2020 Day Trips! | Page 4 | GTAMotorcycle.com

2020 Day Trips!

Has anyone run Arcol Road?
It's off the beaten path, and I'm not sure if it's paved or not.

Not paved not a biggie. As long as it’s interesting. And isn’t a cow path through a forest or something. ;)
Not paved not a biggie. As long as it’s interesting. And isn’t a cow path through a forest or something. ;)
Well, it's near Ompah and the 509. There are hiking trails and cottages along it.
Here is what I was up to yesterday. Because @kiley mentioned Kincardine and the lighthouse. I was curious to see what it was about. I've ridden along HWY 21 before, but never really ducked into some smaller areas. Also made some other pitstops. Was quite cool more west I got. Route is kinda boring, as my riding started about 10am, need to wake up earlier!


The Big Chair, needs some TLC.
big chair.jpg

Formosa Church, went to a friends wedding here a while back

COVID - Ready! ?

Kincardine lighthouse
My 300 km trek turned into only 110 km, I did a U-turn and returned to Toronto, riding when I have to wear a sweater is not my thing, the wind and no humidity made it worse. I also had to dodge rain clouds. I'll wait for warmer, hot and sticky weather.
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My 300 km terk turned into only 110 km, I did a U-turn and returned to Toronto, riding when I have to wear a sweater is not my thing, the wind and no humidity made it worse. I also had to dodge rain clouds. I'll wait for warmer, hot and sticky weather.
I can assume that long distance, multi day trips are also not your thing?
I can assume that long distance, multi day trips are also not your thing?
I know, its starting to look that way, and I want to make a solo motorcycle ride from Toronto to Houston,Texas my old hometown. I already did my math;

-Toronto to Houston; 2,100 km

- A 2-day trip, with my 1st (and only) stop midway somewhere in the Tennessee/Kentucky area where I would sleep, then next day all the way to Houston.

-Spend 5 days in Texas

-Another 2 days to get home.

-1 day rest to get back to work.

Of course I would make this trip in the middle of July.
I know, its starting to look that way, and I want to make a solo motorcycle ride from Toronto to Houston,Texas my old hometown. I already did my math;

-Toronto to Houston; 2,100 km

- A 2-day trip, with my 1st (and only) stop midway somewhere in the Tennessee/Kentucky area where I would sleep, then next day all the way to Houston.

-Spend 5 days in Texas

-Another 2 days to get home.

-1 day rest to get back to work.

Of course I would make this trip in the middle of July.
How do you plan on that with closed borders?
Wow ... https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07MJTJTK1/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Best $50 evah. Common complaint on the cbf1000 and this fixes it.
Likely work on a lot of bikes,
Seems identical to expensive MRA Vario but waaaay less money. Fiddly to assemble but worth the effort. Extended my touring range big time. I avoided this route before as way too expensive and never sure it would work. It does and it's cheap
Looks a bit ugly but the quiet is worth it. (y)

Okay ...as one other guy found out it can shed parts on the highway which it did today but still useable and can be prevented.
Found one part but not the other. Still functional

Settled on this angle - might help someone starting fresh.

A little more on the vario screen.

Marginal photos but might serve as a starting point for someone just installing.
I dropped the vario screen down a bit as I moved the seat to the lowest position. And kept the angle of the vario the same as the CBF1000 screen.
I could still easily see over the screen but no buffeting (y)



Be careful to get the locks correct as I lost a piece after an adjustment. Still serviceable but annoying. Found one of the missing bits but not the other half ...I clearly did not lock it firmly.
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Busy at the Forks today and a very comfortable ride on the slab coming home at 130 indicated in the HOV lane thanks to modified screen.
Screen Shot 2020-06-07 at Jun, 7    2020    4.55.11 PM.jpg
Well I had a great weekend.
Friday was my day off and I made my way to Sittlers Bakery in Conostoga,
Finally got my asparagus and picked up some banana nut and carrot bread
Took a small group to Niagara on Saturday.
Slight rain for 4 mins then a little windy around Cayuga other than that it was great.
Neighbors to the Chip Wagon in Dunnville b!tched and they had to get rid of the picnic tables.
I found this out ahead of time so we packed a lunch.
Fyi…those wanting to do the Niagara Pkwy there are well over 100 picnic tables along the way if you decide to pack a lunch.
Sunday was me day
Checked out another Chip Wagon in Paris…very good.
Then I just followed Charlottes GPS.
I loved the weather this past weekend…temps were perfect.
No humidity and for the most part it was jacket required but unzipped.

Charlotte approves these fries





ON-24 to 6496 Wellington County Rd 34
Short Johns at Sittlers are my fave. What did you get?
Dodged some storm clouds on the way home and made it in at 7pm just as a big storm opened up over my house. 5 minutes later and I would have been drenched.
Was a really nice day out for riding.

Somewhere along South Baptiste Lake Road - check it out if you have never been - it's a beautiful ride from east to west.
Great road and nice area (I enjoy all of Loop Rd itself), was there a couple weeks ago. I'll try to join you for a ride this summer as I'm off until November now.

Friday we rode out to Westport as it's been a while since I was there. Always feels like PA/TN riding for some reason while I'm there.
Westport area is great for sure. I think my favourite road out there is Opinicon Road and I recall it being like a tight roller coaster.

If all goes well I'm doing a long day ride every other weekend.
Went to Kincardine and Bruce Power Plant area from Waterloo on a SV650N.

Fun day.

I am still a new rider and I think I got too ambitious, my shoulders were aching!!! ?

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