320km/h Ontario High Speed Rail

They're investigating all technology options. This could include docking cars where the train doesn't need to slow down much. Think mid air refueling.
Don't care how many stops, they need an express option that only stops Windsor - London - Kitchener - Airport

Oh, and not cost $500 to take a ride.
That's the thing. We already have trains running to Ottawa and Montreal and I don't take them as they are so expensive. How is it that it's cheaper for me to drive to MTL from Toronto?
The only time I took the train was once to Windsor about five years ago. I went from Brampton to Windsor with my son and I and it cost about 110$ one way.

I couldn't believe how often to stopped. It seemed every time it got up to speed, we were slowing down for a stop.
The only time I took the train was once to Windsor about five years ago. I went from Brampton to Windsor with my son and I and it cost about 110$ one way.

I couldn't believe how often to stopped. It seemed every time it got up to speed, we were slowing down for a stop.

It's $45 now (advance purchase) and different trains have different stops. Some are more express than others, just like Greyhound or GO buses.

You took the Brampton/Kitchener/London/Windsor milk run correct? The train I took on Nov. 30th was 4.5hrs Union Station to Windsor, 1730h departure.
Holy ****, an International airport with a rail connection. That's novel. Now everyone will want one.
Prototypical ON voter response; you ignore facts and move forward with an hominem attack.

What province do you vote in again?
It'll never happen....our government is too stupid to look more than four years ahead and there will be study after study to say the same thing. Not enough ridership, will be too expensive, and children will die everywhere because they won't have time to react to a fast moving train....

I'd love to see it, but I doubt it'll be in our future.
It'll never happen....our government is too stupid to look more than four years ahead and there will be study after study to say the same thing. Not enough ridership, will be too expensive, and children will die everywhere because they won't have time to react to a fast moving train....

I'd love to see it, but I doubt it'll be in our future.

Sadly this is the perspective of many I know. All i've ever seen of politics is that it's all talk and rarely things happen that have a positive affect on our lives.
Sadly this is the perspective of many I know. All i've ever seen of politics is that it's all talk and rarely things happen that have a positive affect on our lives.

i think our biggest issue is that we just don't have the political will to push something like this through. It'll get somewhere, then the new guy will get voted in and push it off...
It's coming. Either MetroLinx or a P3 will be doing it but my money is on MetroLinx. Environmental assessment first, then negotiating with First Nations for right-of-way. VIA Rail is Federal Crown Corporation so out of the talks ATM, since Ontario and the Feds aren't really talking to each other right now. That might change if we get a new Fed Party in power.
It'll never happen....our government is too stupid to look more than four years ahead and there will be study after study to say the same thing. Not enough ridership, will be too expensive, and children will die everywhere because they won't have time to react to a fast moving train....

I'd love to see it, but I doubt it'll be in our future.

At 250 we're still a young country. The gangly awkward stage. We gotta figger this out. Some European and Asian countries have bullet trains and other going concerns but they've been around a long time and have fought major wars. Thems some growing pains, what have we had? Oka? The October Crisis? Just watch me. Gimme a break:rolleyes:
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What province do you vote in again?

Not ON any more. A better word would have been typical rather than prototypical.

i think our biggest issue is that we just don't have the political will to push something like this through. It'll get somewhere, then the new guy will get voted in and push it off...

Political will for these projects are directly tied to public will. While the metrolinx plan or some version of it will move forward (and what a foot dragging exercise that has been with the politicians, though what do you expect when the piggy bank is as dry and in debt as it is now), I've never seen much interest on any public level for high speed rail connections in ON.
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That's the thing. We already have trains running to Ottawa and Montreal and I don't take them as they are so expensive. How is it that it's cheaper for me to drive to MTL from Toronto?

Toronto to MTL on Via is $46.00 so how is it cheaper for you to drive? Your jeep must run on pixydust.
Toronto to MTL on Via is $46.00 so how is it cheaper for you to drive? Your jeep must run on pixydust.

My buddy's RAM 1500 has a propane fuel system installed....Toronto to Montreal for $40....my Civic....$55
I am going to say this will never happen ..... just basing this on how the feds or provincial guys screwing around with GTA traffic .... funny how I read paper daily and listen to TV news, but have not heard of it until today at GTAM ... LOL .... They probably don't believe it it themselves, whoever announced this.

This quote make me laugh ... "Since October 2003, Ontario has committed approximately $295 million for transit, highway infrastructure, municipal roads and bridges and other municipal capital projects in the City of London." .... 295mil. in 11 years ... LOL .... is this an attempt for a black humour????

Any large public transportation project will NOT happen without the current clowns in Ottawa. Where are you Mr. Harper, Mr. Oliver? ... I thought so, lats time seen in Calgary and busy advocating for oil sands, eh?
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