5k limit....what would YOU get?

Thanks for the suggestion all. I think the 1000cc bikes are too much for me in terms of power and just ... large.

I like the Speed Triple suggestion.

@matthew 10k/year insurance!? What do you ride for that?

@KWDRZ i like the 650 but the new gen is definitely out of budget. Wasn’t there a previous gen that would slot in?

speed triple is 1050cc think you mean the street triple.
I would suggest you check insurance rates as well might take some bikes off the table but most of the ones you listed shouldn't be that high.
speed triple is 1050cc think you mean the street triple.
I would suggest you check insurance rates as well might take some bikes off the table but most of the ones you listed shouldn't be that high.
Oh oops yes that’s def not the one I’m looking for.
I think @shanekingsley had a Street Triple before?
Get a test ride on the mt07. For a middleweight, that engine punches way above its class.
I owned the kawasaki 650 twin and it's nowhere near as lively as the 07. Have not ridden the honda 650 so no comment there.

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Get a test ride on the mt07. For a middleweight, that engine punches way above its class.
I owned the kawasaki 650 twin and it's nowhere near as lively as the 07. Have not ridden the honda 650 so no comment there.

Sent from my SM-A530W using Tapatalk
It’s been said it’s actually more fun to ride then the mt09. As a former owner of the mt09 I can’t see how that’s possible but I’m open to believing the people making the claims.
yeah either the street triple (675) or mt07
Check which one is better on insurance
I’ll bet lunch it’s the mt07

Hes 40 and probably has an M, it might be worth it, especially if hes considering track at some point
That's my favourite shopping bracket. I find the recipe for greatest success is cruising Kijiji with realistic search criteria (are you really willing to drive 800km to look at a lukewarm deal) and cruise it *often* - you absolutely can find good deals, but they don't stay up for very long... because they're good deals.

That said, here's a bike that caught my eye today - there are two big questions for me on this one. How much is it going to cost to deal with that deferred maintenance, and how bad is the rash that the seller forgot to include any pictures of.

Belts and valves wil be less than $1000 with an indy like Ken Livingstone, especially since everything else was done (if you trust that).

Rash is on the bag, and is shown in the last pic.
Belts and valves wil be less than $1000 with an indy like Ken Livingstone, especially since everything else was done (if you trust that).

Rash is on the bag, and is shown in the last pic.

I could swear that photo wasn't there before. $1000? What would be the minimum unusual tool investment to do this job by oneself... looks like you need some kind of belt tensioning tool?
I have adjusted/installed lots and lots of Ducati timing belts
I don't need no stinking unusual tools... actually I use a bent screw driver to hold up the closer
Many years of experience, but no special tools.
I could swear that photo wasn't there before. $1000? What would be the minimum unusual tool investment to do this job by oneself... looks like you need some kind of belt tensioning tool?

Less than $1000. I think it's about 3.5 hours for the valve check/adjust assuming he can swap out shims for ones he has in stock. Add another hour for belts plus the cost of the belts. I need to request a quote anyways and can update you.

Belt tensioning is done by frequency, and the last time I looked into doing it myself you could use a guitar tuning app on your phone or computer while strumming the belt.

Valves I never bothered to do myself. There are some special tools needed because of the Desmo system, but sounds like you don't really need them if you can make your own.
I have adjusted/installed lots and lots of Ducati timing belts
I don't need no stinking unusual tools... actually I use a bent screw driver to hold up the closer
Many years of experience, but no special tools.
I had you in mind when I asked that question but didn't want to presume, heh. I see some procedures have a tool to hold the cams in position but I don't really understand the point of that when everything has nice timing marks on it. How do you deal with belt tension?
In before Mr Science.
A used trials bike. Try something completely different. No insurance and simple to maintain. A lot easier to find a place to ride it than an all out dirt bike.
A year ago or so @Trials said I could come by and check it out...but COVID :( I assume these can be ridden on normal trails but can't be overly comfortable over extended periods as the whole 'no seat' thing.
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