2014 R6 Motorcycle Stolen

again, I was naive, I can take the fault in that, but I did expect some security and more cooperation from the condo management after the fact... They are more concerned about what impact this may have on the property taxes and condo fees.. How do bike thefts keep insurance companies in business? I don't see how it's profitable for them

You are making a mistake in thinking anyone cares. What do you think keeps insurance companies in business?
Stolen bikes, insurance pays out, eventually they jack the overall rates from all of us.
again, I was naive, I can take the fault in that, but I did expect some security and more cooperation from the condo management after the fact... They are more concerned about what impact this may have on the property taxes and condo fees.. How do bike thefts keep insurance companies in business? I don't see how it's profitable for them

They get to raise your (and my) rates!

The Bully Alarm Key Fobs/Pagers range is 1/2 mile. You can contact them at info@bullylocks.com and ask about undergrounds. It comes with a yellow coiled tether cord that you can run from the alarm to the bars (as seen in video) or from bar to bar as a reminder that it's armed. Or (in the case of condo dwellers) from the alarm to your bike cover. As soon as the cover is touched it's gonna squeal and page you. Best protection you can get for $100. Even better than high end alarms in that your battery won't be drained/dead.

Edit: The guy in this video hasn't paid attention to his pager, it beeps once every 5 minutes when the battery is low and needs changed. Batteries last quite a long time in them. Take that yellow cord and run it around one of the Velcro straps on your bike cover and as soon as the cover is touched it's going to squeal and you'll get paged. Just make sure you have a plan if/when your pager does go off. Some people will call 911, some may grab a baseball bat and run to their bike. Whatever you choose, have it rehearsed.

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Somebody should Park thier ss unlocked in a condo and take two weeks vacation, a lawn chair and a handgun..

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people have killed for less lol

dont have to kill them, just shoot their knees out and mangle the fingers to the point that they will never be able to hold or type anything ever again...
possible 5 years if convicted, but the other is screwed for life.
dont have to kill them, just shoot their knees out and mangle the fingers to the point that they will never be able to hold or type anything ever again...
possible 5 years if convicted, but the other is screwed for life.

then they sue you and get all your stuff and you will never get a decent job again after you get out of jail
Forgot my key in the ignition last night. Not surprisingly, the bike was still there this morning.

Condo people, my advice to you is to get a 30yo FJ.

Forgot my key in the ignition last night. Not surprisingly, the bike was still there this morning.

Condo people, my advice to you is to get a 30yo FJ.


Do this all the time. Fortunately, I live in a house and I have my own garage.
Yes being in a condo makes bike thefts easier targets. Cameras you would think would be enough of a deterrent... We will see what the insurance company says - I have heard some policies will require you to wait for a month or longer in case the bike is found.. What doesn't add up is why they took my bike and what I did wrong. I guess I'm being sensitive

I made the same mistake too.

Mine was stolen after a year. We've got cameras all over the place, seemingly responsible and committed security, and a management staff that cared.
It took 2 guys about 3 to 4 minutes to drag my bike into the back of a Dodge Caravan, and then steal another bike on a different level.

Management was very co-operative, as were the police. The security guard, detective and I went through the camera footage until we found the sections where the theft occurred.

Fortunately, my bike was recovered 1 month later, although the other bike stolen with mine was long gone. They arrested a guy, but he got off on a technicality a year later (stupid courts).

I turns out, the guy cloned a remote for the garage door from one of the service people hired to power-wash the garage (the remote was coded).

If your management is trying to prevent you from accessing the video, I'd be very suspicious of them.

As everyone has said: condos and nice bikes are a recipe for easy theft for these crooks. All you can to is layer on deterrent (chain, bike cover, wheel locks, much less desirable bike, etc.) which encourages thieves to move on.

And definitely get theft insurance. On bikes, it's optional

Edit: my condo board and management company were actually co-operative, so you never know. They were willing to allow me to drill a ground anchor in the concrete floor, at my own expense, and on condition that I fully repair it to their satisfaction when I moved. Maybe I was lucky, maybe it's how you approach it.

Also keep in mind that bikes also get stolen from storage lockers and homes too, although not as frequently. But it does occur.
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The same drill you could just drill out the bolt heads with to steal a bike?
If they really want it, tethers will not stop them.

I thought once the ball bearings are hammered into the bolt heads, you couldn't drill them out.
on another note: my friends and I took an angle grinder to a link of Alamax chain. It took about 4 minutes to make a cut through only one side of a link. It also made a ton of noise and a shower of sparks louder and brighter than any bike alarm.
Sorry for your loss and I hope everything works out for you. Maybe consider something a little less desirable for your next bike? Unfortunately I think that's your best option for deterring thieves in the future

I use a 14mm six sided hardened steel chain which weighs at least 15lbs with a ulock, another disc lock on the rear tire and a gorilla alarm system...I also have a sport tourer which is over 500lbs which helps.
Sorry for your loss and I hope everything works out for you. Maybe consider something a little less desirable for your next bike? Unfortunately I think that's your best option for deterring thieves in the future

I use a 14mm six sided hardened steel chain which weighs at least 15lbs with a ulock, another disc lock on the rear tire and a gorilla alarm system...I also have a sport tourer which is over 500lbs which helps.

Just an FYI:
14 mm chains can be defeated in seconds by large bolt croppers.
My Hayabusa weighs 556 lbs. and two guys were able to drag it into a Dodge Caravan within a few minutes.

Just an FYI:
14 mm chains can be defeated in seconds by large bolt croppers.
My Hayabusa weighs 556 lbs. and two guys were able to drag it into a Dodge Caravan within a few minutes.

Thanks for destroying my false sense of security lol... and im not even being sarcastic!

Sorry about the busa
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