2014 R6 Motorcycle Stolen

Cool looking, but the cover is plastic and could be easily broken off. If they used a stronger material for the cover it would be a bugger. That being said, it's probably good enough to discourage most thieves as it is.

I don't think so. Those that I've seen for sale, are either painted steel / stainless steel / US iron.
I only posted that pic for reference.
Hi Nitis,

I know exactly how you feel as my 13m old ZX-6R was stolen from my condo parking last year in a very similar situation, with my spot far from the entrances and likely lifted into a van as well.

I only read the first page of the thread so I apologize if this has been suggested but I HIGHLY RECOMMEND you pay to trade parking spots with someone else in your building who has a pillar or column or strong fence post or pipe to chain the bike to. Find a fellow biker in your building for the best bet at a sympathetic ear.

When my bike was stolen, I decided to stop riding until I knew I could keep my insurance company from funding bike thieves. A newish SS or track-able bike in a condo, with little additional security, is a goner. Whether you were targeted or not, I am convinced crews scout all the decent condos looking for easy SS prey.

Good luck. PM me if you think I can help (thread is too long for me).
Again, not science but what happens when you go for a drive?

lol.. good point. Like I said it was a random thought - lol. ;-)
What are you trying to say? It's not adding up for me

I live in a condo and store my bike at my friend's house. It is well known that parking a sport bike in a Toronto condo is easy pickings for theives.
Hello Fellow Riders,
Today I woke up to discover my four week old 2014 Yamaha R6 stolen and at the moment I'm feel pretty f*('n shiitty about the situation-not a great day for me!
Feel you pain mate, had my 636 stolen last year, and i didnt have theft insurance.

What does everyone do to prevent or reduce the risk of their bikes being lifted from condos underground parking?:confused:

I have attached a photo of my R6. If you do see it around, please private message me and report it to the police. The license plate number that was on the bike is 9C1A8. I have not seen any other bikes like this one yet though I only started riding 4 weeks ago :(
- Nitis

The problem is: if someone really wants it, they will get it, different deterrent devices could stall thieves, but, that just might mean, they will come back next time with some heavy equipment.

What i do to prevent, well, i got one of those motion sensors installed, attached remote control transmitter through bluetooth to PC, so it will scream in my room, and bough myself... nvm ;)

ugh, i cant wait for them to comeback...
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Feel you pain mate, had my 636 stolen last year, and i didnt have theft insurance.....
If something were to happen in the future it occurs to me this post might be construed as an unwise in certain circumstances.
If something were to happen in the future it occurs to me this post might be construed as an unwise in certain circumstances.

There was a lot of 636 stolen last year. In fact, one of the most popular bikes to be stolen, but, you are right, fixed.

On the other note, back to the topic: My friend used to chain his bike to the car, to the front rims :)
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I'm kinda surprised some entrepreneurial type hasn't started selling motorcycle lockers in Toronto.
A big steel box, to theives, it could be a sweet R6.. or it could be THIS...

Thinking out loud from the can: elaborating from the steel plate idea. What if you built some type of "castle" around the bike?
Something that can be taken down if you move, but not easily movable unless YOU want it to move.

Steel plate to start, but then add in a few barriers that make it real hard to simply "lift out and into a truck". Something that is more difficult to cut (locks + chain). Inner redneck brewing, but how about a short wall of cinderblocks? With some type of welded gate that swings open like a drawbridge sideways? Or solid tube that will go through the rims/forks somehow, but still removable? With a lock and pin of sorts that are made less accessible to anything short of a key?

May look ugly, may be complained against, may require a full parking spot.
The less red-necky version would probably be a trailer on blocks (wheels removed, +something to prohibit easy mounting of new wheels), with a reinforced ramp-doohicky. Nah, I like a redneck castle more.


That or do what a sensible person would do. Rent out a drive-in storage unit at ~$130/month.
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I've mentioned this before to zero approval but in community spirit will try again. "C" channel x 8 foot. Roll the bike on. Chain bike to "C" channel in awkward thief defeating manner. Initial concept only, will require additional brain storm.
I've mentioned this before to zero approval but in community spirit will try again. "C" channel x 8 foot. Roll the bike on. Chain bike to "C" channel in awkward thief defeating manner. Initial concept only, will require additional brain storm.

Edit: Will require INITIAL brainstorm.
Maybe there was a reason for zero approval?? :p
I like the Redneck Castle idea ?
Edit: Will require INITIAL brainstorm.
Maybe there was a reason for zero approval?? :p
I like the Redneck Castle idea 

Think for yourself. A motorcycle securely fastened to an 8 foot c channel would be unwieldy, no? What thief is going to want to muck around with that?
4 , 24x30 patio sidewalk slabs. They cost 5.00 bucks each and you put a chain and padlock on each end for front and back wheel. Its almost impossible to lift a bike with a 24x30 patio stone hanging on both ends, requires cutting two chains/locks, and sitting concrete on concrete means no rust for the building to deal with, no drilling into structural concrete and the whole deal can be disassembled and loaded into a trunk when you move. If it sat in front of your car it not a trip hazard and if you really wanted to , squeeze out some PL400 construction adhesive before you placed the slab down and you'll need dynamite to move it.
go to a marine store and buy a stainless u bolt, countersink the nuts on the back of the patio stone so it sits flat and fill the countersink with silicone/construction adhesive/gum what ever , so digging out the nuts is impossible with a motorcycle sitting on top. Its a $25 detterant and its that simple. Thieves want in and out, not cutters/grinders/ noise. Nothing is truly theft proof, but making it harder will really help.
Crankcall.. That's the best idea in all the threads I've read on this over the years
There's a button popping head swelling beer swilling......guy....in Milton.
4 , 24x30 patio sidewalk slabs. They cost 5.00 bucks each and you put a chain and padlock on each end for front and back wheel. Its almost impossible to lift a bike with a 24x30 patio stone hanging on both ends, requires cutting two chains/locks, and sitting concrete on concrete means no rust for the building to deal with, no drilling into structural concrete and the whole deal can be disassembled and loaded into a trunk when you move. If it sat in front of your car it not a trip hazard and if you really wanted to , squeeze out some PL400 construction adhesive before you placed the slab down and you'll need dynamite to move it.
go to a marine store and buy a stainless u bolt, countersink the nuts on the back of the patio stone so it sits flat and fill the countersink with silicone/construction adhesive/gum what ever , so digging out the nuts is impossible with a motorcycle sitting on top. Its a $25 detterant and its that simple. Thieves want in and out, not cutters/grinders/ noise. Nothing is truly theft proof, but making it harder will really help.

Great idea except these stones split like a egg if dropped.
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