After what I saw tonight, I think I'm going to sell my SS

Thanks for editing your post to make it more meaningful. Obviously I exaggerated a bit. But if you've ridden a 650+ naked and a SS, you'll know the difference in their low end.
Yup, my old SV could hang with an SS up to 100ish...

As for OP, a bunch of dipshits on the highway is a pretty dumb reason to sell your bike, especially if you like it... but hey, different strokes. FWIW, I think if you're a new rookie, you will be overwhelmed by the SS sooner or later; it makes it really effortless to ride beyond your level and get you in a situation that you won't have the skill/reflexes to get out of. A 650 twin is a lot more forgiving in that way and a LOT nicer on your wallet.

How much you selling your gixxer for, OP?
Just do what YOU need to do to feel comfortable.

Purchasing a super sport bike for the street is not a rational decision.
Some people don't like being called out on that fact.

There are two types of people:
Those who abuse their right wrist, and those who would lie about it.

As far as the general public:
Anything where you're hunched over the tank is an s.s.
Anything else is a cruiser, unless you're sticking your inside leg out, and then you're motocross.

drastic reaction to a momentary encounter
unless he found an exceptionally good deal buying the gixxer
will cost OP a few grand to change bikes
This thread is brutal.....
Yes I agree Supersports have a bad rep, but that doesn't mean you need to ride like that. You made it quite clear you tried to catch them in your if you saw them on your bike would you have also caught up and rode with them? LOL!! This is probably the most retarded reason I have ever heard someone thinking why they want to sell their bike :lmao:
Yes SS bikes are great at high speed.....but have you ever been on a FZ09 or Street/Speed triple naked bike? They haul *** at low rpm's and get you from 0-100 much faster than a GSXR600 would.
It's not the bike that does those speeds, it's the person behind the throttle that's telling the bike to do those speeds.
Maybe you should get a mo-ped, pocket bike, or e-bike?
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You are riding for the wrong reasons if you just want others approval

I must say having girls with their bfs checking me out on my ninja 300 is plenty reason to keep riding ;)
I bow to all the people who have "mastered" their ss.

drastic reaction to a momentary encounter
unless he found an exceptionally good deal buying the gixxer
will cost OP a few grand to change bikes

Might save that in insurance over a couple of years, and much easier than selling parts after a crash.
Might save that in insurance over a couple of years, and much easier than selling parts after a crash.


You are riding for the wrong reasons if you just want others approval

yup....seems to be a pattern, get a bike
before you can ride it competantly
seek out social meets so you can fit-in
bad way to learn how to ride
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This thread is brutal.....
Yes I agree Supersports have a bad rep, but that doesn't mean you need to ride like that. You made it quite clear you tried to catch them in your if you saw them on your bike would you have also caught up and rode with them? LOL!! This is probably the most retarded reason I have ever heard someone thinking why they want to sell their bike :lmao:
Yes SS bikes are great at high speed.....but have you ever been on a FZ09 or Street/Speed triple naked bike? They haul *** at low rpm's and get you from 0-100 much faster than a GSXR600 would.
It's not the bike that does those speeds, it's the person behind the throttle that's telling the bike to do those speeds.
Maybe you should get a mo-ped, pocket bike, or e-bike?

I thought he was on his bike ?

While I was being a little facetious it is true that people say that one appeal of the small cc sport bikes is that you can wind them out at WOT and not be breaking the law -- at least for a while -- and there's truth to that: A CBR300 will do 0-100kph in 6.7-seconds. There's lots of time there to contemplate what you're doing before you get into deep ****.
It was slightly tongue in cheek ;)
I look at performance cars and it would put me off if I could never use what it had. Bikes are a little different but a lot of vehicles have sweet spots at which they seem balanced. I like riding in those zones.

You can ride a 250 cc on a 400 series road but I wouldn't do it for long. Similarly riding a 1500 Goldwing at 20 kph is underkill.

Is a SS happy at normal speeds? If it is and the rider enjoys the hidden potential and handling then why ride a plod?
Thanks for editing your post to make it more meaningful. Obviously I exaggerated a bit. But if you've ridden a 650+ naked and a SS, you'll know the difference in their low end.

I have owned and ridden 650s, 600s, 750s, 1000's, 1200s and 1300's, but your initial statement is still "lol" worthy
All this talk sounds so serious... OP- if you were truly apprehensive of SS bikes, you wouldn't have tried to play keep up with them.

SV650 or otherwise will not change your attitude... that comes from you.
SS bikes are not as big of heat scores to the police unless you are doing something wrong or look like you're part of a group doing something wrong (ie. trying to pace idiots on the 403)

Learn or leave it. But to me it sounds like you don't have the maturity to ride within your own thought and comfort zone.. and I mean that with no real disrespect.
I've ridden liter bikes for years on the street. Never been bothered by popo unless I deserved it. What other people do on their bikes has 0 influence on what I want to ride and how I ride it.

I am with you 100%.
Maturity = knowing you're fast enough to keep up with the idiots but not having to bother.
Immaturity = ahhh **** it...vroom vroom....braaaaaaaaaaaap.

My current bike does stupid speeds in first gear and if I switch the traction control gizmos off it will wheelie like a mother****er (allegedly). Do I do all that? Nope. Knowing it will do that is enough to satisfy the hooligan in me.
You guys realize he had a 500r (as per his name) and was okay with it until he wanted to upgrade right?

To me it's kinda buyer's remorse.... Like that guy who buys this nice big fancy house in this snotty neighbourhood that he can afford, only to realize that he doesnt like the neighbours' attitude and in the end, the 'upkeep' of it he can handle but too much work for what he needs and he could be happier somewhere else.

That's how i read his story.

All the power to him for not trying to be one of those dooshbags... although it's only with cops and other motorcyclists that you'll be set in a specific 'class' as to the public, most bikes looks the same-ish to the extent of the good ol' cruiser vs crotchrocket.
It sounds like the bike the original poster originally had, was a better match.

Sell the gixxer and buy another cbr500, nothing stopping you. Take the cost of the double depreciation+tax hit as a life lesson and move on.

Or ... just keep riding what you have, and behave; it's all up to you.

I have nothing but supersport bikes; I put a few hours in over the past weekend and yesterday. Nothing bad happened.
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