Anybody with a Sport-Touring Motorcycle that Tours?


Did a week to Halifax, 2 weeks to Utah & Colorado and week in Upstate NY / NH.

I think it qualifies.
My 2005 Triumph Tiger 955i was definitely a great sport-adventure-tourer, with an emphasis on touring (with a high revving Daytona-derived motor). I think the V-Strom's fit in a similar category.

Exploring Elora

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This is my setup :) Good for anything...
Triumph tigers rock :cool:


Kawasaki likes to call my bike a "Transcontinental Supersport Tourer".

I think it's a little too fat for that, but it certainly does not lack for speed or comfort. I bought it specifically for touring.


I plan to fill in some more of the map below this year.
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I agre that almost any bike can be used for touring, but the fact that a bike is used by some for touring doesn't make it a sport tourer.

I ride my V-Strom everywhere including multi day tours.

However, I don't think that a V-Strom, Tiger, Versys, or BMW GS line really belong in the sport Touring Category. The Strom, Tiger and BMS GS are Adventure bikes to different degrees. I think the Versys is somewhere between an SV650 and Adventure bike (and I would characterize an SV as more of a sport bike.)

I know the lines are a bit blurry and I'd sure welcome someone coming up with a firm definition of what a Sport Touring bike actually is. I suspect it is a bike that perhaps is based on a larger displacement sport bike that has more all-day comfort than a pure sport bike.

Setting aside the difference between SPORT-tourers and sport-TOURERS, I am not sure that there is a hard and fast definition. Tom, you recall I had a DL650 as well, and rode the crap out of it, and I would agree with you that it doesn't qualify as an ST. It's fun up to highway speeds, but to ride it really aggressively (140+ in the twisties, GPS top speed confirmed at 170 kph fully loaded with a tailwind on a closed course, officer) you have to wring its' neck.

I think that any sport-tourer, regardless of where the emphasis is, has to be capable of being ridden really really quickly really effortlessly. I don't think displacement is a factor - 600 SS would qualify.

At the heart of a ST is an engine designed to go fast and a chassis designed to corner well. An ST is about performance on a long haul. Some people can dress up a Busa to make it work, others overload a poor FZ1, still others buy a more purpose-built machine like a Concourse. *shrug* in the end, who cares as long as you're riding far and fast.

The ST is about a personal set of choices and compromises between SPORT and TOURING, and there's a different definition for each of us.
My 599 loves going on week long trips :)
I've taken one long trip on the Buell M2 Cyclone with a duffle bag strapped on the back. It was fun. After that I bought a ratty used seat which I plan to convert into a single seat making room for a hard bag mounting system. Only fly in the ointment is the belt drive. If it ever breaks far from home I'm well and truly pooched. I could switch to chain drive but I love the way the belt feels and sounds.
This thread is starting to read like a thread in the Road Warriors section of! (and that's a good thing... real world motorcycling without the snobbery)
This thread is starting to read like a thread in the Road Warriors section of! (and that's a good thing... real world motorcycling without the snobbery)

now we need to get some ride reports going on this site and we'll be good to go. I'll post one up from my trip from a couple of years ago (in another thread)

(ride report can be read here: )
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Bought an FJR specificaly for long distance and touring treks. Can't wait!!! Baby has been in storage since Oct. :)
Another EX500. Went down to Washington DC and camped at Burke Lake Park.


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Ducati ST3 here, great touring bike especially for the Colorado mountains :)

I've done 1000km days on it without a problem, very comfy. The bike loves to be ridden contrary to peoples believes about Ducatis being high maintenance show pieces . I've put about 40,000 Km on her in 3 years.
Makin my own ST...

11000kms in 2 weeks last yr, west coast and back, not sure where I am going this yr, mebbe Key west or newfoundland.


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test sig

ack can't delete
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I'm on an ST1300 as my sport-tourer and I don't think its too big ... its aboutt he perfect balance I find between tour and sport ... any more tour it'd be a wing, any more sport and you're on something significantly smaller ... plus the ability to adjust my airflow with a power shield on the fly is the bomb, highway riding? put it up don't need to fight it or listen to the wind ... in the twisties? lower it and your bike instantly feels tiny ...
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