Local riding is always solo, as in "I'm going for a ride." It's a ride. I leave home, head up to the country roads I enjoy and return home. No stops. No coffee nor chat. Strictly solo. Unfortunately, I sometimes have to fill 'er up! LOL
Distance riding over 3 to 5 day rides - I'm good to go with two or three guys. When riding, we are separated so that we can't see one anothers head/tail lights. In distance - on the straights that could be 1500 yards in the twisties it's a visual thing - as long as you are unseen. As soon as one stops - it's mere seconds until we are all grouped at the side of the road for food, gas or overnights.
Staggered riding in groups drives me crazy - they are a PIA to have to pass as well as having to wave at over and over again... DUH. If one goes down - DOMINNOS anyone?
I can just imagine someone seriously suggest people swim in staggered formation, or ski in staggererd formation or sail in any formation... WTF!! On a track maybe, boat race maybe, plane race between pylons maybe, competitive skiing as well... I don't ride competitively, so I ride SOLO.