I am amazed at how well my watermelon vines are growing in the hot sun. I don't see any fruit yet (unfortunately) but the vines grow on an hourly basis
I am amazed at how well my watermelon vines are growing in the hot sun. I don't see any fruit yet (unfortunately) but the vines grow on an hourly basis
I use @shanekingsley ?What's a good ios app for identifying plants?
My sunflowers are sunny! Yay. And taller than I but let's face facts - that is no big feat.
CG I think one is plant pics or something like that. My MIL has it for her iPhone, take a pic and it gives you three suggestions on what it can be. You narrow it down from there.
Keep us updated. I thought you're creating a barrier between the new sod and your old soil. Your new sod might have trouble growing through. Grass root need to go 4 inches minimum to be healthy.
The old grass being composted underneath the new soil will create heat and stop any thing to grow through. This is why youneed to use sod cuter to remove old sod completely, letting new soil and old soil contact well for microorganism to live.
I'm very curious to see how this turns out
This gets decent reviews and is free: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/app/garden-answers-plant-identification/id605855033?mt=8What's a good ios app for identifying plants?
Can somebody explain the state of modern tomatos? What are they supposed to taste like? Road side farm fresh boutique priced tomaters shouldn't taste like No Frills winter tomaters should they? Is it the engineering? I'm going to go back to the farm stand at my convenience and probe for answers. Thoughts in the meantime?