After what I saw tonight, I think I'm going to sell my SS

It sounds like the bike the original poster originally had, was a better match.

Sell the gixxer and buy another cbr500, nothing stopping you. Take the cost of the double depreciation+tax hit as a life lesson and move on.

Or ... just keep riding what you have, and behave; it's all up to you.

I have nothing but supersport bikes; I put a few hours in over the past weekend and yesterday. Nothing bad happened.
It's definitely feasible.

Or you could also change the gearing to lower top speed...but even then, you'll get in "lose your license territory" much faster so it's probably not worth it, might also be more dangerous if throttle gets twisted a bit too much a bit too fast.

Personally i like shifting lots, so i know even if i were to get a bigger bike, i'd like to modify it to keep some of that feeling. Otherwise i might as well go electric lol
I ride differently on both my bikes...2008 f650gs and a 2004 hayabusa. I poke along on both actually but sometimes I want to play a bit and the busa is great for that. I play by myself and I am very careful where my playground is. I have EVERYBODY and I mean EVERYBODY pass me when I am on the busa “out in public” the 401, 404,400, anywhere where there is traffic, car, bikes and people.

i am mature enough that I don’t give a rats *** who is passing me. Yesterday on the 401 I got smoked by a yammie r3 thingy. I just waved and let them burn up thier fuel going 140 or so. I make zero effort to catch up or make any other type of contact.

And yes, the general public has no idea of what one bike is over another. Every cruiser is a Harley, even gold wings.

The gs just gets the job done in a workmanlike fashion, it’s not a thrilling ride and I’m not a badass on it, I’m just getting from point a to b, usually with panniers full of groceries. I ride it kinda like a old gs person would ride.

It isounds like the OP is a bit conflicted, speeding up to try and interact with them, then not wanting to be lumped in with idiot riders.
not making the connection
they can do their thing
you can do yours

This is what I thought.

My best friend used to ride a CBR600 but since becoming a Police officer, he's decided to give it up altogether.
He based his decision on accidents and deaths that he see's, and how people drive in Toronto.

He most certainly did not come to this decision lightly or because of how he saw some other morons riding...

If you're uncomfortable with the supersport (which is sounds to me you are), there's nothing wrong with selling it for a bike that you enjoy more.
You just got to find the right bike.
Sounds like you realize your purchase wasn't worth it. Everyone on this forum told you to avoid a gsxr and the insurance costs that come with it, but you went ahead anyways. Now you feel it. Lesson learned.

There's idiots in civics who drive at 200km on the highways as well, guess we shouldn't buy civics either
After reading this whole nonsensical thread I have come to the conclusion the OP doesn't even ride or own a bike. Just look at the evidence, a truly committed motorbike rider doesn't even think this way. He is new to the board in February and has already posted over 100 times. Does that look like someone who leaves their computer to ride occasionally?
I'll give you $3000 for your 600cc death machine.
...i could use another track bike
But getting a naked bike won't necessarily help with that. The torque on those naked 650+ bikes is crazy. 0-100 is much faster to hit on those than on SS.

Getting up to 130-140 was cake on the ER6n.

Only difference is you feel the wind at 130-140 on a naked bike. You can cruise at 160 on most SS and not even realize you're 60 over.
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