Well-known member
Scarborough out riding now. Post meet place
how's the skill level/experience here??
Lots of different skills here, from 2ups at a 140km on the 507 to beginners ... ride your own pace
QFT. I take the more advanced roads with my girlfriend on the back faster than half the people here can go on their own, but then the other half are really decent. I am a little crazy, though. I enjoy riding with the 250 crowd because most people with larger bikes like to go too fast on the highway or straight roads for no reason and I already have had enough speeding tickets in my life.
how's the skill level/experience here??
Yours or from the people that ride here?
Lots of different skills here, from 2ups at a 140km on the 507 to beginners ... ride your own pace
Sent from phone
I has no skillz. Ujelly can attest to that. I killed a cbr250 last year with no skill at all. Now I have a ninja.
I guess I'm the beginner ,anyone up for a noobie group ride this weekend ?
Ill probably set something up Friday, stay tuned
Personally, I would rather people with at least 1000km of seat time. Group ride require much more awareness than ppl think. Finish with your engine breaking n we'll take you to Algonquin or near it.
I'm possibly down too.
Complete noob also. And still breaking in my bike. So not into pushing this baby too much.
That will be great. I'm game.Ill take you on a group ride. Maybe we can finish the break in before the algonquin ride. See you guys at L&L tonight