Anyone hate tobacco/smoking/nicotine?


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I had my first cigarette when I was 17. It was disgusting, I couldn't inhale it, and I didn't understand how the **** anyone could get addicted to it. Two years later, I was standing outside Pacific Mall and wanted to "prove my manliness" by showing how long I could hold a full inhalation of smoke in my lungs. I was a runner back then and no contest I was going to win against a bunch of out of shape teen chain smokers. At this point, I was only smoking 3 times a week...Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

A few months later, I went back to Taiwan and had an idea of buying 4 trays of expensive cigarettes and sell them once I went back to university. Those trays never got sold, they got lit up and inhaled by me.

Last year I quit for around 12 months (up until this June) then I started to slip again because I forgot how hard it was to quit. I spent the last day or two doing small bits of reading about smoker stories (and staying off tobacco)....honestly, what the **** is wrong with our government?

Read some of that ****, tobacco has a ridiculous amount of control on people's lives. Why the hell marijuana is illegal and tobacco is not is beyond me. I don't see marijuana smokers carrying around 20 blunts and lighting them up every 30 minutes. The media portrays tobacco as a far less "evil" drug compared to crack, xtc, acid, or other stuff but honestly...aren't they all the same? Why else would someone diagnosed of lung cancer immediately light up after the diagnosis?

/End rant

Feel free to throw your stories in here if you smoke, know of smokers, or hate smoking

EDIT: Honestly, I wish I never started and could sue tobacco companies for the **** they've caused. I'm gonna have to be on guard for the rest of my life because the stupidest **** can trigger a psychological urge even years down the line and all it takes is one ****ing puff to destroy me or any other nicotine-recovering addict.
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I started at 15 and I smoked until 22. I was at 2 packs a day when I quit. I really wanted to quit, but I couldn't. I had very bad physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms. Someone here suggested zybam. It probably saved my life. It took care of the physical withdrawal symptoms. Since I really wanted to quit, it was "easy" to stay determined. Never touched a cigarette since I quit. I have nightmares I start smoking sometimes.

I find cigarettes repulsive. It's weird, EVERYONE gets sick from their first cigarettes. Why do we continue? Peer pressure/rebellion/fitting makes people continue until they get addicted.
I hate everything to do with smoking. I'm 3 months recovering from 25 years of being a very heavy smoker (over 2 packs/day). I did it cold turkey, no cessation tools, as I firmly believe that in order to fully conquer the addiction, one must find sustainable ways to deal with the triggers. 3 months quit, one month into taking up running, already conquered a 10 km run. I started as a kid that didn't know better, in an era where everybody smoked, and you could smoke anywhere. Lol, even my doctor smoked! With the knowledge and social disdain for it now, I can't believe anyone would start. If the government actually gave a ****, they would simply abolish them. They are one of the most severe addictions going, and being able to feed the habit at any convenience store doesn't help.
Personally, I love smoking, but the gf doesnt. And I let it this be one of those things that she feels like shes got the control over - doesn't break my heart, literally =) So, I don't smoke.

But the real motivation for me, aside from not having an addictive personality, is seeing how poorly I perform during competitive sports compared to me @ 16yrs old. That's when I get angry and burn the pack off, and not touch it again.

edit: Why does a guv not prohibit smoking ? 1. Freedom to do whatever the F you want without bothering others (let's talk worldwide situation here, and not get into health insurance and guv budgets for health etc..). 2. Tax money.

Why is mary jane illegal ? It would make ppl chill all the time, which would result less working, less shopping and less anything else, which would be a much weaker community, economically especially. Guvs want to keep us under full control and on our toes, and mary jane is not exactly cool with that =)

Alcohol on the other hand is more harmful for a society compared to some of the other illegal stuff, IMO, especially weed.
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What keeps me from starting again after three years is remembering that it not took me to start, and it will only take one to start again. I got that from the book The Easy Way to Quit Smoking. Champix is what I used to help me quit, wanting to enjoy my kids and my kids kids is what truly keeps me quit.
Smoked 1-2 packs a day for 15 years been free for 3 now. Not an hour goes by per day where I do not want a cigarette. Will power keeps me "sober".
just an observation, most people on this website get the panties wedged firmly in there crack if government intervention get put in place. But lots would like a tobacco ban. odd that.
meh, I like to have a cigarette with my coffee
I started EARLY at 12.
Quit around 22, 23.
Started again at 24 while in Bosnia when I found myself in a particularly hairy situation during the war.
Came back to Canada and limited my smoking to either when drinking or in the field / on ops.
Quit cold turkey at 28 one night while, of all things, deployed AND drinking; half way through the dart, got disgusted, threw it on the ground, and haven't looked back.

I'm now 42.
just an observation, most people on this website get the panties wedged firmly in there crack if government intervention get put in place. But lots would like a tobacco ban. odd that.

Because nicotine is comparable to hard substances, it just works a hell of a lot's equally as painful and can put a grown man into tears if they relapse.
Started around 16 finally quit for good around 22/23.
I quit cold turkey and for the first couple of weeks i went through hell. Couldn't sleep, and when i did sleep i dreamt of smoking :lmao:

I haven't touched a cigarette in 6-7 years now and never plan to again.

