Had a couple of hours to kill between classes, so I did some exploring, hoping to discover some new dual-sport roads. The guys around here call it "recce" - for reconnaissance. Started off playing around Myra Canyon just a few kms south of town.
We've been to Hydraulic Lake many times on our enduros, but I found a new way to get here.
Then headed up towards Big White, the ski resort just outside our place. But instead of taking the pavement, took an FSR which runs parallel to the main road.
That's Big White Rd below. We take that road all the time in the winter to get up to the ski hill. Much better view from up here!
There's several off-shoots to the FSR, and they're not on any map at all. Not on Google Maps, nor on my GPS. I ventured deeper into the Okanagan Highlands. The roads were well graded, but I was more worried about getting back in time, so I gave myself a time limit. If I didn't hit a marked FSR within a half-hour or so, I'd turn back. Keeping an eye on the GPS, I noticed this trail circling back to the main FSR.
Great! I hate doubling back.
Some rubble from a recent landslide
The road here is used mainly by BC Hydro to maintain the towers in the area. I passed a couple of their trucks on the way up here. I'm guessing it was them that moved all the larger rocks from the landslide off to the side of the road. That was nice of them!
Made it back to town with plenty of time to spare.
What a fun afternoon. I love having these roads so close by!