Any GTAM'ers own an electric vehicle?

While I joked about it, it's not me calling asking about the car. I have to admit, the discussion about the Volt in this thread has me seriously thinking about one for the future (2-3 years from now).
You've got a deposit on it, I'd think they'd be hard pressed to sell the car to someone else and explain it to you. Mind you if you took 2 weeks without making up your mind, then I don't see an issue.

I think the bigger issue would be getting your deposit back considering they may have other offers and if you don't take the car they can claim that they lost on business....blah blah blah...been there done that. Never fun getting your deposit back. They take it so easily...but giving it back.....
My good friend purchased a brand new, fully loaded Volt. He's had it a few months now and put on 3500km. Still on its first tank of gas.

I've driven it and driven around in it, and I have to be honest, I'm considering one. My problem is, I have nowhere to plug it in where I'm currently living. Work has many charging stations, but I'm also working from home 4 days a week starting in May lol. Just can't win.

Anyway, the fit and finish on the car feel very top notch. Surprisingly un-GM like. He negotiated they throw in the chargers and he added the 10 year warranty, bumper to bumper. All said and done he was around 36k. He's been saving about $200 to $250 in gas /month with a 25km one way commute. Car charges full in a little over 8 hours. I'll let you know if he has any issues.
Just irks me, the discussion between us gave me some indication that whoever called had some background knowledge about the situation which is what makes me think it's someone here....the fact that they were seemingly willing to take it sight-unseen was indicator number 2, since of course I've done a lot of the homework already and posted all the findings here.

Whoever it may be, stop it please. Trying to scoop someone else's deal out from under them is not cool. If for some reason I decide to pass on it, I'll be sure to let ya all know so someone can jump all over it.

Thanks for clarifying Rick.
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Returned to the dealership was STILL not charged. :angry7:

They had put it on the fast charger across in the dealerships service department but it wasn't showing finished until 7PM, couldn't wait around.

I didn't like what I saw at that point however - battery showed about 3/4 charged at 6PM when I was there, but only 19K electric range showing.

Probably not right (hence the name "guessometer" by many Volt owners apparently), but part of tonights test drive was to exhaust the battery on a 401 jaunt and see how many K it actually got. I can't seem to accomplish that due to their inability to actually prep the car correctly.

Regroup tomorrow evening I think as we can't go back tonight.

And BTW, if it is a GTAM member trying to buy it out from underneath me right now (the salesperson said someone had called today anxiously looking to purchase it kinda no questions asked, which seemed odd), a special thanks to you from me. :/

what do you expect man, ppl
you are posting all the details including the dealership

I would wonder if there is something wrong with the car. They did not have it charged to start with, you make it clear to charge it when you return and it was not done.
Seems like they are stalling or just super lazy or don't care which doesn't make sense because car dealers want the car gone yesterday.

Ppl need to have the $ lined up when going to purchase something. You should have had the finance part ready from day 1.
The fact they can't seem to get the car "ready" seems to stem from the fact that the the salespeople really don't seem very knowledgeable with EV's. Spend some time at any EV forum and you'll soon discover this is something you need to come to expect. Seems to be no exception here. It WAS plugged in (the salesman plugged it in Saturday immediately after we left) but the circuit they plugged it into was shared with a bunch of other things - a big no no. Either the voltage sagged and the charger terminated the charge, or it tripped a breaker...never got a clear answer on that aside from the fact that when he went to check it out an hour or three after the start of his shift this afternoon, he found it still dead.

To his credit, he did take it across to the main dealership to plug into their level 2 charger, but it wasn't done by the time I got there. Again, to his credit, he called me around 7:30 and said it was still charging (despite the initial 7PM finish time that was showing on the dash when I was there at 6PM) and it was up to 35K range, so the weirdness might have had something to do with the fact it's been dead for so long. Range was still low according to the guessometer, but again, around 60K would be expected on a test drive given the ambient temps, which is why I've been insisting on seeing it fully charged. Until I actually see how far it goes on a full charge I can't assess the health of things.

As for "what did I expect", well, Yeah, in hindsight it wasn't the brightest thing for me to post all the details here, I'll admit that, but what's done is done - I didn't expect someone to try to swoop in and snatch someone elses in-progress deal out from under them.

I could be totally off base and it may not even be anyone here, but I'm left wondering based on the seeming urgency the salesperson said the other person showed.

The financial arrangements, again...personal, however, as per my first post, original plan was 12+ months out, so this is all running on a condensed timeframe now. Add in some unexpected hoops to jump through as mentioned, and here we are.
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Money talks, BS walks. No sales lizard gives a rat's patooti if you're​ having issues about coming up with the money. First one to plunk down gets it. I purchased one of my bikes that had someone else's deposit on it because it was a guaranteed sale.

Also, I would get that vehicle safetied at a Chev dealer, who knows the vehicle's​ particularities, not some 3rd rate bhph shop that wants it off the lot.
Money talks, BS walks. No sales lizard gives a rat's patooti if you're​ having issues about coming up with the money. First one to plunk down gets it. I purchased one of my bikes that had someone else's deposit on it because it was a guaranteed sale.

Also, I would get that vehicle safetied at a Chev dealer, who knows the vehicle's​ particularities, not some 3rd rate bhph shop that wants it off the lot.

it's at a General Motors Dealership.......

Hey PP don't forget the car qualifies for.....

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My bad, missed that part. Part 1 still applies. Hope it works out.
Undoubtedly, and the first thing he's going to do is slap a Honda badge on it ... :-)
Still loving this thread. makes me wanna trade my car in for a used Volt. I'd save quite a lot of $$ if I did.....but I'll miss the POWAH
I have a feeling that @PrivatePilot is staying mum until that Volt is on his driveway. ☺
Hope everything works out buddy.

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