2014 R6 Motorcycle Stolen

John, the wounds are still too fresh for me to think about that, but yes I was happy with the R6. Sick *** first bike so I have no complaints or criticism towards the bikes low end. Fastbike, throttle maybe a little twerky when first starting out, but only at low low speeds. Are you considering or have you owned an R6?
I've owned a few R6's, yep :) Just wasn't sure if you were thinking about different possibilities yet, but I see the wound is too fresh.

Make sure you pickup a Hyosung bike cover for your new bike, and never let anyone see it parked without it :)
I've owned a few R6's, yep :) Just wasn't sure if you were thinking about different possibilities yet, but I see the wound is too fresh.

Make sure you pickup a Hyosung bike cover for your new bike, and never let anyone see it parked without it :)

Kymco bike covers work too :P.

Best cover from what I heard is just a plain coloured cover and something that doesn't hug the bike enough to show off it's lines. Other than that, if I lived in a condo I would just bring my bike up to my apartment lol

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did you have the bike chained to anything or just hidden in the corner?
Saw these awhile back and might be a good idea to consider to the future, looks like it bolts right into the concrete and then you could put some bad-aass chain on your bike.

Sucks to hear about this theft tho, four weeks is such a short time, thieves are the lowest kind of people.

Wow..no way to crack that, unless you have an alley key set.

I expect all these thefts will jack up comprehensive insurance to condo dwellers. One of the bizarre nature of condo livers is that they live in a very confined space but act like their neighbours are 10km away. Clearly, there is a ring doing this through condo security, but if the Toronto Police would put down their donuts, maybe they could figure it out. They recently cracked a ring of luxury car thefts, but not enough ******* own bikes I guess.
Wow..no way to crack that, unless you have an alley key set.

Those of us in the greasy finger nail crowd would know to round the alley holes with a drilling bit. For everybody else that information should be made readily available. Or you could just set those little balls in with punch. See pic.
Sorry for your loss. My 2010 gixxer also got stolen on 15th August. I used to park it between the wall and my car. However, my car was in the shop when theft occurred. I have full coverage and SF is co-operating. But you do get attached with these bikes.

At this point I dont even know if I want a nice/newer SS unless I can move into a small house/townhouse. I would want to keep the bike in the house just to be more safe.

Keep us posted with your progress.

Thats her:

Your bike is most likely in pieces by now - Sorry for you loss

Move on and get another one with the insurance money - The question is... will they be back in a few months for your new ..new baby, I submit that they will so start planning ahead.

^^ This. Hope insurance treats you fair.

Also, condo or no condo, bikes get stolen (remember the one that was stolen right off of the driveway of a seller?).
Tridel - No problem with an anchor on the wall.

They were more then happy to facilitate this for me.

My friend asked 34 condo boards at places he was looking into moving, and zero of them would allow him to drill holes in the concrete floor, wall or column :( Most even disallowed you to wrap a chain around a column saying it could wear the column or create a tripping hazard or other "blockage".

All 34 boards said it was either illegal or against condo rules to park your bike in the same spot as your car (some fire code violation or something).

Moral of the story is, if you live in a condo keep your bike at your friends house.
Those of us in the greasy finger nail crowd would know to round the alley holes with a drilling bit. For everybody else that information should be made readily available. Or you could just set those little balls in with punch. See pic.

The same drill you could just drill out the bolt heads with to steal a bike?
If they really want it, tethers will not stop them.
so did the thieves wiggle your bike out from behind your car? damn they are bold.

not really bold per se. They will steal during the day or at night - There was a guy that dropped by to his friends condo last year for lunch and had his bike stolen in a 2hr window. Wrong place - wrong time.

There is an increate in Condo theft during the spring and autumn. I guess the season has started. . They have no problem. You will see some nice footage from your condo of a van tailgating into the building then going directly to your bike. They will load it and drive off. No chains or alarms - not that will stop them, but they had previously scoped out your building for bikes and yours is an easy target. They'll be back later when you get your replacement.. probably in the spring.

Cops will just tell you to claim insurance. No one will care.

This is how the "system" works here.
I was thinking encase someone sees it.
likely the persons would make a track bike out of it, or strip for parts.
I hope you paid the extra for theft insurance. I don't have it on mine and now I get thinking.

there was another post in recent years of a guy with a SS and no theft insurance in a condo.. and it was stolen.

Watch this forum.. theres going to be an increase of these postings in the next few weeks.. lots of people have false view of "condo security" - lol
The same drill you could just drill out the bolt heads with to steal a bike?
If they really want it, tethers will not stop them.

I was addressing the allen key issue not the whole science of stealing bikes. But good point. I guess that's why I'm part of the greasy finger nail crowd.
Right now I'm running a GSM/GPRS tracker with a Bell SIM card. I find bell and virgin cell service the best for underground parking lots. The tracker sends me gps coordinates to my cell phone

Is that one of the cheap Chinese trackers from places like dx.com ?
The same drill you could just drill out the bolt heads with to steal a bike?
If they really want it, tethers will not stop them.

Those little hardened balls are not invincible, but they would be a B!#ch to deal with (especially if they are a really tight fit).

Nobody claims any system is invincible, you just try to convince the thieves that your bike is not worth the extra effort required over someone elses bike.

Personally I think the heavy steel plate you park the bike on (with posts for a chain) is a great system as it does not require anchoring and it is very difficult to move the plate and bike at the same time. (3'x7'x0.25" is a little over 200 lbs). If the chains are appropriately arranged, without bringing a grinder or hydraulic shears, there should be no way to reorient the bike and plate (so the thieves would have to bring a ton of guys to lift bike and plate at the same time).

If people are drilling,try to keep it to the walls. You may expose rebar and salt and water from the cars will flow into holes in the floor and wreck the concrete if they are in the floor.
Those little hardened balls are not invincible, but they would be a B!#ch to deal with (especially if they are a really tight fit).

Nobody claims any system is invincible, you just try to convince the thieves that your bike is not worth the extra effort required over someone elses bike.

If any condo newbs are reading this, then take note of this !

I would get a cover as well with either Suzuki Burgman, Hysung or a Hells Angels logo ;-)
Thats a good looking anchor Gary! And as for drilling into walls, columns and floors I would do it and blame it on vandals. If nobody cares about finding my stolen bike how much are they going to care about vandals installing floor anchors?
Just a random though.. why not chain it to your car? ie. around the axel or trailer hitch or something?
Just a random though.. why not chain it to your car? ie. around the axel or trailer hitch or something?

Again, not science but what happens when you go for a drive?
This type of anchor doesn't leave any bolts exposed:

Cool looking, but the cover is plastic and could be easily broken off. If they used a stronger material for the cover it would be a bugger. That being said, it's probably good enough to discourage most thieves as it is.
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