I harvested one of my watermelons. It's quite large but not fully ripe inside. I'm hoping I can find some mature seeds inside it to use next year. I've got four more growing, so I'll just leave them on the vine until Thanksgiving.
I'd love a green house, TSC had one that was 6x8 for $400 on a flash sale. sadly didn't have the $ to buy it
Last night i was thinking i should get some seeds started. our garden is kind of shaded so i think this year in addition to the shaded garden i might do planters of some sort (rubbermaid tubs) in the middle of the back yard.
My wife's snow drop flowers did their thing so maybe time to raise this to the top. Anyone looking forward to pesticides, herbicides and backaches?
Any preseason tips?
Since I don't know the details of how you are growing them I can't say for sure, but I can tell you what I do. I get about 6-8 hours of full sun where I plant them and my garden beds are amended with about 6-8 inches of home-made compost. I dig or work that compost into the existing soil, so that the top 8-12 inches is a really nice and rich planting medium. I remove the lowest set of leaves and plant the tomatoes with the top of the root mass submerged about 3-6 inches below the soil surface to make sure that the plant is well supported. I think roots might emerge from where I removed that lowest set of leaves, but I've never pulled a plant out to check. I immediately put a tomato cage around it after planting and that's it. I never prune them, fertilize or do much else. Just water when needed and pick the bounty.shanekingsley - I can't ever seem to get any amount of success from larger tomato varieties. Cherry and grape tomatoes yield abundantly. Romas I might get a few. Anything bigger just doesn't produce. Any ideas/suggestions?
Since I don't know the details of how you are growing them I can't say for sure, but I can tell you what I do. I get about 6-8 hours of full sun where I plant them and my garden beds are amended with about 6-8 inches of home-made compost. I dig or work that compost into the existing soil, so that the top 8-12 inches is a really nice and rich planting medium. I remove the lowest set of leaves and plant the tomatoes with the top of the root mass submerged about 3-6 inches below the soil surface to make sure that the plant is well supported. I think roots might emerge from where I removed that lowest set of leaves, but I've never pulled a plant out to check. I immediately put a tomato cage around it after planting and that's it. I never prune them, fertilize or do much else. Just water when needed and pick the bounty.
I'd guess it might be your soil. Perhaps the underlying soil was better at your old place, so it all worked out. I'm not a big fan of the bagged black earth type soils that can be found at Loblaws and Home Depot. I find it seems to lack any good nutritional quality and I also don't like the way they hold moisture. In fact I don't really like any of the soil products usually sold in bags at the big-box type stores. I don't know how big your gardens are, but I find that either making the soil amendments yourself (like compost) or ordering it by the cubic yard from a reputable / local aggregate supplier is good for the veggies. I originally got my soil from a local yard and it was really nice stuff and not very expensive.... add a few bags of black earth and mix that in.... A couple of times through the summer I will add a sprinkle of fertilizer. I never had any issues growing tomatoes this way at my previous residence and as stated the peppers did well once I switched them to pots.
Ya I guess more detail would have been helpful. My garden is not raised. I usually turn over the soil in the spring with a garden claw type of tool, add a few bags of black earth and mix that in. Then plant the tomatoes and cage them. I had issues getting peppers (hot/banana/jalapeno) to grow as well so last year I planted those in pots and they did very well. I would estimate the garden gets a good 6 hours of direct sun per day. A couple of times through the summer I will add a sprinkle of fertilizer. I never had any issues growing tomatoes this way at my previous residence and as stated the peppers did well once I switched them to pots.
Cucumbers tomatoes lettuce onionsWill have to follow this thread this year. Looking to put in a somewhat raised vegie garden. Probably zucchini, peppers and....?