Yes, I got mine a while ago. Amazing helmet isn't it? It weighs absolutely nothing. I had GP Tech before, but compared to that this thing is so much lighter and more comfortable around my head. The design (I also have the project 46 version) looks awesome with my bike. The carbon fiber also looks nice. The visor is also wider with a better visibility as a result than its predecessor. Conclusion it is an awesome helmet.
here's a tip for the people that want to buy it: at champiopnhelmets they have a coupon code "
Pista" which they don't communicate on their website, this code takes
$234 off the original price ($1310) so the price is $1076. But because you order it from Canada we don't have to pay VAT, taking off another 21%. So you end up paying just $889 (instead of $1310), this is the best price I saw across the web. Unfortunately I still bought it at CH for the original price. Here is the link of the Pista: