and mother

yes, those are some examples of poorly managed economies

but I was referring more to social policy MM
doesn't cost one cent to evolve federal government to more suit the populace

what has become of the Canadian Conservatives who live in an echo chamber
feel they have Liberals ramming social policy down their throats
but the facts are the majority of Canadians are supportive of inclusiveness

why do you guys think the Harper Gov got tossed ?
they were good stewards of the economy
foreign policy was mostly inline with what Canadians want
they produced stable, responsible government

so why did they get destroyed by a lefty party with a school teacher for a leader?
That's a good question and it did keep me up at night. The best I have come up with is this:

Canadians like change from time to time. Harper was getting boring, his cabinet complacent in their jobs. Trudeau shook things up a little, he brought some youthful enthusiasm and charm that Harper couldn't match.

People like charismatic leaders. Trudeau beat Harper down on this one. He had an excellent global glamour campaign, his Putin-like shirtless-jetski riding-ski playboy pics got more magazine print than Brad Pitt or George Clooney.

Perhaps we are a bit too trusty when it comes to campaign promises. Liberals of late have over promised and under delivered, we seem to accept that for a while.

Politics of late has a lot of populism, leaders who tap into this seem to do better. Trudeau outdid Harper.

And the trump card - Trudeau smoked us all up before the vote -- he gave us weed.

In the end Trudeau did a better job convincing Canadians his vision and leadership would put us in a better place. It's a democracy, I don't have to like the outcome of an election, but I always accept it.
See above. As stated...hysterics.

You disputed my point. I cited the article. But I see the citation of the CBC article with a link supporting my argument didn't matter.
If facts arnt your thing, sure. You can call us hysterics.
Oh and the earth is flat too. Cause you know, facts are just overrated.
Lets go with labelling people and slander instead of looking at facts. Seems to be a very common and last resort technique for leftists who have no actual argument to provide.
Cause again, i provided my evidence. Yours was? oh yeah we're all hysterics :)
Bit of a stretch, those were and are negative and insulting terms to begin with. Mr., Mrs., etc are honorifics and meant to be and show respect. The few seconds to ask someone how they want to be referred to will just add up to longer lineups.....a few seconds at a time. :)
oh definitely, just trying to show how times change. remember when every kid had to call adults "sir, mrs, etc" and show respect and how often do you see that happen now? the way we define words change with time and whether gain or lose importance as we go!

the only constance is change (sometimes, sadly)
If I get a PhD will they not be allowed to refer to me as doctor.
Fwiw, being a Father is the one role I cherish in this cesspool of life more than anything. Don't take that $#!+ away from me.

Sent from the purple GTAMotorcycle.com mobile app
Should Trudeau not shift into a minor position as junior minister for men's affairs and let a woman become PM,
or does his Narcissism, go so far as to have him believe that only He can lead women to power?

With all his ego stroking and boasting, isn't it ironic, that the only Woman PM was a conservative?
as for the references of what happened down south
if you MAGA wannabees that think that result is a vindication of Conservatism
you need to put the pipe down

that imbecile was elected because of the corruption and incompetence of the Democrats
who against the will of the party ground roots
chose a horrible candidate who went on to run a horrible campaign

result was the base stayed home
and motivated the worst elements of the GOP...
Ummm. The last US election turnout was 3.7% above the average for the last 10 elections. The turnout was there, just not the votes. If you remove the first Obama election from the average, it jumps to 4.65%

Trump rode in on populism, his understanding of campaigning was unprecedented. His rallies filled stadiums, he sucked up all the media oxygen, and managed to keep the world talking about him and only him (good and bad) for a year. Bernie may have beaten him.

What works for voters doesn't work in the swamp. The good news is US gov't top priorities, the economy and defense, are rocking -- when those hurt the world hurts, Canada first.

I don't think JT can win again. He got to play his birthright card, that's only good once -- he will need to govern better to get an encore.
Ummm. The last US election turnout was 3.7% above the average for the last 10 elections. The turnout was there, just not the votes. If you remove the first Obama election from the average, it jumps to 4.65%

Trump rode in on populism, his understanding of campaigning was unprecedented. His rallies filled stadiums, he sucked up all the media oxygen, and managed to keep the world talking about him and only him (good and bad) for a year. Bernie may have beaten him.

What works for voters doesn't work in the swamp. The good news is US gov't top priorities, the economy and defense, are rocking -- when those hurt the world hurts, Canada first.

I don't think JT can win again. He got to play his birthright card, that's only good once -- he will need to govern better to get an encore.
I hope you're right. He's destroying the country.
I hope you're right. He's destroying the country.

He really is. and its so bad that a few of my friends who were HARDCORE liberals and voted for him have done a 180 now and want him out.
Its not easy changing people's political loyalties but Trudeau has managed to do so
a very entertaining way of explaining today's left
Just curious. What about French?

