After what I saw tonight, I think I'm going to sell my SS

I wouldn't say I'm overwhelmed with the power, I just find myself not being responsible enough on it. I'm not like the idiots I complained about in this thread, but I do find myself riding above the speed limit quite often, not excessively, but definitely enough to get a large ticket and points.

Good decision based on your own acknowledgement of not being responsible enough on it - many people aren't, but then there are those who are.

Any 300cc+ bike, can get you into a lot of trouble if you're trying to go as fast as you can (it just takes longer so it's less tempting). The danger is the speed differential with other vehicles/people around you, and lack of experience at high speeds.
Exactly. Getting a SS was a bad idea and I should have listened to you guys before. I had no problem doing exactly the speed limit on my CBR500R. Now, I only find myself doing 20+ over on regular streets and 40+ over on highway riding, just because I'm either not use to it yet, or because it's just so simple that I don't even notice how fast I'm going.
Go 1 down on the front sprocket gives better acceleration and makes your speedo read 117 when you are doing 100 $20. Helps keep speed in check. And clean the neutral connection while you're in there.
No sense bud at all!!!! I love my yzf600 and its full fairing so people know its a race bike. I ride normal with it and stick with traffic like any normal person should and I dont feel like im being looked at like a punk on an ss. You are judged how you ride and interact on the road not by what others do. Thats only what ins does lol. You should see the smiles I get with my camp gear all over the bike haha

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I saw @Evoex riding his fz09. The acceleration is absolutely crazy lol. I can't imagine how anyone can consider that more tame than a SS.

Either the fz09 or z900 or z1000 is going to be my next bike, for when the time comes.

:agave: Torque you say?

@OP - Even on an SV650 you'll get into trouble if you feel the urge. If i recall no one really shot down your idea because the SS isn't tame enough, it's the insurance + unused performance aspect.

If you want to ditch the bike so you aren't being lumped in with those guys you saw tonight i can see your angle, but don't do it because you think it's too powerful imo. If anything you likely haven't even see what the bike is really capable of.
But getting a naked bike won't necessarily help with that. The torque on those naked 650+ bikes is crazy. 0-100 is much faster to hit on those than on SS.

Getting up to 130-140 was cake on the ER6n.


I have own inline 4 ss and v twin sports bike too. With the v twin you will be hard pressed not to torque it.

At the end of the day what you described on the 403 also happens on cars and also on 250 cc bikes. It has nothing to do with the vehicle

If you don’t think you are mature enough to ride a SS then atleast you are mature enough to know it and admit it which is a very good thing. So sell it if you want you can buy one later on in your riding career

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Based on your recent posts, it seems you may be overwhelmed by the power the 600 SS offers. If that's the case, it's better to get something easier to ride, like the 650 you're looking at. More comfortable too, and of-course much cheaper to insure. I'm riding a 1000cc SS, and am perfectly comfortable on it. The power band is very manageable and ramp up is super smooth. Maneuvering on it is also much much easier than my previous ride - the ER6n. So flick'able like they say. I don't see myself getting rid of it anytime soon, unless i'm forced to for whatever reason.

Honestly, I thought you had already listed it for sale, when I saw your recent thread about half the asking price offers on kijiji.
Agreed. If the bike overwhelms you it's time to step back to something that makes you comfortable. I too ride an SS, (1340cc) and while it doesn't intimidate me, I've been riding for a while and have a good respect for and command over the bike. I can however understand how intimidating a bike can be when you unleash the beast -- had the same feeling when I was younger and thought I was ready for my H2 Kawi.

The 650 cc bikes are all a delight, in the hands of a decent pilot you can easily hand with most 600SS owners. Nothing wrong with stepping into your comfort zone.
not making the connection
they can do their thing
you can do yours

I read it as he doesn't want to be the low hanging fruit for the police to pick.

Might be better off looking at some type of touring or naked bike, that's easy to distinguish from an SS.
Hey all,

I thought it would be fun to catch up to them, but quickly gave up after coming to my senses that not only is it extremely dangerous, but it's also illegal, very illegal.

So, I followed behind them for a little bit once they slowed down to a "reasonable" speed, to see if they would slow down even further and at least interact with me. .

So why? three idiots and you want to catch up and see if they at least interact with you? why?
How do I word this without sounding like a dumb dumb. I don't want to be seen as one of those idiots, based on the bike I ride. I like to have fun, and these bikes are just too much to handle, and have a bad public image, which I don't think I want to be apart of.

Well that's easy then because the general public does not have a clue about one style of motorcycle or another, to them it's just a motorcycle. Downgrading to a lesser performing motorcycle isn't going to do squat to improve your biker image.
Well just read this entire thread, and to be honest......

OP, your not mature enough and you don't have enough restraint to be on any bike, it don't matter if it's a SS, or SV, they can all go faster than the posted speed limit on most streets and highways....

So if you don't have self control, then being on a bike is not for you....Based on your own comments..... you say 3 idiots blew past you, and you had to catch up to them, well you just became the 4th idiot.....

Hang up your jacket,gloves and helmet, and find yourself another hobby, as this hobby is not for this time....

Click bait thread title. Expected to see some story of horrible carnage after those idiots got smushed under the back wheels of a semi after trying to weave underneath the trailer.

OP says he wants to sell his SS because he doesn't want to be associated with that sort of riding. Later he says the bike is too much to handle and that he's "not responsible enough on it." Kinda all over the place. The upshot is that he's not happy with his bike and wants something else.

Doesn't really matter what his rationale is. You don't have to make excuses to us Derp; if you're not happy start looking for a different ride. I have a Fazer 800 as well as a Tuono. The former is a happy golden retriever while the latter is a mental-case pitbull. If I ever tire of the Tuono always tugging at the leash and goading me into a fight I'd be pleased as punch to hop on the comparatively gentle, calm, smooth Fazer. I'd thought of selling it but every time I ride it I think "Damn, this is a fine bike" and end up shelving those plans for another week. It's perfect for those days when I don't feel like a triple-caffeinated, bleeding-from-the-eyes trip to the octagon on the Tuono. But that's not to say the Fazer's not quick. It's still easily capable of illegal-speeds everywhere in Ontario in 1st gear. It just doesn't feel like it's pushing you to do that.

From all accounts the SV650 is a good, reliable bike. Just understand that any bike with more than 60hp is going to be pretty quick and still easily capable of putting you into HTA172 territory. But remember: 60hp or 175hp; you're in control of how much power is delivered to the ground. If you're not sure you can resist the urge, I recommend a 300-500cc machine, the ones that people say are fun to wind out to redline all the time and still be losing the Corolla ahead...
This. No more needs to be said....

Well that's easy then because the general public does not have a clue about one style of motorcycle or another, to them it's just a motorcycle. Downgrading to a lesser performing motorcycle isn't going to do squat to improve your biker image.
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Don't worry OP. A 300cc sports bike will destroy Corollas all day

While I was being a little facetious it is true that people say that one appeal of the small cc sport bikes is that you can wind them out at WOT and not be breaking the law -- at least for a while -- and there's truth to that: A CBR300 will do 0-100kph in 6.7-seconds. There's lots of time there to contemplate what you're doing before you get into deep ****.
im not sure why everyone is so fixated on displacement, the only bike I owned that got me attention from the cops was a DRZ400sm
If you think power on your bike is out of control, no offence, but I think maybe motorcycle is not your thing. Moving into smaller bikes may look like solving the problem. But 10s of other problems are still there that you are not aware of.
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