4k UHD BluRay vs 4k streaming

High end reproduction matters less for classic films. I also enjoy film noir but a good upscaling system can bring out the detail in B&W movies.
Best Years of Our Lives is still one of my top movies ever.
In this thread we are not discussing the merit of the movies as much as the quality of the medium. When those combine....I'm in.
ie remastered Lawrence of Arabia if I can get even close to the 70 mm theatre quality at home ....I'll be thrilled.
I'll likely be grabbing Oppenheimer in 4k Ultra BluRay and will grab the remastered Blade Runner Final Cut
I would still rather read the book.
I prefer to do both. Different mediums. Watching Sea Biscuit and reading the book on the same day was wonderful as one enhanced the other.
Which do you prefer, Casablanca in original black& white or in colour?
Or are you holding out for the remake staring digitalize resurrected Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman?
I used to work in the graghic arts industry in the early years of PhotoShop.
I understand bright and shinny appeal to the senses and even enjoyed a few movies with total digital backgrounds.
The Grand Tetons shot in f.64 is impressive but I know it will not look as good in person with my eyesight.
On occasion I wander thru the video display (I won't call them TVs) department but to me everything looks like a cartoon.
Personally I find the colours and definition un-natural.
But that's ME
It's your money so spend it on what makes you happy.
I am personally looking to upgrade my 27" Acer monitor to a 32" Acer monitor (now cheaper than the original price of the 27")
A better set of headphone as long as they don't cost more than $50 is in the works as well.
On occasion I wander thru the video display (I won't call them TVs) department but to me everything looks like a cartoon.
Personally I find the colours and definition un-natural.
But that's ME
In store, they have all the TV's set to stun. They compete for the brightest and most colorful and are normally set to Vivid. It is horrendous. Flip the setting to film/custom or something similar and everything calms down and looks better and more natural. If you really really care, you can calibrate the screen but most people don't bother.
In store, they have all the TV's set to stun. They compete for the brightest and most colorful and are normally set to Vivid. It is horrendous. Flip the setting to film/custom or something similar and everything calms down and looks better and more natural. If you really really care, you can calibrate the screen but most people don't bother.
lol, bored one time waiting for a friend to get through the extended warranty hard sell at Futureshop I adjusted a bunch of the most expensive TVs (when those TVs were $10K+) to basically be black and white...
As for quality, it will depend on the compression rate used. Now we don't usually "know" the compression rate we do (or can) know the bitrate. With the same codec, etc. higher bitrate should mean less compression (higher quality). I expect the disks to have a much higher bitrate than typical OTT streaming so I expect the disks to be better quality video all else being equal. BUT....

There is always a chance that one may be using H.264 and the other H.265 (different codecs) in this case the H.265 could be both higher quality and also lower bit rate. Why codec matters in the comparison.
JB Hifi has 2 for $40 but not sure of the instore selection. Still have a few days before the player arrives. Will call today and see.
Listed 640 movies ...including pre-orders

Reviews of the movies offered are plentiful and often in depth.
Even a recent release of Casa Blanca - I won't buy it but good reviews.
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Sources seem to indicate that this new 80th anniversary 4K restoration was taken from a 1942 fine grain master positive due to the destruction of the original camera negative some time ago. Several other sources were used to supplement this, all of which were scanned and fully restored at the now ubiquitous 4K resolution. It delivers a native 3840 x 2160p resolution image in the original aspect ratio of 1.37:1, which is faithfully preserved using a 10-bit video depth. In addition, a WCG and HDR10 only colour pass (no Dolby Vision layer is included) is applied and the entire film is encoded using the HEVC (H.265) codec.

And it delivers a simply stunning black and white image.

Immediately as Curtiz takes us into the bustling streets of the Moroccan town, the fine detail on show is staggering. Lines are razor sharp, textures are deep and piercing, and the depth of the image almost has us falling into the screen. Fine lines in everything from hair to clothing weaves to the wisp of smoke in Rick’s Café are clearly delineated and defined and as the camera zooms into those wonderful faces, every weathered line on Bogarts face and every supple contour of Bergman’s visage, these prove to be the final example needed of the quality of the restoration work applied here.

This detail uptick over the previous 70th anniversary edition is helped no doubt by this releases much better handling of the inherent grain field. Very fine it may be, but its constant, its even, it moves naturally and there’s not one instance of it looking like there’s anything amiss with it, either due to the application of any digital tools or the mis-encoding of the film to disc.

