2012 CBR1000RR Revealed!

Nobody noticed that it has BPF forks and a shock with separate comp and rebound? I dunno, all Honda really needs to do is fix the little issues the old bike had, put some better suspension on it, give the motor a bit more top end and some lighter wheels... recipe for success IMHO.

so far they haven't been flying of the showroom floors......I don't see how they can release a bike with no TC when their competitors have it. Hopefully TC will be an option otherwise they dropped the ball.
so far they haven't been flying of the showroom floors......I don't see how they can release a bike with no TC when their competitors have it. Hopefully TC will be an option otherwise they dropped the ball.

Yamaha, Kawasaki and Suzuki have traction control on their litre bikes? Wow, that's news to me. I'll have to run out and pick one up right away.
Aprilia, BMW, Kawasaki, and Ducati all have traction control.

Yamaha and Suzuki haven't had a new design since 2009.

If Honda doesn't have TC in the new Fireblade then it's quite obvious that they're dedicating their resources to the claimed new V4 bike and that will be their new flagship probably for 2013.
in motogp this year honda is king partly due to top notch TC system (or casey stoner would've highsided so many times). such a shame it's not getting passed down to street bikes.
yup- Traction Control is the only thing missing from this bike....assuming last model's ABS will be available on this one. It is the best ABS on the market, but why Honda had to employ 20 lbs of junk to get the ABS on there is beyond me. It is however, the mosttransparent and effective ABS system I have seen yet.

My favourite of the newest litrebikes, mostly becasue it has stomping midrange that decimates the field. Peak hp numbers don't mean squat to me on a streetbike, but midrange accessible grunt is something I do truly like. And the fact that it feels the tiniest of all the litrebikes from the saddle makes me like it even more.
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The Japs have had TC technology sitting on the shelf for years. Why they hesitate to introduce to street bikes, even as a stinkin option is beyond me.

Japanese management are very stubborn in their decision making.
in motogp this year honda is king partly due to top notch TC system (or casey stoner would've highsided so many times). such a shame it's not getting passed down to street bikes.

I'm sure it has nothing to do with his ability to ride the thing better than anyone else.
I'm sure it has nothing to do with his ability to ride the thing better than anyone else.

did u watch the races? a few times there's a close shot of his rear tire, and you see casey go WOT and the rear starts to come out and boom it doesn't and he rides away.
did u watch the races? a few times there's a close shot of his rear tire, and you see casey go WOT and the rear starts to come out and boom it doesn't and he rides away.

You can see him go WOT on a close up of his rear tire, that's pretty amazing. I guess everyone else is struggling because they don't have it? That hardly seems fair.
did u watch the races? a few times there's a close shot of his rear tire, and you see casey go WOT and the rear starts to come out and boom it doesn't and he rides away.

lol you realize the others have traction control too right? not to mention they've had fine throttle control like that long before TC was even a factor
I guess that's why they aren't any high sides in GP any more... oh wait...

lol you realize the others have traction control too right? not to mention they've had fine throttle control like that long before TC was even a factor

this motogp season hondas are dominating the podiums. so yeah, others have TC but hondas have it better. as far as i know, casey hasn't highsided at all this season (non of the other hondas as well), but when he was on the duc he was highsiding left and right

You can see him go WOT on a close up of his rear tire, that's pretty amazing.

i can see it because eurosport/bbc channel shows it. and the commentators are talking about how honda is throwing money at their bikes to win the last 800cc title. use your brain for once.
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this motogp season hondas are dominating the podiums. so yeah, others have TC but hondas have it better. as far as i know, casey hasn't highsided at all this season, but when he was on the duc he was highsiding left and right

i can see it because eurosport channel shows it. use you brain for once.

On the Duc he kept losing the front. Honda is winning because of traction control? The experts seem to think it's a horsepower advantage this year.

You seem to be pretty opinionated for someone who doesn't know what they're talking about.
On the Duc he kept losing the front. Honda is winning because of traction control? The experts seem to think it's a horsepower advantage this year.

in my previous post i said hondas are winning "partly" due to a better TC system. yup hp is also another factor, as well as the tranny. so u should learn how to read and know what YOU are talking about. cuz you dont.

yeah on the duc he kept losing the front but highsides were also another factor. to not highside he had to go easy on the throttle but now on the honda he just goes WOT and trusts the TC completely.
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in my previous post i said hondas are winning "partly" due to a better TC system. yup hp is also another factor, as well as the tranny. so u should learn to read and know what YOU are talking about. cuz you dont.

yeah on the duc u kept losing the front but highsides were also another factor. to not highside he had to go easy on the throttle but now on the honda he just goes WOT and trusts the TC completely.

I can read. I also know how to spell and use capital letters appropriately.
I can read. I also know how to spell and use capital letters appropriately.

ok u can read but u gotta learn to read better before attempting to call someone out. i type everything in lower case because it saves me 0.970 seconds per post. u can see how it can add up to a lot of time i can use towards other things, like riding. something u should consider.
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