Anyone hate tobacco/smoking/nicotine?

my dad smoked ciggs, cigars on weekends and a pipe on holidays and chewed tobacco in no smoking areas. He smoked in the car, the house, the truck. I probably second hand smoked a pack a week from the time I was conceived till I left 18 yrs later.
The thought of being a smoker never occured to me till I had a full time job and realized the smokers went down the elevator, out into the sunshine and lite up, shot the breeze, had a coffee and came back into the office. Several times a day. It was like an extra two weeks a year away from a desk.
Lite me up!
Smoke breaks are ********.

People take a 5-10 minute break every hour just because of their own bad habit.

It is very frustrating for non-smokers.
Depends on how you look at it. It's an easy way to set yourself apart from a lot of other people. It always worked in my advantage...especially because I'm never bitching about needing a smoke whenever I'm in a high-stress situation.

If it really bugs you that much, then step out for a smoke break with them. If they can get away with that time, so can you. I think people should be stepping out for some fresh air and sunlight whenever their work's done and they can spare the time - it's better for productivity, anyway.

You're essentially frustrated that you don't get to have 5-10 minutes to go kill yourself a little more.
I'm really weird. I like a nice cigar once on a while (like months between) I love the other good stuff (you know what I'm talking about), but I can NOT stand cigarettes at all! They just smell and taste like chemicals and it makes me sick and gives me a headache.

This is my signature
Try inhaling vehicle exhaust while riding on the road, i think it gets more kick than cigarettes :D
Especially those unfiltered motorcycle fumes, mmmm smell delightful
Started when I was 17. After many attempts, I finally managed to quit on Canada's day, July 1, 2006 (I was 26). For the next 5 years, I didn't touch a cig, wasn't even tempted when around smokers. In the Fall of 2011, I hired a new member for my dev team at the company I worked for at the time, and started going out with him to keep him company. One day I lit one. So I'm trying to quit again, nearly 1 1/2 years later. What's even worse---since I don't want to accept myself as a smoker, I've been hiding myself from my older daughter (8yr old). I'm simply ashamed. This habit is against everything we're trying to teach her.
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You're essentially frustrated that you don't get to have 5-10 minutes to go kill yourself a little more.
Perhaps frustrated wasn't the right word.

Being able to shave close to an hour of work off your average day because you choose to smoke is unfair to the other people you work with imo.

If you want to smoke do it on your own time, not company time.
Perhaps frustrated wasn't the right word.

Being able to shave close to an hour of work off your average day because you choose to smoke is unfair to the other people you work with imo.

If you want to smoke do it on your own time, not company time.

When I go for a smoke break with others at work, we're usually talking work anyways. They're actually pretty productive
Cigarettes/tobacco is ****ing disgusting...anyone who smokes thinking they're cool is a tool.

I hate when I see hot girls smoking, it instantaneously turns me off...

I should point out its not the smoke that bothers me because although I've been off for a while I love weed, its just that cigarettes smell horrible and do nothing for you.
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Cigarettes/tobacco is ****ing disgusting...anyone who smokes thinking they're cool is a tool.

I hate when I see hot girls smoking, it instantaneously turns me off...

I should point out its not the smoke that bothers me because although I've been off for a while I love weed, its just that cigarettes smell horrible and do nothing for you.

Women who smell like an ashtray - a huge turn off for me. It would be a deal breaker even if she is a 10.
As much as people like to preach how weed is good for you, yada yada. Truth is, research has proven it kills brain cells. It directly affects brain chemistry. Nicotine might be addictive, but doesn't directly affect your behaviour. I'd classify them on the same level as caffeine and painkillers

So now you're blame weed eh :-P

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油井緋色;2046889 said:
I had my first cigarette when I was 17. It was disgusting, I couldn't inhale it, and I didn't understand how the **** anyone could get addicted to it. Two years later, I was standing outside Pacific Mall and wanted to "prove my manliness" by showing how long I could hold a full inhalation of smoke in my lungs. I was a runner back then and no contest I was going to win against a bunch of out of shape teen chain smokers. At this point, I was only smoking 3 times a week...Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

A few months later, I went back to Taiwan and had an idea of buying 4 trays of expensive cigarettes and sell them once I went back to university. Those trays never got sold, they got lit up and inhaled by me.

Last year I quit for around 12 months (up until this June) then I started to slip again because I forgot how hard it was to quit. I spent the last day or two doing small bits of reading about smoker stories (and staying off tobacco)....honestly, what the **** is wrong with our government?