...absolutely as perfect an image as we could have hoped for...
And yet the disc still has more wonderful sights to show us – the greyscale is huge, with blacks plunging to the depths of the surrounding black bars and the bright highlights most noticeable on the shimmering jewels of the many patrons of Ricks’ costumes shining far brighter than the 39 nits Max Frame Average Light Levels of the disc would have us believe possible. And yet every shade in between is delivered with equal exquisite precision – as Bergman sneaks into Bogert’s back room to plead with him for the tickets, the noir-ish shadows of the slatted blind behind her cast a rich and complex series of shadows behind her, each one pristine in its colouring, with no banding or smearing apparent at all. And when the next scene shows Bergman’s profile highlighted by the lights outside the window, there’s absolutely none of the harsh ringing of the extreme bright areas that can occur. It’s a sublime colour grading and if anyone ever questions the benefit of WCG and HDR on a black and white film, just show them this and prepare to watch humble pie be scoffed at a furious rate…

It's obviously also been fully cleaned up so is free from any dirt or debris in the source and any telecine judder or wobble is also notably absent. Compression is consistent and is applied at an average bit rate in the low 70s mbps throughout and there are no problems noted from the encode at all.

It’s easy to see that the film does have a certain degree of fluctuations – optical fades are prevalent and the restoration chooses to keep the second-generation images throughout the shot of the fade, meaning there are times when the picture softens up. As it does when Curtiz deploys the trademark soft filters used for Bergman…but none of that should take away from how sublime this looks.

There are not that many I could be bothered with and some like Out of Africa have yet to be released. But to see these few as close to as intended by the director is worth the rather modest costs.

This will be one

Blade Runner: The Final Cut​

Image credit: Warner Bros.
Resolution: 2160p (from 4K master)
Codec: HEVC / H.265
Primary audio: English Dolby Atmos
Aspect ratio: 2.40:1

Remastered from a 4K scan, Blade Runner: The Final Cut looks absolutely astounding on 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray. We're not just saying that it looks good for an old film – it looks amazing regardless of when it was filmed.

The transfer reveals an exceptional level of clarity in what is generally a dark and smoky film. The noirish, rain-slicked, neon-soaked streets of futuristic Los Angeles look more detailed than ever, with the HDR-enhanced visuals giving us our best look at Rick Deckard's world to date.

Witness, for instance, the staggering level of detail found in the film's miniatures – one particularly shot showing the Tyrell building will blow you away with its clarity, revealing all the intricacies of the model in question, including the many glittering lights all over the structure giving you the illusion of thousands of offices within. You won't even mind that the illusion is slightly broken by the obviousness of the miniature work, because you'll be too busy appreciating the spectacular craftsmanship and on display.

Elsewhere, the whole film gets a visual uptick, with HDR helping significantly when it comes to the smooth gradation of colours and lighting. Clothing, skin textures and hair all look better in this version, and the various extreme close-ups of eyeballs all show extra detail now.

If you're a fan of Blade Runner, chances are that you already own The Final Cut of the film on Blu-ray. While it's highly likely that both releases come from the same 4K digital intermediate, this 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray version blows previous Blu-ray and HD DVD releases of the film out of the water. This is the best that Blade Runner has ever looked, period.

$15 all in ...I'm in

Blade Runner

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Starting the collection $9 delivery for all. Easier than picking up at the mall especially this time of year.
product image
Seven Worlds, One Planet x 1$38.49

product image
Dune (2021) x 1
4K 2 FOR $40: $10.43 off

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Blade Runner 2049 x 1
4K 2 FOR $40: $8.45 off

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Harry Potter - The Complete Collection x 1$87.50

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Dark Knight Rises, The x 1
4K 2 FOR $40: $3.49 off

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Dark Knight, The x 1
4K 2 FOR $40: $3.49 off
Have Blade Runner Directors Cut 4k coming and LoTR waiting at the store.

Very tempted by a Nolan collection of 8 movies but not a big fan of some of them so opted for individual.

Out of Africa is not yet available. :( Neither is Chariots.
This is very addictive shopping films knowing I can see my favs as intended by the director.

This forum a good resource
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Watched Dark Knight on Netflix - uncertain if it was 4k...it was decent tho but The Batman was terrible visuals.
Might have to buy that...just for redemption
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Yeah that is one reason I opted to go this route and so far pleased.
We have thousands of dollars of CDs DVDs and a few Blu Ray that will benefit from the auto-upscaling.....some better than others.

