Pulled over for obstructed tag in North York


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I posted this in another forum and got flamed by people who can't read... so I'll try to phrase it better here to curb misunderstanding.

I had a competition werkes plate hanger mounted way down low under the battery tray. Looking at it while standing behind the bike it seemed perfectly visible but lately I've had some people tell me it's hard to read. In the year or so I've had it, I've never been hassled but I figured one day one cop might pull me over.

Well, it finally happened. No complaints about being pulled over. The cop was very nice about it and issued me a written warning but no ticket. I rectified the situation the next day. Here's the part of my story where I got flamed...

I was about 100m or so from a traffic light and I saw a cruiser in the right lane about to make a right turn. Not much traffic, just a few cars (it was 10:30pm on a sunday). I was expecting the cruiser to have turned and gone by the time I reached the lights but I noticed he had stopped in his tracks. Not really worried, I pulled up next to him. A couple moments passed and I noticed he wasn't going anywhere. Light turned green so I proceeded to go. I checked my mirror and saw the cop start to follow me and then flash his cherries. I pulled over.
Now--while I'm ok with being pulled over--I felt there was a bit of profiling going on in that situation because I'm on a bike. There was no obvious sign that I was doing anything wrong before the cop got a view of my tail so I felt there was no reason for him to abandon his turn and wait for me. I get why he did it but profiling is still profiling so it's worth noting if you're planning to use an aftermarket tag mount... you will very likely be hassled eventually. We all know this but just a fyi all the same. Flame on if you wish!
well it is true, i dont know why you would get flamed for stating a blatant fact.
well it is true, i dont know why you would get flamed for stating a blatant fact.

People kept fixating on the plate issue saying it gave the cop a reason to target me. I'd agree if the cop were behind me the whole time but that wasn't the case. Oh, and I also apparently lack "integrity" for having the plate there in the first place :rolleyes:
I just think you are reading too much into it. Just be happy you didn't get a ticket :)
Think of it this way. There's a thread every other day about a stolen SS. The cop probably tried to run your plate to see if it was stolen, couldn't see it clearly, pulled you over because of it.
Think of it this way. There's a thread every other day about a stolen SS. The cop probably tried to run your plate to see if it was stolen, couldn't see it clearly, pulled you over because of it.

Never thought of that. Sounds plausible. This is the kind of response I like; make me re-think my view without calling me a dumbass. Thanks

I just think you are reading too much into it. Just be happy you didn't get a ticket :)

Oh I am happy :). It was just an observation.
I had a competition werks plate relocator on my CBR600RR also mounted under the battery tray...bought it this way from the previous owner.

Been pulled over for it once but no ticket. At first glance, you can clearly see it from behind if you're standing behind it. But if I were to hang a few car lengths behind and sit at cruiser height you wouldnt be able to see all the numbers and letter clearly. If I sat on the bike and compressed the suspension, visibility decreases even further. With a passenger on the back, you couldnt really see it at all.
Bikes hardly get stolen and ridden away, a small percent. Most are thrown in the back of the van never to be seen again.

Would the same "stolen vehicle, wanted to check plates" argument work for cars? I bet a few cars rolled by and the guy didnt even give them a glance.

He paid special attention to you BECAUSE you were a bike, and people who think the cop wanted to check if the bike was stolen are delusional. He wanted to check your insurance and ownership and needed a valid reason to pull you over.

I got pulled over in my bone stock KTM by OPP up north because according to him i didnt have my DRL on, even though i showed him clearly that the little peanut light in my headlight is on and functioning. No matter, licence and ins. then proceeded to give me a speech how its not visible and i should run my primary headlights on all the time...

Sure ocifer.
A bike draws attention - from everyone.
No ticket, no issue here.
Back to your daily scheduled program.
I have a 2005 gsxr with the comp werkes plate hanger as well, I don't have the tire hugger though, I got rid of it because you could only see 3/4 of the plate, I've been followed by a few cops and have not been pulled over for it. The guy I bought the bike off of said he was pulled over 2 times and both cops said its a grey area. I think as long as you keep calm and be nice to the officer, they won't care too much. I love where my plate sits and I have no intention of changing it.
He paid special attention to you BECAUSE you were a bike, and people who think the cop wanted to check if the bike was stolen are delusional. He wanted to check your insurance and ownership and needed a valid reason to pull you over.

