Anyone hate tobacco/smoking/nicotine?

At 17, it was illegal. That's probably a big part of why you smoked it.

It had nothing to do with it. I think I was being a stupid emo kid from a bad break up if I recall correctly..and I only had ONE cig in that entire pack. I hated it.

...I had no idea believing that I would never get addicted and hating it would be the foundation of actually getting addicted 2 years later.
油井緋色;2047086 said:
It had nothing to do with it. I think I was being a stupid emo kid from a bad break up if I recall correctly..and I only had ONE cig in that entire pack. I hated it.

...I had no idea believing that I would never get addicted and hating it would be the foundation of actually getting addicted 2 years later.

You can't rebel against life on Gatorade. You have to do something edgy and potentially harmful, like break the law. Coulda been alcohol, coulda been pot, coulda been street racing. I'm confident that if cigarettes were legal to you at the time, you wouldn't have tried them.
You can't rebel against life on Gatorade. You have to do something edgy and potentially harmful, like break the law. Coulda been alcohol, coulda been pot, coulda been street racing. I'm confident that if cigarettes were legal to you at the time, you wouldn't have tried them.

Maybe, pot wasn't until way way way later and even then, I've never bought any hence why I think tobacco is far worse. I can spend a week in lala land then detox in a day with no side effects. Maybe others might have major withdrawal symptoms off pot...?

Tobacco is a whole different story, I've over 48 hours now and for the first 36 hours I was ****ing rationalizing with myself non stop every second about why I should quit later. Even riding didn't get my mind completely off it.
That's my morning laxative. Cig and coffee does the trick every time :lmao:

Tastes so good. I never look too highly of people who depended on a chemical to feel good.
Started when I was 14. Smoked all through high school and a bit through college though only 1 pack a week. I still like the occasional smoke though my husband absolutely hates it. I've never been addicted, able to start and stop whenever I want. Haven't had a smoke in 6 months after the last pack my husband allowed me to buy as we were partying that weekend ( the old ball and chain).

When I'm smoking the smell doesn't bother me. When I'm not smoking I can't breath in a room with smokers like my sister or mom. When I do smoke it's never inside the house or inside the car as I think that's disgusting, I've seen what it does to a house and a car and it's not pretty. I do sometimes wonder how people get addicted as it's never affected me that way. I'm sure it's very addicting and hard to stop when you are addicted. I guess I'm just a lucky one that nicotine isn't addicting for me.
Started when I was 14. Smoked all through high school and a bit through college though only 1 pack a week. I still like the occasional smoke though my husband absolutely hates it. I've never been addicted, able to start and stop whenever I want. Haven't had a smoke in 6 months after the last pack my husband allowed me to buy as we were partying that weekend ( the old ball and chain).

When I'm smoking the smell doesn't bother me. When I'm not smoking I can't breath in a room with smokers like my sister or mom. When I do smoke it's never inside the house or inside the car as I think that's disgusting, I've seen what it does to a house and a car and it's not pretty. I do sometimes wonder how people get addicted as it's never affected me that way. I'm sure it's very addicting and hard to stop when you are addicted. I guess I'm just a lucky one that nicotine isn't addicting for me.

I'd imagine alcoholics have a similar problem, we can stop after 2-3 beers...they just have to keep going.
I can honestly say that in my 32 years of life never even fired up a smoke. Sure ive had a puff to try but it never ever attracted me in any way, shape or form.

With that being said, i'm not one of those "i force my beliefs on others". My best friend smokes and i really dont care, i just get ****** when he lights up in my car as then the car stinks for days after.
As much as people like to preach how weed is good for you, yada yada. Truth is, research has proven it kills brain cells. It directly affects brain chemistry.

There is a lot of controversy on that topic. Just do a google search and you'll find conflicting research/statements on both sides of the argument. Its up to you to decide what to believe.

Personally, I believe a lot of the "research" and often just anecdotal evidence preaching the ills of weed consumption is fear mongering that does nothing but encourage people to steer away from a potentially very beneficial pain management treatment and instead opt for something more risky and harmful provided by big pharma companies.
I grew up with both my parents smoking - in the car in the house - it was the late 70's and early 80's so thats just the way it was. They both did quit and I vowed never to smoke. While I do admit to the odd cigarette while drinking when I was in high school I am very happy that it never "took hold"
Smoked from 16 to 21 but not steady. Would often grab a fresh pack Fri. after work, and reload as needed during weekend. Whatever was left Sunday night got tossed and be smoke free all week. There was also drinking involved. And riding hammered. That all went away in my late 20's.
To this day one of the biggest pleasures in life is pulling over for a smoke break. Sitting on a guard rail suckin' on a fag. Priceless.

I read this post a few times.

It doesn't work that way for me, if I smoke one, I'll start going a pack every 2 days. I don't have a choice. I just find myself constantly getting nicotine "pangs" and lighting up every hour (literally).

I'd rather quit than have "relaxing" moments followed by the stress if not getting my fix.
油井緋色;2047457 said:
I read this post a few times.

It doesn't work that way for me, if I smoke one, I'll start going a pack every 2 days. I don't have a choice. I just find myself constantly getting nicotine "pangs" and lighting up every hour (literally).

I'd rather quit than have "relaxing" moments followed by the stress if not getting my fix.

This is me exactly. I'm an addict and nicotine is my drug.
There is a lot of controversy on that topic. Just do a google search and you'll find conflicting research/statements on both sides of the argument. Its up to you to decide what to believe.

Personally, I believe a lot of the "research" and often just anecdotal evidence preaching the ills of weed consumption is fear mongering that does nothing but encourage people to steer away from a potentially very beneficial pain management treatment and instead opt for something more risky and harmful provided by big pharma companies.

This article is geared toward using marijuana as a painkiller. They went on to say there is small damage. I choose to not damage the little i have.

Morphine, other painkillers, tylenol, etc can help you but if taken persistently can damage something
This article is geared toward using marijuana as a painkiller. They went on to say there is small damage. I choose to not damage the little i have.

Morphine, other painkillers, tylenol, etc can help you but if taken persistently can damage something

The same can be said for pretty much anything.
This is my third time quiting and first time that I do not feel any cravings. I also hate cigarette smoke now. With the first two times I quit the second hand smoke did not bug me as much. Been smoke free for more about a year and a half now:D
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