have you encounter cager moves your parked bike?

Fiat 500 would have been in need of some replacement parts if it tried to share a spot with me

Don't be a hater: just lift the Fiat 500 and move it out of the way :tongue:

I use a Xena disc lock with motion-sensitive alarm. For those whose bikes have been moved, do you find it happens more with smaller sports-bikes as opposed to cruisers/baggers?
at lease a biker knows how to move a bike, a freakin moron who never touched a motorcycle and attempt to move it would likely lead to a drop bike and the idiot would probably park somewhere far away and you will never know who the fork did it....
at lease a biker knows how to move a bike, a freakin moron who never touched a motorcycle and attempt to move it would likely lead to a drop bike and the idiot would probably park somewhere far away and you will never know who the fork did it....

I don't know how to easily move a bike with locked steering...
I think a rider would see that a bike with locked steering would know it couldnt be move much. A cager who never move a bike would think it's normal and try to move the thing anyway. Not sure about you, when I first started riding, it was a pain in the ask to try and move my bike, probably cuz I am a slow learner..haha. It took me like at least 10 rides to get used to pulling the bike out of my garage. Now it's like second nature. Luckily I never dropped my bike while trying to move it but I know guys who had...and it happen when they just started riding.
At least OP caught the guy in action. I wished I caught the guy who keyed my car this summer. I would pay $500 (real talk) just to witness the person do it so I can give him a piece of my mind.
That old dude really seems to believe in the shiat he is saying.... And since there is a possibility he had been riding before I was born, maybe back in their haydays of the swinging 70s, where they not only share parking spots, they probably share wives.. These days and age, it's just wrong to touch someone's property without permission. Anyway, just wanted to see if it was a common practice... None of my riding friends heard about this crap.

It's always been wrong to screw with other people's stuff unless you know the owner, and have an understanding. Some people have always just trucked out "the brotherhood" line, when it's in their favour. Trust me: If you were to move his bike, he'd tear you a new one.

In parking lots I park my bike in the middle, toward the front of the spot, so that it's more visible to someone who might try to park a car on top of it.
Fiat 500 would have been in need of some replacement parts if it tried to share a spot with me

Find four friends and you can soon have a Fiat 500 that's parked sideways in the spot, then watch him try to get it out. Once did it to an Austin Mini, that almost ran over a co-worker ;)
This is the main reason why I use alarms -- thieves will takes whatever they want, but a few 120dB sirens should keep idiots from trying to move my property or attempting to sit on (or put children on) my bike.

Also as for parking, if I am with friends then I share spots, but if I am alone I take my own spot. Although yes, sharing allows for more bikes to park, I'm not putting mine in a position for someone I don't even know to try and squeeze a big bike into my spot and possibly kicking my bike or knocking it over in the process.
I don't know how to easily move a bike with locked steering...

I did that as a joke on a friend and moved the entire bike to a different parking lot. You just grab the front wheel and drag the bike. It's not a fast process.
Usually leave space when and if I park my bike. Stopped briefly at the shops on Din Mills and went back to find a Fiat 500 sharing my spot. Was a little tight to get out but OK.

Haa haa had the same thing happen more than once, only mine was a Smart that fit into the spot fine and left me room to leave.
I share spots if I see another bike I don't know, and used to always park in a spot that allowed lot's of room to share. But had too many incidents of shopping mall morons to do that anymore. Bonus points to the minivan that tried to "share" a spot and left half it's arse sitting out in the laneway and about 1/4" of clearance for me to get out.

Now I just find an out of the way corner or even a quiet part of walkway to park. Haven't gotten a ticket yet, but "sharing" stories would be a good way to plead my case if I get one.

