have you encounter cager moves your parked bike?


New member
This is the 1st time it happens to me... I parked on the street at work, as usually I back in and the bike was no where in the way of other cars. when i got off work, I noticed the bike got moved and now it parked front in. The bike wasn't drop and the steering bar was still locked. From the marks on the group, it seem like the bike was moved at least a full car length, and they did a kick stand turn to push the bike front in.

Has this happened to you? is this too far what the cagers are doing to get a parking spots in DT?

my ride is 250r, i guess it light enough to be moved... :(

I've heard of a cbr 125 being moved at pacific mall.

I've witnessed other riders moving bikes at hess village to make parking, lol.
I've heard of a cbr 125 being moved at pacific mall.
They moved my CBR 929 from a parking spot onto the sidewalk, at pacific mall. I woulda f'ed up the car bad that was in my spot, but I didn't witness it so I couldn't verify the car that was in there was the one that moved my bike (I was in there for a while, getting an airsoft gun repaired).
They moved my CBR 929 from a parking spot onto the sidewalk, at pacific mall. I woulda f'ed up the car bad that was in my spot, but I didn't witness it so I couldn't verify the car that was in there was the one that moved my bike (I was in there for a while, getting an airsoft gun repaired).

lmao at your signature
Actually, I had a fellow biker trying to move my bike from a parking spot at a mall ( Bayview village). He was trying to fit his bike into the same spot and giving me crap for taking the whole spot instead of sharing. First of all, there weren't that many bike normally in that mall and when I parked, I don't think there were any other bikes I could see. So I just parked and went in.

In happen when I was leaving the mall and saw some dude trying to move my bike. Obviously didn't start out well since my first word were, 'what the fork are u doing?!?!' Then he said he is trying to move my bike so that he could park his. It was one of those hughe bummer tourer type of bikes, I think it needits own parking spot anyway. I told him, ok, I am leaving now....then he starts lecturing me bike etiquette on this hit of sharing parking spots. By the time I left, the lot was full, but when I got to the mall, it was only half full with lots of spots. Anyway, he kept at it, saying I shouldn't lock the bike so that it would be easier for people to move the bike in these situation which I find forking ridiculous and a little annoyed to the point I wanted to just head back to the mall and go take a dump and let that old fart wait and find another spot but afraid he might push my bike over ....so I took my sweet time putting on my gear which he knows I am doing it purposely and then telling me the biking community is a brotherhood and he he is actually doing me a favour sharing bike etiquette of parking spots...

Anyway, just want to put it out there, is he right? Is it common practice for us riders to assume the parking spot is for two bikes and park accordingly? Or leave the steering column unlock so that fellow bikers can move their bikes to fit two bike???
No, **** that noise. If I park my bike alone in a mall I'm taking the whole space and trying to make my bike as visible as possible. I also lock my stearing and my buddy usually leaves his in gear so theres less chance of the bike moving and falling over.
Actually, I had a fellow biker trying to move my bike from a parking spot at a mall ( Bayview village). He was trying to fit his bike into the same spot and giving me crap for taking the whole spot instead of sharing. First of all, there weren't that many bike normally in that mall and when I parked, I don't think there were any other bikes I could see. So I just parked and went in.

In happen when I was leaving the mall and saw some dude trying to move my bike. Obviously didn't start out well since my first word were, 'what the fork are u doing?!?!' Then he said he is trying to move my bike so that he could park his. It was one of those hughe bummer tourer type of bikes, I think it needits own parking spot anyway. I told him, ok, I am leaving now....then he starts lecturing me bike etiquette on this hit of sharing parking spots. By the time I left, the lot was full, but when I got to the mall, it was only half full with lots of spots. Anyway, he kept at it, saying I shouldn't lock the bike so that it would be easier for people to move the bike in these situation which I find forking ridiculous and a little annoyed to the point I wanted to just head back to the mall and go take a dump and let that old fart wait and find another spot but afraid he might push my bike over ....so I took my sweet time putting on my gear which he knows I am doing it purposely and then telling me the biking community is a brotherhood and he he is actually doing me a favour sharing bike etiquette of parking spots...

Anyway, just want to put it out there, is he right? Is it common practice for us riders to assume the parking spot is for two bikes and park accordingly? Or leave the steering column unlock so that fellow bikers can move their bikes to fit two bike???

Honestly if someone is going to fudge with someone else's bike I would feel no remorse if someone went back and kicked his over. I don't care if he didn't damage yours.

If it's a car driver I hope someone kicks in their door.

Not that I'm going to do any of those things.

Why do people have no respect for other peoples' belongings?
dont think there is any rule that says thou shalt share parking...

street parking, parked perpendicular to the curb, i get it, at a mall, sorry get your own spot. If I dont know you, we dont share a spot. when I am with my wife she can park with me. If I am out with someone I know I would share, but some random person, no chance. and if you think you can move it for me if you think I am inconvenieniencing you whether on a bike or car, in the words of Russell Peters..."Somebody Gonna Get-a-Hurt Real Bad"

At my old work office, we would park up to 4 to a spot until they gave us a deignated area marked off so we could park similar to street parking
I'm actually kind of worried about this today because I parked my 650R on the street which happens to also be in front of where my neighbors put out their trash. Might get dinged or moved by a ****** off garbage man or neighbor but it was a legal spot... Easy enough to get around, too.
That old dude really seems to believe in the shiat he is saying.... And since there is a possibility he had been riding before I was born, maybe back in their haydays of the swinging 70s, where they not only share parking spots, they probably share wives.. These days and age, it's just wrong to touch someone's property without permission. Anyway, just wanted to see if it was a common practice... None of my riding friends heard about this crap.
I only had this happen to me when I owned my Katana 600 about 10 years ago. I nearly got into a physical altercation with the guy who felt it was "Acceptable" to push my bike along to make way for his Legitimate vehicle *as he referred to it as*.

This also weighed in when I choose to buy a Spyder and not a Motorcycle. Didn't want to worry about it being picked up and moved/stolen.

In happen when I was leaving the mall and saw some dude trying to move my bike. Obviously didn't start out well since my first word were, 'what the fork are u doing?!?!' Then he said he is trying to move my bike so that he could park his.

I leave room for another bike. Usually I park at the back of the parking spot anyway so that you aren't hidden in the spot. I wasn't told to that we are supposed to leave room, I just thought it would be a good idea. I have no issue with people that don't, though.

The idea that the old dood tried to move your bike and lectured you on it made me unreasonably angry. I imaginarily yelled at him in my head.
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It's real simple. You don't touch ANYBODY'S, ANYTHING - without permission from the owner. PERIOD !
I wasn't aware of this etiquette. I don't leave room for others to 'move' my bike for their convenience. That's absurd.
I wasn't aware of this etiquette. I don't leave room for others to 'move' my bike for their convenience. That's absurd.
The idea would be to leave room for someone so they don't need to move your bike. Not certain what you are thinking.
Happened to me at wagg. Was parked in a spot. Came out and the bike was moved. Looked like a cager moved it to park their car in the spot...I was furious..
Go to Dover next Friday and try moving someones bike haha
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