4k UHD BluRay vs 4k streaming | GTAMotorcycle.com

4k UHD BluRay vs 4k streaming


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I'm fussy on both video and to a lesser degree audio quality and BluRay 4k HDR is simply the best

considering getting a player on Black Friday and starting to collect a few discs used. As BluRay is being phased out I think there will some decent collections for sale - some as low as $5 per disc. My streaming service is erratic where I am and the availability of 4k movies means chasing through services,

4K Blu-Rays vs 4K Streaming

Abin Prakash
Digital Cinema Articles
4K Blu-Rays vs 4K Streaming
In this current world where the likes of Amazon prime and Netflix rule the television screens, the chances of watching a movie on a physical disk is very rare.
But does that mean Streaming is better? Well think again !!
For example a movie stored in a 4K UHD blu ray disk will have almost anywhere between 50 -100 GB of storage size depending on the movie.
On the other hand Netflix website states that one hour of 4K UHD Movie streaming on Netflix will take up upto 7GB of data.
That itself will answer a lot of questions. The Bluray disk holds almost 5 times more data than the equivalent streaming setup and does that extra data mean better quality?
Well let's find out!
Let's take a look at these two in mainly 3 different categories.
Technically a 4K video just means it has four times as many pixels than a 1080p screen (which was the old HD standard).Effectively, it means more detail.4K resolution and HDR are available on both streaming networks and 4K Blu-ray players. But there is a difference between the two.
There’s literally no way you can compare a 4K Netflix stream and a comparable Blu-ray and say the latter is six times as good.Its not the case.Its definitely better, but not 6 times better.The contrast comes when you watch a true cinematic spectacle. If there’s action, moving parts, deep blacks, or lots of movement, that’s when the extra detail is really noticeable. Inception is a good example of the type of movie that really pops on 4K Blu-ray.
Now this is a department where Netflix and other streaming services don't stand a chance with the UHD discs. Uncompressed Sound. You can definitely notice the difference if you are watching in a home theater with decent speakers.The reason for the smaller videos and extremely compressed sound is that Streaming services need to cut down on bandwidth use. Internet speeds aren’t unlimited or even consistent across the globe.and for a relatively better streaming service internet speeds are very important.

BluRay on it's own is not superior - 4k UHD 4K clearly is,

Thoughts ?
In my experience, Apple TV has the best 4K out of the streaming services. Second is Amazon but I have found that only their own stuff looks really good.

For everything else, I have a Plex Server with 4K content.
Boy am I glad my eyes and ears are crap and I can live with 1080P.

@MacDoc I think you mentioned having worked at Ring Audio on Queen? In the mid-80's, I bought my first "audiophile" system from them. I ended up with a lot of their "entry level" recommendations (Kyocera receiver and tape deck, Camber speakers, and a Revolver turntable) because luckily I wasn't able to notice enough of a difference to justify the much more expensive stuff. I still remember the story the sales guy told me about how his son who would go over to his friend's house and then ask to play outside because he couldn't stand the "noise" coming out of their lower quality home stereo compared to his. Maybe that was you?
I have a Panasonic 4k player. I still watch a lot of 4k streaming but I like having the 4k player for movies that may disappear from a streaming service.
I'm actually looking at some DVD's to purchase so I can get directors commentary and all that extra stuff, such as the massive Lord Of The Rings DVD box set.

I'm old school and I prefer physical media
Exactly. It's LoTR that got me into this chase. I KNOW what a pristine 70mm film in a 70 mm theatre can look like. Any transciption that can get close consistently,....that's what I want.
My hearing is nothing like it used to be but my eyesight only just dropped from 20/15 vision to 20/20 and I've been chasing big screen since 1982 at the CES in Chicago where they showed the analogue Japanes system on a closed circuit with a Geisha live on one side of a showcase and the hidef image onscreen on the right - that was indistinguisable.
Been chasing that ever since - had a 50" Mits in 1983 when I accidently caught the one and only time the Apple commercial was broadcast....I was blown away. Ridley Scott magic.
and that led to 37 years of Mac involvement and still chasing hidef.
Only since 4k has the gear and the media exceeded that closed circuit analogue image and exceeded it. Now HDR10 and newer screen tech has gone far beyond it.

