Everything you wrote could be described as a good take on the state of the automotive industry... ten years ago.
You describe a $100,000 Corvette as "a friggin Chevy" as opposed to "a Porsche and Ferrari slayer". Open your eyes, GM has come a long, long, very long way. Ten years ago they weren't competitive in an segment except trucks, now they are easily a match and sometimes a leader in their segments as well as in innovation. Dealerships remain a weak point though.
The Focus is a sub-par effort? wow man. Maybe the first gen Focus, sure. Or maybe those journos around the world don't know a good car when they see it.
Chrysler... yeah could be right. They haven't changed much in ten years, but last year they were showing another attempt to get back on track so I will reserve judgement on them until after the show.
Hyundai reliability concerns! Seriously, welcome to 1990 LOL.
OK so MB weren't in a great spot ten years ago, but what makes them stand out now? (I'm asking seriously, so I can check this stuff out on Tuesday).
The NSX. You know that's $100,000 for a friggin Honda in other markets, right?
Toyota is good value. Stop the presses! OK I gotta admit they don't change much, that's part of their recipe for success.
Mitsubishi has been selling cars in Canada for... guess how long? Yup, almost 10 years already LOL!