Oh and just keep in mind in some jurisdictions it's actually illegal for two bikes to share one spot (i.e. Wasaga used to be bad for "sharing" tickets).
I wouldn't care if a cager moved my bike to avoid hitting it or if a biker moved my bike to make room for his or hers - as long as it's reasonable. Just don't steal it or knock it over - that's all I ask.
Find four friends and you can soon have a Fiat 500 that's parked sideways in the spot, then watch him try to get it out. Once did it to an Austin Mini, that almost ran over a co-worker ;)

this is the best idea ever! I would move my bike to somewhere safe and do this
well i look at it this way, would they move a police motorcycle?
What about a well known biker gang bike? umm i would guess no to both
same applys to regular folks bikes. just dont move em. its not right
well i look at it this way, would they move a police motorcycle?
What about a well known biker gang bike? umm i would guess no to both
same applys to regular folks bikes. just dont move em. its not right


If it aint yours dont touch it. Dont people learn this in kindergarten?
That old dude really seems to believe in the shiat he is saying.... And since there is a possibility he had been riding before I was born, maybe back in their haydays of the swinging 70s, where they not only share parking spots, they probably share wives.. These days and age, it's just wrong to touch someone's property without permission. Anyway, just wanted to see if it was a common practice... None of my riding friends heard about this crap.

In the 70's this dude would have been as full of crap as he is now. The only difference in the 70's is that I was even more violent than I am now and it would have affected my response.

It's real simple. You don't touch ANYBODY'S, ANYTHING - without permission from the owner. PERIOD !

Simple indeed. People don't get this? Really?

It's always been wrong to screw with other people's stuff unless you know the owner, and have an understanding. Some people have always just trucked out "the brotherhood" line, when it's in their favour. Trust me: If you were to move his bike, he'd tear you a new one.

In parking lots I park my bike in the middle, toward the front of the spot, so that it's more visible to someone who might try to park a car on top of it.

Wise words.


If it aint yours dont touch it. Dont people learn this in kindergarten?

Yeah, I really don't get how this is even a question. It ain't your's, don't screw with it. If you do, expect to have bad things happen to you.
A lady at Steele's and hurontarion CT tried to share a spot while I'm.still getting off the bike. She tried to squeeze in as I'm.telling her she must be joking. She got out of the car and started a rant and at this point I locked my bike and waited for her to leave before I went in. ( Brampton drivers surprise me weekly with stupidity )

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Actually, I had a fellow biker trying to move my bike from a parking spot at a mall ( Bayview village). He was trying to fit his bike into the same spot and giving me crap for taking the whole spot instead of sharing. First of all, there weren't that many bike normally in that mall and when I parked, I don't think there were any other bikes I could see. So I just parked and went in.

In happen when I was leaving the mall and saw some dude trying to move my bike. Obviously didn't start out well since my first word were, 'what the fork are u doing?!?!' Then he said he is trying to move my bike so that he could park his. It was one of those hughe bummer tourer type of bikes, I think it needits own parking spot anyway. I told him, ok, I am leaving now....then he starts lecturing me bike etiquette on this hit of sharing parking spots. By the time I left, the lot was full, but when I got to the mall, it was only half full with lots of spots. Anyway, he kept at it, saying I shouldn't lock the bike so that it would be easier for people to move the bike in these situation which I find forking ridiculous and a little annoyed to the point I wanted to just head back to the mall and go take a dump and let that old fart wait and find another spot but afraid he might push my bike over ....so I took my sweet time putting on my gear which he knows I am doing it purposely and then telling me the biking community is a brotherhood and he he is actually doing me a favour sharing bike etiquette of parking spots...

Anyway, just want to put it out there, is he right? Is it common practice for us riders to assume the parking spot is for two bikes and park accordingly? Or leave the steering column unlock so that fellow bikers can move their bikes to fit two bike???

i think one should never touch someone else s bike without permission !
They moved my CBR 929 from a parking spot onto the sidewalk, at pacific mall. I woulda f'ed up the car bad that was in my spot, but I didn't witness it so I couldn't verify the car that was in there was the one that moved my bike (I was in there for a while, getting an airsoft gun repaired).

best spot to park there with your bike is go towards steeles when inside parking lot, form there you will notice a raised platform between parking spots just drive up there and you have a whole island to park. :P
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