Check for papers is the only reason a cop needs. That is the "valid" reason, no need for any others.
I'm not quite understanding. Were you pulled over once or twice?

If it was once, then think on how many legitimate reasons for having a plate obstructed there are.
Now when the cop sees you he has a reason to determine why you've done it.

If it's twice, then the first cop noted the issue in his log, and you were flagged for a second cop to check that you didn't undo the rectification.

With some of the new technology on some forces, license plates can be automatically scanned and it's possible that you'd get red flagged if your plate can't be read.

Edit: It looks prettier isn't a legitimate reason by the way.
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I had a competition werks plate relocator on my CBR600RR also mounted under the battery tray...bought it this way from the previous owner.

Been pulled over for it once but no ticket. At first glance, you can clearly see it from behind if you're standing behind it. But if I were to hang a few car lengths behind and sit at cruiser height you wouldnt be able to see all the numbers and letter clearly. If I sat on the bike and compressed the suspension, visibility decreases even further. With a passenger on the back, you couldnt really see it at all.
Just in case you're not clear, it's 100% illegal.
I'm not quite understanding. Were you pulled over once or twice?

If it was once, then think on how many legitimate reasons for having a plate obstructed there are.
Now when the cop sees you he has a reason to determine why you've done it.

If it's twice, then the first cop noted the issue in his log, and you were flagged for a second cop to check that you didn't undo the rectification.

With some of the new technology on some forces, license plates can be automatically scanned and it's possible that you'd get red flagged if your plate can't be read.

Edit: It looks prettier isn't a legitimate reason by the way.

Once. And made right the next day... at least I hope it's right in their eyes. Still looks pretty to me lol
I think of dealing with the police the same way I feel about going to the casino,if I walk away even(no ticket ) I'm happy
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I don't know but I've seen this happen before...where a cop waits at a light, further back from the line and scans plates. maybe he was a) just bored and scanning plates b) its the end of the month and quotas need to be met...meh just my 2 cents =)
I was expecting the cruiser to have turned and gone by the time I reached the lights but I noticed he had stopped in his tracks. Not really worried, I pulled up next to him. A couple moments passed and I noticed he wasn't going anywhere. Light turned green so I proceeded to go. I checked my mirror and saw the cop start to follow me and then flash his cherries. I pulled over.

Had happened to me in the past. No big deal. It's a quite common routine cops use in my neighbourhood.
I don't know but I've seen this happen before...where a cop waits at a light, further back from the line and scans plates. maybe he was a) just bored and scanning plates b) its the end of the month and quotas need to be met...meh just my 2 cents =)

But he didn't issue a ticket therefore the quota argument has no substance.
But he didn't issue a ticket therefore the quota argument has no substance.

I was thinking the same.

The plate obstruction thing is really interesting. By law, no part of your plate can be covered therefore all the vehicles ruinning around with the trim plates are technically illegal




this classifies the plate as obscured, this is why you can get dinged for the sideways plates on swingarms, plates tucked in deep under the seat of the bike on undertails, tilted plates frenched into the back of mini pickups like that group does, tinted license plate covers, even dirty plates where the plate is unreadable...

now most cops would only use this as a reason to maybe pull you over to give you a once over or use as some tack on tickets if they wanted to put you through the wringer...
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Not seeing a plate when it's been compressed by a rider and even worse when the passenger is on the back will definitely warrant a ticket - best thing to do is have a picture taken from the rear with you and someone on the back and see how much it's been compressed and how much you cannot see the plate. Getting the ticket is not that big of a deal because all you need to do is fix it and bring the proof to court to have ticket thrown out. The biggest problem is time being wasted to get this all done so if you don't want to go through the hassle then put it close enough or back to stock as you can because this will start to become more of a habit in being pulled over.
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