Does the gendered nature of the language not promote sexist outcomes, or could it potentially be offence to those who do not identify with either gender? Would a gender-neutral version improve women’s and other's status in society? Should it be revised in Quebec to be Gender Neutral? Just a thought.
You disputed my point. I cited the article. But I see the citation of the CBC article with a link supporting my argument didn't matter.
If facts arnt your thing, sure. You can call us hysterics.
Oh and the earth is flat too. Cause you know, facts are just overrated.
Lets go with labelling people and slander instead of looking at facts. Seems to be a very common and last resort technique for leftists who have no actual argument to provide.
Cause again, i provided my evidence. Yours was? oh yeah we're all hysterics :)

No, you’re claiming the sky is falling when the article explains it isn’t. Hysterics.
its a big problem when the government starts controlling speech, Trump may be a clown but at least they still have the right to free speech on that side of the pond.

10-15 years from now when people are going to jail over saying the wrong word publicly you will be able to trace it back to today, to bill C-16 and to small changes as the government doing this as "harmless" as instructing their employees to stay away from terms like Mr, Mrs, Father and Mother

nobodies right to free speech is being trampled
it's a job
they, Service Canada staff
were given some rules
all jobs have rules
if they don't like the rules
they are free to quit and shout whatever the F they like
from the rooftops
If the current government is wasting time and money on frivolous stuff, and inefficiencies,
we have the option of voting them out, for a hopefully more streamlined, and efficient model next election.
nobodies right to free speech is being trampled
it's a job
they, Service Canada staff
were given some rules
all jobs have rules
if they don't like the rules
they are free to quit and shout whatever the F they like
from the rooftops

not really, there are consequences to shouting whatever you want from the roof tops thanks to C-16, and the whole Mr, Mrs, Mother Father rule is just a step in a direction, you don't know what they are going to attach to it in a year when some snowflake decides that its not progressive enough and all of a sudden the word "parent" is now offensive
not really, there are consequences to shouting whatever you want from the roof tops thanks to C-16, and the whole Mr, Mrs, Mother Father rule is just a step in a direction, you don't know what they are going to attach to it in a year when some snowflake decides that its not progressive enough and all of a sudden the word "parent" is now offensive

sure, hate speech has consequences

but you've sidestepped the issue
being told how to do your job
is not suppressing your freedom of speech

only snowflakes I see on this issue
are the ones crying that they are somehow injured by this
when it has had zero affect on them
What do you feel about the NFL players protesting during their games? Honest question, would you be ok if the owners told the players that
they can't protest while on the job? Would that be suppressing freedom of speech?

sure, hate speech has consequences

but you've sidestepped the issue
being told how to do your job
is not suppressing your freedom of speech

only snowflakes I see on this issue
are the ones crying that they are somehow injured by this
when it has had zero affect on them
sure, hate speech has consequences

but you've sidestepped the issue
being told how to do your job
is not suppressing your freedom of speech

only snowflakes I see on this issue
are the ones crying that they are somehow injured by this
when it has had zero affect on them

thats right hate speech has consequences, and snowflakes like to label opinions that dont agree with theirs as hate speach "I identify as a woman on alternating Tuesdays, and holiday Mondays, so if you don't refer to me as such its hate speach" BULL$H1T!!!, and that is directly related to why the government is instructing their workers to not use terms like Mr, Mrs, Father, Mother, because it might offend someone on Thursdays.

and a government job is not a real job ** puts fire blanket on**
What do you feel about the NFL players protesting during their games? Honest question, would you be ok if the owners told the players that
they can't protest while on the job? Would that be suppressing freedom of speech?

difficult question

while at work you need to behave as per the terms of your employment agreement
I've read the NFL CBA, and there's a few clauses that could be applicable
one is not acting in any way detrimental to the league

but that's a very broad, non-specific description
certainly would be open to litigation if a player were terminated over taking a knee
and I think that's one reason no one has been fired
another reason is if they did sack a player
the player walkout would destroy the game

whether the kneeling protest is detrimental to the NFL
depends on which side of the issue you stand
BLM or the belief that it is insulting to the country/troops

but in a general sense, no
while pro-athletes are considered role models (that's another topic for debate)
terminating or otherwise punishing them for detrimental behaviour at work - on the field
is not interfering with their first amendment rights

they are free to say whatever they please about any issue
on their own time

Football, real 4 down Football, is my family game
and it's disgusted me that it has been politicized
Just curious. What about French?

Does the gendered nature of the language not promote sexist outcomes, or could it potentially be offence to those who do not identify with either gender? Would a gender-neutral version improve women’s and other's status in society? Should it be revised in Quebec to be Gender Neutral? Just a thought.
You know what, throughout this whole debate about gender neutrality (being originally from qc city myself) i've always wondered about that. Male and female is found in most if not all latin language vocabulary. Evolving the whole language to accommodate the few, now THAT would be a huge endeavour. But you have the OLF that is pretty stubborn and has an exaggerated protectionist stance on the french language so i don't see anything being done anytime soon.
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