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  1. lil sushi

    passenger anyone...

  2. lil sushi

    Left Hand Turner - Lesson Learned

    To the OP: you said you passed a bus just before it happened? If it was a TTC bus they should have this all on their cameras. They had my whole accident (same scenario) on video. Worth asking them. Just tell them the time, date, and street. Good luck and glad you're ok
  3. lil sushi

    I need a good mechanic

    Fawaz owns Speedworx in Markham and Eric is an amazing mechanic there.! Ken from SOAR is also amazing!
  4. lil sushi

    I Saw You: V.2.0

    Lol yup that was me and the fi =) stupid lakehsore traffic! *waves hi back*
  5. lil sushi

    I Saw You: V.2.0

    ROFLMAO!! Good seeing you two!! I was laughing in my helmet cuz it took so long for me to notice you guys...LOL I'm such a space cadet today!
  6. lil sushi

    have you encounter cager moves your parked bike?

    Happened to me at wagg. Was parked in a spot. Came out and the bike was moved. Looked like a cager moved it to park their car in the spot...I was furious..
  7. lil sushi

    The BEST Tattoo Shop in the City?

    All my work was done by Rob Coutts. I was lucky and honored he agreed to do my ink. He's now off the grid, however, back in the day, david glantz, now the owner and an artist at, used to work outta Rob's studio. Dave would be the inly other artist I'd let come near my...
  8. lil sushi

    Dancing at stop lights. Would you do it?

    Lol..awesome!!! Totally just made my day watching that..thanks op!=)
  9. lil sushi

    Pulled over for obstructed tag in North York

    I don't know but I've seen this happen before...where a cop waits at a light, further back from the line and scans plates. maybe he was a) just bored and scanning plates b) its the end of the month and quotas need to be met...meh just my 2 cents =)
  10. lil sushi

    I Saw You: V.2.0

    LOL...I think it's totally funny there's 2 pics like this that have gone viral... both yellow bikes, both on really hot days... But yeah...that chicky is hot, and i envy her R6, but no creds to me on that one...That girl is smokin' all on her own. I got the ink and cbr...Thanks for recognizin'...
  11. lil sushi

    I Saw You: V.2.0

    *waves hi* I was likely heading to or from the dance studio.
  12. lil sushi

    Things you wished a motorcycle course taught

    Lol...well I guess it should be taught to those who have a V where your P would be =)
  13. lil sushi

    Things you wished a motorcycle course taught

    I didn't read through the other this may be a repeat or stupid to mention. But when I started riding 8 yrs ago and took the m1 exit course..I left feeling a bit naive when I had my bike on the streets about the following: 1) I didn't know you had to watch the gas fill up vs. How it...
  14. lil sushi

    a Question for the ladies

    Unless I'm mistaken..Jinniwind is a girl...=)
  15. lil sushi

    I Saw You: V.2.0

    Today around 5:30pm on Lakeshore going East. You: A cruiser with your awesome girlfriend on the back Me: Yellow CBR F4i You two totally made my day, Your gf was sooo funny!
  16. lil sushi

    Where do you buy your gear? Recommend me the cheapest local and online retailers... They're only a 3 hour drive away in Flint Michigan. But call them first, and tell them the gear you'd be interested in looking at and trying on. They have to make sure it's in stock at the the storefront. Prices are good and when u call. .they give u a bigger...
  17. lil sushi

    I Saw You: V.2.0

    *Passes him the lotion* I got your back..* fwap fwap*
  18. lil sushi

    I Saw You: V.2.0

    I think you should demonstrate what you feel I should wear on a bike....after all ...ladies first =)
  19. lil sushi

    I Saw You: V.2.0

    Lol u remember how cold it was the day u spotted me? Plus..I'm trying to turn over a new leaf and going from squid to atgatt...trying!!! difficult in 30 degree weather lol
  20. lil sushi

    I Saw You: V.2.0

    DAyammmmmm...she kicks my squidy butt anyday!! Good job!!
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