250 riding group

Heading to LnL tonight ... riding from yonge n 7 ... anyone wants to join ?
Heading to LnL tonight ... riding from yonge n 7 ... anyone wants to join ?
bathurst and steeles here. dude a couple of us are meeting up at the mcdonalds right by our place we wanna hit up LnL too come ride with us
bathurst and steeles here. dude a couple of us are meeting up at the mcdonalds right by our place we wanna hit up LnL too come ride with us
I got a friend meeting me there, I plan to do a few in city roads prior to LnL but Bathurst n Steels is taking me the other direction... I'll see you down there then, don't want to make it a huge group anyways :P
Probably Sunday.. Sat is a write off to go too far from home

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Time & place ?

Time : 1 Am
Place : my bedroom

That's right I sleep with my bike the healthiest relationship out there
did everyone lose interest in this group already? we should have a set date and time, same for every week weather-permitting!
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