The player arrived sooner than expected so only have Planet II 4k UHD to watch and as expected it is spectacular. And I know I am getting the best possible feed for my older 4k Samsung which at least has HDR.
KISS to set up.
I must admit the Blu Ray version of LOTR was less of an upgrade than expected but it looks better in this player ....given that it is daylight when I'm watching just now.
Have to sort my photos as won't recognize the Mac formatted backup disc. Easy enough to switch formatting.
Things to play with while it is too wet and hot to ride. imgres.png
Nice starter set additions
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Braveheart was a late addition based on this and low price plus always liked the movie. Ditto for V for Vendetta.
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Still have to sort Attenborough. My order is arriving tomorrow - might delay the ride...have only 4 hours of Attenborough left on 4k.
I am forever spoiled now.:eek: I have a very jury rigged set up but overwhelming visual quality.
Yeah OLED would be better but no budget for that and this is really good.
This shipment was worth waiting for .... I had the Harry Potter series to complete..... just arrived today means I have to figure out how to hook up headphones or the sound bar to tap the 4k player.
Also got the original Avatar in 4k today.....given the source material should be spectacular. 🍿
I must admit I was thinking how good these would be on a larger screen......sigh.

Even with the enhanced dynamic range the Potter movies are very dark. I wanted them to have them to watch repeatedly over time ...not particularly for the "show off" tech. That's the same for most of the movies but some are also in the "reference" class....
Just wonder how I could smuggle an OLED 50" in and replace the older Samsung .....Pasted Graphic 2.tiff
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There is really no point in 8k unless you are going 120" or higher.
The real advances are not in resolution which is fine for anything 100" or less but instead for HDR capability, blacks ( OLED =perfect), no bloom,
crazy 1000+ Nits max brightness ( not OLED ).
Achieving those actual results reliability are part of what this discussion is about.
Really the tech out there is a bargain.....getting its potential realized reliably a challenge.
Didn’t they say the same about 4K; like a 46” TV and you need to sit like 8ft away or less.
That is still true depending on the size of your screen ..my viewing distance is a meter or a bit less for a 50" to get an iMax FoV.
The biggest advances are not in resolution but in HDR performance and other non-resolution performance parameters.
The guys that have the 8k screens do like them in specific built home theatre rooms and all have large versions. They also admit to little difference with the exception of subtle colour improvements due to the extra pixels.
4k is only just now mature and getting better in the non-resolution parameters.....spectacularly so in some cases.

Having access to the better picture quality 4k Ultra BR brings the directors vision closer to home and I don't have to chase through uncertain streaming to get to what I want to see when I want to see it in top notch reproduction..
Disney going off Blue Ray AND providing the BBC content is worrying.

My concerns might be moot with higher bandwidths promised but hey .....I may not live that long. :eek:
And there won't be streaming 8k at full rez for a while yet......the information size is enormous.
Was a tad disappointed on the improvement of the Harry Potter movie cycle....there is some limitation on my TV ..350 nits peak ( 300 continuous ) is low considering my 2015 iMac is 500 nits and my 2018 MacBook Pro is 500 as well.....and that shows up at times.
MiniLED are getting towards 4,000 peak....big gap. That will be my next big screen when one of our existing 50" dies.
MicroLED is just too far in the future to be practical as well as insanely expensive.

Found my B in Law is actually pulling down 4k UHD streams to a home server. :oops:
I'm slightly skeptical of this as the source of the info is questionable tho will discuss it with him directly...
Partner "claims" she has watched The Martian in extended 4k UHD from his server.
I'd beleive the extended version bit .....the 4k UHD!!! That's a ton of data to store.
4K UHD discs are available in dual and triple layers: The more layers there are, the more storage capacity the disc will have. The storage capacity of 4K UHD discs ranges from 66GB to 100GB
Per disc....so figure up to 3 GB for a movie like Avatar. Now B in Law has the money to do this and the interest but wow...chunk of change.

We shall see 🍿
Found my B in Law is actually pulling down 4k UHD streams to a home server. :oops:
I'm slightly skeptical of this as the source of the info is questionable tho will discuss it with him directly...
Partner "claims" she has watched The Martian in extended 4k UHD from his server.
I'd beleive the extended version bit .....the 4k UHD!!! That's a ton of data to store.

Per disc....so figure up to 3 GB for a movie like Avatar. Now B in Law has the money to do this and the interest but wow...chunk of change.

We shall see 🍿
Let us know more about this home server source. I highly suspect that like many sources, it it more marketing than eye-candy. Maybe 4K but compressed to within an inch of its life. At that point source being UHD doesn't matter anymore.
Well 88 TB can hold lots of movies at the same compression as the 4k UHD BR discs themselves, so no question it's an improvement over current streaming.
That said .....will 5G and higher speed internet streaming eliminate that bottleneckj.
Not for the average budget tho and I'm happy with physical discs and wait for a MiniLED to come to my budget. ( low )
Most of the 4k BR I bought offer superior viewing and I have them when I want them instead of chasing.
We'll see how the later Batman movies which are also dark fare.
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