Read some of that ****, tobacco has a ridiculous amount of control on people's lives. Why the hell marijuana is illegal and tobacco is not is beyond me. I don't see marijuana smokers carrying around 20 blunts and lighting them up every 30 minutes. The media portrays tobacco as a far less "evil" drug compared to crack, xtc, acid, or other stuff but honestly...aren't they all the same? Why else would someone diagnosed of lung cancer immediately light up after the diagnosis?

/End rant

Feel free to throw your stories in here if you smoke, know of smokers, or hate smoking

EDIT: Honestly, I wish I never started and could sue tobacco companies for the **** they've caused. I'm gonna have to be on guard for the rest of my life because the stupidest **** can trigger a psychological urge even years down the line and all it takes is one ****ing puff to destroy me or any other nicotine-recovering addict.

That's it. It's the government's fault you choose to smoke. What a load of ****. You choose to smoke, you accept the consequences.

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Have you guys tried e-cigs? Supposedly, a lot less harmful

I started at 12 and smoked for over 30 yrs. Loved it the whole time. Smoked about a 20-pack a day steadily. Tried to quit a few years ago with "regulated products", but it was a fail after a few weeks. Did some research, and in November of last year bought my first e-cig and "bing" I was off of smoking without any regret or any withdrawal.

Why to they work? They are the only product that combines chemical, sensational and behavioural recplacement and does it quite successfully. It is a real shame that Health Canada has chosen to force the e-cig underground (claiming there are no long term studies!) when it is well known in health circles internationally that it the most effective nicotine replacement therapy available and is an order of magnitude less harmful than tobacco smoking.

Yes I am still addicted to nicotine, but it is a stimulant similar to caffeine and it has fairly minor health implications. (I was once told by the head of one of Canada's largest health research agencies that it is a little-known fact that not only is nicotine fairly harmless, it also has a net positive impact on memory.)

I figure I have reduced the harm by 99% and I spend only about $20/week instead of $100/week to maintain my new habit.

If anyone wants information on where to buy the best e-cig hardware or nicotine liquid I am happy to post some recommendations for local merchants.
Smoke breaks are ********.

People take a 5-10 minute break every hour just because of their own bad habit.

It is very frustrating for non-smokers.

Well, it doesn't have to be if there's actually management managing things ... I am usually OK with that as long as at the end of the day they give the time back, either shorter lunch or longer stay, just to keep it fair to everyone in the department. otherwise, soon enough you have morale all over the place ...
choosing to smoke, drink, do whatever is a personal choice, choosing to quit is a choice.

I smokled from about 16 to 35, most of the time about a pack a day...

I quit once for a short period cold turkey, I didn't smoke for about 2 months. at about 35 I quit using Zyban, 6 or 7 years later I am smioke free. To be successful I also quit for some time the things I assoicated with a smoke, coffee, beer, certain social situations. As some people have noted, I gave up certain "connections" at work, certain friendships, but I am ok with the alternative.

The only *regret i have is the extra pounds I have put on after quitting, but I will take this trade off :D

Several years later I can be around people smoking, but I would rather not given the choice. I was at a friends last night, good times except that 10 people out on the deck chain smoking. When a couple chose to pull out a joint to share with each other, it becomes a little overwhelming. my throat just gets shredded and I had to excuse myself.

I don't ever want to one of the reformed smoker preachers, but I do wish that people would be a little more considerate(?)
I think I am going to sue the OP

I used to have a bad habit, I used to punch whiney proselytizing libtards that think they know how the rest of the world should live and were constantly crowing for new social constraint bans (oddly enough, always things they didn't care for). A folded fist, right into the solar plexus. It was a bad, hard core habit, atleast once or twice a day for years.

I finally broke myself of the habit after lot's of rehab and anger cessation aids. But all it takes is one ranting ****** on a soapbox to launch a relapse.

Know what I hate? The smell of fried onions. There needs to be onion bans in all public/rental/non-hermitically sealed spaces just because I can't stand the smell of them!
Well, it doesn't have to be if there's actually management managing things ... I am usually OK with that as long as at the end of the day they give the time back, either shorter lunch or longer stay, just to keep it fair to everyone in the department. otherwise, soon enough you have morale all over the place ...

I had a CFO that always complained to my boss about me smoking. 'WTF...does he do any work? He's always out smoking!!' I said to my boss 'did it occur to him that every time he saw me smoking he was coming back from Timmies?' My boss laughed and said he would remind him of that. Never heard a word about it again.
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