The plan is to end ice production by 2030. What's the plan for all the employees of these engine factories? Linamar is the biggest employer in Guelph. How long will they be producing spare parts? Supporting businesses for the factories. Restaurants etc. Gone? Gas station convenience stores. Gone?
Government needs to do some planning. Or just leave it for the next group.
I don't do work for Linamar, mostly their biggest competitor so I don't know Linamar's situation, but the one(s) that I'm involved with, will be fine. Most of the car is the same, and the bits that are taken out relative to a combustion-engine vehicle are just replaced with other bits. EVs are not simpler, they just have some different parts in them.
We already build parts for EVs ... lots of them.
Petrol stations already make most of their money from the attached convenience stores. We are NOT there yet, not even close, but Norway is ... petrol stations have been pulling out pumps and replacing them with fast-charging stations, and the bigger chains have been installing coffee shops and small restaurants and seating areas and the like, which are consistent with people staying 20 minutes instead of 2.
It will be fine.