@MacDoc I think you mentioned having worked at Ring Audio on Queen? In the mid-80's, I bought my first "audiophile" system from them. I ended up with a lot of their "entry level" recommendations (Kyocera receiver and tape deck, Camber speakers, and a Revolver turntable) because luckily I wasn't able to notice enough of a difference to justify the much more expensive stuff. I still remember the story the sales guy told me about how his son who would go over to his friend's house and then ask to play outside because he couldn't stand the "noise" coming out of their lower quality home stereo compared to his. Maybe that was you?
I never worked retail at Ring ...I just ended up owning half as I was always in high end wholesale. Interesting years, lots of travel and crazy magical experience when it all came together, Oracle, Supex, Classé, some elctrostatic panels from Holland and stupid expensive cables.
My buddy's comment at the end of that meet up in Shawingan ...."We'll be looking for that sound the rest of our lives"
it's true tho I stopped chasing it ...tube headphone amp and high end headphones sufficed
Boy am I glad my eyes and ears are crap and I can live with 1080P.

@MacDoc I think you mentioned having worked at Ring Audio on Queen? In the mid-80's, I bought my first "audiophile" system from them. I ended up with a lot of their "entry level" recommendations (Kyocera receiver and tape deck, Camber speakers, and a Revolver turntable) because luckily I wasn't able to notice enough of a difference to justify the much more expensive stuff. I still remember the story the sales guy told me about how his son who would go over to his friend's house and then ask to play outside because he couldn't stand the "noise" coming out of their lower quality home stereo compared to his. Maybe that was you?
Streaming content at 1080p doesn't save you from compression artifacts
directors commentary and all that extra stuff, such as the massive Lord Of The Rings DVD box set.
Worth their weight in gold those behind the scenes add ons ....especially LoTR.

I can tolerate 1080p if the story is good - even less lately from the historical war footage. Many if not most people are after the story line/performance on a movie ......but if you see some of the Attenborough specials in 4k HDR it is transformative......and that becomes my new baseline.
Worth their weight in gold those behind the scenes add ons ....especially LoTR.

I can tolerate 1080p if the story is good - even less lately from the historical war footage. Many if not most people are after the story line/performance on a movie ......but if you see some of the Attenborough specials in 4k HDR it is transformative......and that becomes my new baseline.

$110 Cdn ( $130 Aus ) beyond my budget.
Streaming content at 1080p doesn't save you from compression artifacts
No, all things being equal, it doesn't, but I guess I should have provided context - I was referring to the fact that I don't need to upgrade my projector from 1080P to 4K, nor do I need to expand my NAS by a minimum of 4x to upgrade all of my 1080P Plex library content to 4K, and then having at least 4x the file sizes going forward. I'm already shopping for Black Friday deals on 20+ TB drives as it is.
Meh I'm holding out for 8k where resolution becomes kinda a non factor. Getting caught up in all these content delivery and media types, to me, is kinda fruitless. All I know is VCR VHS won over Beta, and it's never been the same since. :LOL:
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Meh I'm holding out for 8k where resolution becomes kinda a non factor. Getting caught up in all these content delivery and media types, to me, is kinda fruitless. All I know is VHS won over Beta, and it's never been the same since. :LOL:
There is really no point in 8k unless you are going 120" or higher.
The real advances are not in resolution which is fine for anything 100" or less but instead for HDR capability, blacks ( OLED =perfect), no bloom,
crazy 1000+ Nits max brightness ( not OLED ).
Achieving those actual results reliability are part of what this discussion is about.
Really the tech out there is a bargain.....getting its potential realized reliably a challenge.
Looking for movies we watch regularly and get good reviews to quality. This looks to be one.

Pick a few for me

Gonna buy a Panasonic 4k UHD player circa $300 for Black Friday
Maybe this
Sounds a lot like the stereo wars of the 70s where every brand bragged about the range of there audio.
The problem was only your dog could hear 50% of the upper range.
Blind in my right eye and deaf in my left ear.
I live in a world of 50 shades of grey!
It's not and I was there during those wars and there is no valid comparison.
I'm older than you and can effortlessly SEE the difference.
While my hearing range does not extend to what it used to be, that again is not a critical factor in sound quality.
Maybe it's because I lean toward film noir!

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