320km/h Ontario High Speed Rail


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News Release

Ontario Moving Forward With High-Speed Rail

Province Improving Public Transportation, Creating Jobs

December 5, 2014 11:00 A.M.

Ontario is taking the next step to build a high-speed rail line that will connect Windsor, London, Kitchener-Waterloo, and Toronto, which will improve travel options, reduce travel time and create jobs by getting people moving.

The start of an environmental assessment (EA) marks the next phase of the project, which includes identifying the most appropriate route, examining state-of-the-art transportation technology options and an environmental impact evaluation.

The EA will be guided by consultations in early 2015 with municipal and business groups, as well as with First Nation and Métis communities.

High-speed rail service connecting Windsor, London, Kitchener-Waterloo, and Toronto is part of the government's long-term transit and infrastructure plan, Moving Ontario Forward. This plan will make nearly $29 billion available over the next 10 years for investments in priority infrastructure projects across the province, including public transit, roads, bridges and highways.

Building public transportation is part of the government's economic plan for Ontario. The four part plan is building Ontario up by investing in people's talents and skills, building new public infrastructure like roads and transit, creating a dynamic, supportive environment where business thrives, and building a secure savings plan so everyone can afford to retire.

Quick Facts

  • With a planned stop at Toronto Pearson International Airport, the high-speed rail line will better connect communities across Ontario, and will help connect southwestern Ontario businesses with the global economy.
  • On Dec. 5, 2014, the Minister of Transportation met with the Mayor of London as well as key business leaders to discuss the latest plans. Discussions also took place with business partners in London’s technology industry, such as Big Blue Bubble, Big Viking Games, Inner Geek Inc., TD Canada Trust, Voices.com, and members of the Small Business Centre, the London Chamber of Commerce and the London Economic Development Corporation.
  • Since October 2003, Ontario has committed approximately $295 million for transit, highway infrastructure, municipal roads and bridges and other municipal capital projects in the City of London.

oh boy....
So... Should we expect taxes to go up again..?
If they did Grand bend to The east end with space for bike and gear, I am on!
So... Should we expect taxes to go up again..?

Taxes shmaxes. The beauty of these projects is that once rolling you can't really stop them. So your $900million job becomes $3billion(nuclear) oops. While back saw a piece on Agenda with Steve Paikin where a political type croaked out some counter measures planned so as to prevent this happening again going forward. Knowing glances and smirks all around.
Well Toronto is whining that the cops wrote $29M less in tickets this year and revenue is down. At 320 km/h they will just sit on the bridges trying to write hta172 charges for the train...
I'll pay a little extra to bring us into the 21st Century...

LOL, As ON is expected to hit $300 billion dollars of debt (and currently still going into debt to the tune of $12 billion per year), first to be smart they should pay off that debt and as such people need to pay around $22,000 for every man, woman and child in the province. Add up your family number and pay the bill. Then the province should cut their deficit to the tune of over $800 for every man, woman and child in the province. Then this plan cost is equivalent to around $2100 for every man, woman and child in the province.

As we all know ON and your multi-term liberal masters manage money well so it's all good.... :rolleyes:
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I definitely would take it to Pearson if it was an economical option.

I don't see how it could be, given what the little rail we have in Ontario costs to use
Its going to happen, because it has to happen. Traffic for gta users will never get better and Hamilton and KW have international flights but the economic hub is GTA. Doesn't really matter the cost, its needed and will be built.
The only way this works is if there are very few stops along the route. Go trains get up to 160 km/h, but average something like 15 km/h because they stop so often. Even with stops 100 km apart, this train would be stopping every 20 minutes and it would probably chop the average speed in half. Every town will fight for a stop (realistically they would put stops much closer together than my 100 km interval) and all of a sudden the train costs more and is slower than driving. . Great investment!
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