I don't think the government should ban it, that would cause a slippery slope with alcohol etc...

As a free society we should have a choice whether to poison ourselves or not...

To be young and stupid again :p
Smoked from 16 to 21 but not steady. Would often grab a fresh pack Fri. after work, and reload as needed during weekend. Whatever was left Sunday night got tossed and be smoke free all week. There was also drinking involved. And riding hammered. That all went away in my late 20's.
To this day one of the biggest pleasures in life is pulling over for a smoke break. Sitting on a guard rail suckin' on a fag. Priceless.
Both parents were chainers. Killed my Dad at 68. Mom is ready for a portable oxygen tank. Both my brother and I never touched them. My brother had major health problems as a child, probably due to the environment we had to live in. I detest smokers as much as any other drug-addict. Totally self-imposed addiction and self-absorbed lifestyle.
油井緋色;2046956 said:
Because nicotine is comparable to hard substances, it just works a hell of a lot's equally as painful and can put a grown man into tears if they relapse.

As much as people like to preach how weed is good for you, yada yada. Truth is, research has proven it kills brain cells. It directly affects brain chemistry. Nicotine might be addictive, but doesn't directly affect your behaviour. I'd classify them on the same level as caffeine and painkillers
Started when I was 17, quit when I was 27. Really enjoyed smoking up until I was 25/26. I quit for 6 months when I was maybe 23/24 yrs old only because I wanted to see if I had the will to quit and I did. Smoked again after I lost a pool match (tournament) shouldn't have really but then again I didn't really want to quit in the first place. I believe, if someone loves smoking it's going to be pretty hard to quit. You really have to have a strong will/mind to quit.

For me I loved smoking and playing pool then I was surrounded by smokers. Just came to a point where I was just smoking for the heck of smoking and I didn't enjoy it anymore. My nosed was stuffed every time I woke up, had trouble breathing, had trouble tying my shoes, so I was like fuk this **** I'm done. So I quit cold turkey. Mind you half my friends smokes so I was always around smokers. The first couple of weeks was really tough but after the first month it get's easier.

The trick is at least for me, every time I craved for one, I just think about how long since I last had one. All those days and hard work of not caving in will go to waste. Plus having good friends helps, as the weeks go by I can drink outside while they smoke in front of me. It's a good feeling. I do hate the smell of it now though. I can only imagine how bad I smelled when I was a smoker. I may have quit but I ain't no anti-smoking advocate. If you want to smoke it should be your right to smoke. We all know what the consequences are, do what you like. I don't know why they even bother with all the anti smoking advertising on the packs, doesn't really help.

See the government wants everyone to think they want it to be a "smoke free" Ontario someday.....ya right...I wonder how much money they're taking in from the cigarette tax, gotta be in the millions at least. Probably why they haven't legalized marijuana yet, they wouldn't be able to monopolize it like the booze. But that's going of course :P
As a kid my dad smoked Black Cat the house, in the car, anywhere and anytime. Forget second hand smoke etc - those were different times in the 60's, I even had to pick up cartons for dad from the variety store (I was only 9). It sucked when he smoked with the car windows rolled up in the winter. I smoked my first cigarette at age 7. I reached a pack and a half of Players by the age of 20. I used to wake up and light my first cigarette to start the day and go to bed after butting out my last. I tried cold turkey in 1984 - fail...Laser acupuncture in 1985 - fail, Cold turkey again and again in 1986 - fail. Finally I was successful with Hypnosis in 1987 and have never smoked since. Yes I hate cigarettes.
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Fell in love with them at age 11. By 17 I was firing one up before rolling out of bed, and lit the next one with the last one - rinse & repeat until bedtime. If I had a late night, i.e poker, pool, darts, whatever, that was a 5 pack day (usually 4 packs a day was the norm) - Export A / killer greens for 27 yrs. Never tried to quit once, until I did quit, since speaking a full sentence involved hack'n up lung particulate.
I was sick for 18 months - cold / flu / cold / flu and on and on when I quit. My body / system went thru volcanic Hell. Didn't fire up another butt though.
I just celebrated my 20th anniversary being off the ****ing things in Feb. My incentive to this day was / is: I never spend a $5 bill. They go into a box, and when enough is boxed up, I buy something, whether it be a treat for me, or whatever works at the time (usually a Vegas run).
Both my parents smoked rollies - one after the other. We had the 'bluest' air in the neighbourhood. They both quit at age 80. One lived to 86 sans lung cancer, and the other to 91. Hard to believe, yes.
油井緋色;2046956 said:
Because nicotine is comparable to hard substances, it just works a hell of a lot's equally as painful and can put a grown man into tears if they relapse.

At 17, it was illegal. That's probably a big part of why you smoked it.
I picked it up for a bit when I was traveling and I've managed to kick it, but now I still go out to socialize with people when they smoke. I can honestly say that smoking has gotten me laid and I've also made some great friends who I wouldn't have met if I didn't start smoking. My wake up call was probably when I did a captain black to myself and was out of breath while running my warm up laps at the track. fuqdat

I always find it odd how the skin tends to be a reflection of one's health/body/lifestyle, yet I've seen plenty of heavy smokers who don't look like ****.

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