2021 Day Trips!

. I quite liked living there but a woman with exceptional breasts lured me out of there and over to Georgina for a period of time that I can only describe as a mistake of biblical proportions,
were her breasts at least biblically proportional?
When you go out riding every day, are you wearing face masks to make it easier to breathe?
I remember leaving your place last year and only making it about an hour or two and I could feel my throat getting sore even with a full face helmet on. And that wasn’t even local fires either. It was surprisingly easier to breathe with the face mask on.
Hope you are both doing good and some rain comes your way!

No masks, but we haven't been on really long rides. For me, it's mainly my eyes and not my lungs that makes me call it quits. I work outside almost every day, so I might be used to breathing all that crap in by now. We've been under smoke cover for almost a month now.

I'm told that the year you visited us was actually one of the milder summers, certainly below average for smoke. People talk about the summer of 2003 being the worst year for forest fires, parts of Kelowna had to be evacuated, which is pretty rare for the city.
Yeah it's pretty crazy, I have friends in PG, and they can't escape it as soon as you go outside it impacts you. Kinda surprised it hasn't rained yet.

Rained a few mm overnight, but nowhere near enough to make a dent in the fires. We need a week or more of rain to fix this mess. And that won't happen till around late Sept.

They've flown in firefighters from all over western Canada and the US to fight the fires here.
Rained a few mm overnight, but nowhere near enough to make a dent in the fires. We need a week or more of rain to fix this mess. And that won't happen till around late Sept.

They've flown in firefighters from all over western Canada and the US to fight the fires here.

'Was in Penticton BC last week...
Smoke and ash from a fire near Oliver was so thick it blocked out the sun to the point where my cool photo-grey eye glasses wouldn't transition to dark...

Of course... 'better than last year when THIS was my sisters 'hood same area/time last year... Her casa indicated by arrow..
Last month the town of Lytton, BC, population 250, completely razed to the ground by forest fires. Happened overnight. One evening the town was standing, the next morning, nothing left.


This is a town well known to BC motorcyclists, it's on the well-travelled Duffy Loop, at the intersection of Hwy 12 and the TransCanada.
This is so sad, esp. considering we are only at the start of August.
Went out for a 2-hour ride around Vaughan, Nobleton and Newmarket area. Didn't stop to take pics as I was hoping to get back home by 8 ish.

While on the concession rd 10, I could see a rider lifting his motorcycle up at a bend on the opposite side and a car stopped right in front of the motorcycle. I took a u-turn and came back to check if the rider needed some help. He said he was absolutely fine. I turned my bike around and left. Weirdly though as I was turning the bike, I also saw a girl in a fishnet kind of mesh dress and lingerie standing next to the car with a dude. I think some sort of photoshoot? But still not sure why the rider was picking up the bike from the ground though.

A little further ahead, saw a red Duc stopped by the side. Again stopped to check if the rider was okay. The shifter had come off due to a loose bolt. The rider hand-tightened it and we parted ways.

Hope both the riders made it home safely!
Screenshot 2021-08-02 214608.jpg
'Went to Huntsville for lunch yesterday...
733.3 kms for the day.
Mauve line was the trip up... Red, the trip home.


Pic shows the more funnerer interdasting parts of the route... The Southern/South Western section was pretty straight and dull
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But still not sure why the rider was picking up the bike from the ground though.
He likely saw the girl in the fishnet dress and went wide. :D

I ride around that area too and finally decided to venture off Castelderg/17th on Sunday and was impressed with Concession Rd 11 (can't recall if I tried 10 or not) ... some nice curves as you get closer to King heading south.
I always go east or north, but yesterday I went west and explored the roads north of owen sound. Hwy 1 just north of owen sound and 9 north of wiarton. The area is too built up to go super fast but it's still a fun ride. A couple of nice roads south of owen sound too, in the beaver valley area. Not that twisty, but nice and scenic. Looks like a lot of dirt roads too, I should return with my ktm and check those out.
Got up early yesterday and went to Leamington, with some stops along the way.

I've generally been curious to see what was out that way, never been. Unfortunately the town had little character outside of the plant. Point Pelee is a nice enough park, but not really much to see from my limited visit. Just open water.

