Anyone hate tobacco/smoking/nicotine?

I love my cigarette and my coffee.
Started at 13, quit for 3 months at 27.
I was determined to quit to see if I can do it.
After physical cravings were gone, I was just a lonely person. Healthy runner with good lungs, but sad.

I realized that most ex smokers miss their cigarettes, every day of their non smoking life. Some are honest and admit it, some lie to themselves.
Truth is, I always liked the smell of tobacco. Even my first cigarette was enjoyable. ( I went and bought a pack right after).

My cigarette is my best friend, it has been with me through all.
Sounds stupid, but this is how I feel.
I quit because everyone thinks it's the right thing to do, and because I thought it would be good for me too. I quit because I didn't like being thought of as a nasty addict, standing outside in the rain having my fix.

It is true: I don't like that I'm an addict.
When I don't smoke, I am still an addict. Sad, depressed addict.

So... I like smoking more than I dislike addiction, at least for now.

Maybe one day I will quit for good, but it will not be soon.
Started at 10, never got to be a huge smoker, at my most, I was smoking half a pack a day, quit for a few months on Champix last year, went out drinking, and got back on the cigarettes, been using an e-cig for the last month, so have not had a real cig in that time. I'm telling myself it is healthier :P

It's a helluva lot cheaper at the very least.
Here's one thing I really hate about smokers. For some reason they think butts are part of the environment, not litter. They just toss them away. Really grinds my gears when I end up cleaning butts from campsites and trails.
Worst part of going into an elevator. That stench of stale tobacco after a smoker was in it. Even worse, when it's mixed with cheap cologne. Ewwww.
I quit again. Woke up 3 weeks ago Monday where I started choking and coughing for no reason. I quit for a year before that and smoked for the month of July. Lost all cravings since, haven't had a single puff and feel really bad for anyone that does smoke.

For those who still smoke:

Go look up some pictures after. Lung cancer is the LEAST of your worries. The government should out right ban smoking or stop taxing them so heavily. Making massive amounts of tax $$ by slowly crippling citizens is disgusting.
油井緋色;2063748 said:
I quit again. Woke up 3 weeks ago Monday where I started choking and coughing for no reason. I quit for a year before that and smoked for the month of July. Lost all cravings since, haven't had a single puff and feel really bad for anyone that does smoke.

For those who still smoke:

Go look up some pictures after. Lung cancer is the LEAST of your worries. The government should out right ban smoking or stop taxing them so heavily. Making massive amounts of tax $$ by slowly crippling citizens is disgusting.

Pictures ain't gonna do a thing, if people want to smoke it is their right. Everyone knows the risk. And no the government ain't baning nothing, they pretend they want a smoke free Ontario but truth is they get alot of money by taxing it heavily.
Reasons you should smoke...

1. Stress relief
2. Makes you feel good while you're doing it
3. Satisfies hunger
4. Weight loss

...wait sorry, this is the list for chocolate.
Toronto should have a designated "Smokers Walking Lane".

I avoid smoke like the plague... not just because second hand smoke, but the smell is disgusting and I don't want something that was in your mouth/lungs blown on me.
Toronto should have a designated "Smokers Walking Lane".

I avoid smoke like the plague... not just because second hand smoke, but the smell is disgusting and I don't want something that was in your mouth/lungs blown on me.

We had something similar to this in establishments called smoking lounges. They were physically divided and separately ventilated. But the sissy whiners forced us outdoors anyway so now we smoke by the main entrance where everyone walks in and out.
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