What's the common denominator? Ignorance? Or are they aware but choose to take the risk?
Good question. 99% of the time, we get " i wasnt gone for long " or " i didnt know ".
Yeahh okay. Well theres your broken window on the ground, and the police would like to talk to you next.
This happens more frequently than the public are made aware.
This one happened to draw a large enough crowd that it went public. Most times they dont .. unless death or serious injury occur.
And that goes for either pets or kids.
Have you tried smashing windows? If you have the right tool (ie. hardened point hammer or broken spark plug), it's easy and the glass drops reasonably straight down. With a rock or something that is laying around, you really need to hit it hard and glass goes everywhere. I would be worried about glass hitting the child in the face.
That being said, if they were obviously in significant distress, a cut face or in the worst-case damaged vision is better than dead, but it has to be pretty bad for me to attempt it. Give the cops/tow truck drivers/owner/sketchy guy with a long reach as much time as possible to try to open the door without glass flying everywhere.
4 door windows in a car. I'm pretty sure the child/pet isn't going to be by all 4 of them at the same time.
Break the edge(s) and then just rip it out. Use a cloth (or motorcycle gloves) so you don't cut your hands (or if you do it won't be as bad.)
PS> if you are in the situation that you need to break a window, don't smash the middle of it like a fool, get something made of metal and whack the edges of the glass.
Unless its a damn expensive car, the door windows will be tempered not laminated. Only the front window of most cars is laminated. Tempered breaks into thousands of square shards, laminated stays in a sheet.
For all you people talking about breaking glass I wouldn't do it unless the child/animal looked like it was unconcious and/or not waking up.
That may be too late for the occupant.
I get very angry when I hear of a living creature left inside a locked up car in heat. Very.
I talked to one of the car checkers at Vaughan mills during a heat alert, he personally had found 7 animals in vehicles that day. There are probably 10 or more people doing the same job. That means ~70 animals cooking in cars at Vaughan mills on any given day. Start auctioning off the vehicles and people may start paying attention.