Roads were nice, and empty which was a great surprise. Talbot trail no one on it.
On the return, stopped in of all places, called Merlin, met some nice people. Pronounced "Murleean"

Went like this. Had to do a lot of 401. But worked out well.
route aug 4.png

Pitstop in Brantford to see this dam.
branford dam.jpg

Church in Tyrconnell
church tyrconnell.jpg


Most southern tip in Ontario/Canada
point pelee.jpg

The road within Point Pelee was quite nice
point pelee road.jpg

The Tomato in Leamington
lemmington tomato.jpg
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You're close SB. Pelee Island is further south and Canadian.
900km today Frontenac and back with @shanekingsley and @theshnizzle
That's 9 hours of riding assuming a constant speed of 100 km/h and I'm sure average speeds were less.

I applaud you guys that do that but doesn't that end up crossing the line into the "no longer enjoyable and tiring" side of things? Serious question.

Or did you spread it over a couple of days maybe?
I'm done after much less than that if any straight-line steady-speed is involved. Half an hour of that, and my right wrist is done.

This past Monday, I loaded a bike into my van and drove to Bancroft, unloaded, rode to Calabogie, had lunch, rode back to Bancroft, and drove home. 350-ish km riding was about right, and to be honest, by the last bit of highway 28 going back to Bancroft, I had had enough.
300-400km is about my limit too.

Regarding the wrist, if you haven't tried something like a Go-Cruise 2 throttle lock, I'd look into it.
That's 9 hours of riding assuming a constant speed of 100 km/h and I'm sure average speeds were less.

I applaud you guys that do that but doesn't that end up crossing the line into the "no longer enjoyable and tiring" side of things? Serious question.

Or did you spread it over a couple of days maybe?

I could see why you may feel that way but I respectfully disagree. It all comes down to the rider and the roads
Having done Muskoka/Haliburton rides numerous times so thankfully this sort of ride doesn't happen too often 😄
Left the door at 6am, and home by 715pm
As Brian mentioned, the slabbing is the worst part for me as my bike is great on backroads but not so good on the 400 series highways
The morning slab to Kingston from GTA was the toughest part for me as it was cold (no heated gear/grips) but I drafted behind 2 trucks to make it a bit easier
My bike is a naked with a small windscreen so wind protection is pretty much non existent and a 13L tank requires me to fill up every 200 km or so to be safe, also no throttle lock here either!
An airhawk seat has made a world of difference for me though, and being properly hydrated with light snacks throughout the day helps to stay alert

Hope you decide to join one of these rides in the future! Cheers
That's 9 hours of riding assuming a constant speed of 100 km/h and I'm sure average speeds were less.

I applaud you guys that do that but doesn't that end up crossing the line into the "no longer enjoyable and tiring" side of things? Serious question.

Or did you spread it over a couple of days maybe?
A few years ago a bunch of did spend the night at a campground in the Frontenac area to break up the long highway drive. Other times I’ve stayed up near Wilberforce and used that as a base for exploring over a weekend. Those over-nighters helped for sure, but sometimes you only have one day to get a ride in...

For me, doing longer days like this are definitely more tiring and less enjoyable if they involve a lot of highway. But when they include a good amount of twisty back roads with nice scenery then it’s much less tiring especially as you are constantly shifting your body position. Yesterday for me was 950km from 6:30am to 6:45pm and we took enough breaks and a light lunch, so that also helps.

And having a bike that is purpose built for these types of rides makes the highway portions easier too. For me the biggest things are having a comfortable seat, some decent wind protection and a way to stay hydrated on the go. A guy we ride with has a GSX1000F and put on a taller windscreen and a Corbin seat and after our last ride together, he mentioned he wasn't even sore at all. He said he could have easily kept going after a 12hr day, but prior to this, he would be in pain after a 6hr ride. Some of us either ride with hydration knapsacks or have modular helmets that allow for easy and frequent hydration. I also have the GoCruise2 which yesterday I only used for about 3 minutes on the way home - didn’t really need it the rest of the day. I also have highway pegs which helps with changing positions every now and then. Being healthy and fit is a must in my opinion - no way I could do this if I didn't eat well or was not physically active. The more I exercise, the less my wrists, knees, back and neck will hurt. We also eat small portions and snack frequently to keep energy levels up and prevent zoning out.

From the GTA, a 300-400km doesn’t scratch the itch for me. Maybe it would if it’s an area of highly concentrated twisty roads like in the Virginia's or down in the Smoky's. In Ontario if I'm doing a 300-400km ride, I come home feeling unfulfilled, so I don't even bother with them anymore. 600km will just start to scratch the itch and 800km is usually getting to my happy place.

This was the ride we did: Kingston/Frontenac Twisties - Thursday August 5th - most of these rides don't have this much highway though.
You should try coming on one of these rides and see for yourself what it's like. Once I tried it I was hooked!
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