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  1. RetroGrouch

    Kawasaki USA is bringing in the W230 for 2025

    No one is going to ride this bike for speed. A fun little city bike for getting around with style.
  2. RetroGrouch

    Kawasaki USA is bringing in the W230 for 2025

    Another retro bike I'd like to see here but not holding my breath...
  3. RetroGrouch

    Moto Social events

    Hey, that's my bike in front in the streetcar photo.
  4. RetroGrouch

    Bike parking in downtown

    Anywhere with on street parking meters, there's some on York St. I park beside a bicycle rack like this with my plate against the wall.,-79.3837098,3a,75y,47.28h,88.55t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1snFsN8T-t2TNs0466Rd1c6Q!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu
  5. RetroGrouch

    New Triumph 400s

    Wonder if this opens the door for the new Honda CB350?
  6. RetroGrouch

    Rosey Toes - Ted retiring

    This is not good news. His quicky certs are the best, no fuss, no muss. Going to miss his pinball machine.
  7. RetroGrouch

    Magna down at Dundas E and Ontario.

    Driving past a downed bike after work yesterday around 5:45. No rider or ambulance at scene. Hope rider is okay.
  8. RetroGrouch

    Where do you get your welding gas?

    Welders Supply and Gases Inc. 777 Warden Ave. #5, Scarborough, ON M1L 4C3
  9. RetroGrouch

    Motorcycle Parking Fees Recommended without Notice or Public Consultation

    Since Kristyn Wong-Tam is leaving municipal politics, this issue is symbolically over. Although she hasn't brought up her disdain for free motorcycle parking in city council for years, she was the last holdout. Maybe lock up this thread or delete, hopefully forever.
  10. RetroGrouch

    Favorite Helmet Graphics

    Part of my collection.
  11. RetroGrouch


    So much for keeping it on the down low. Usual size crowd with plenty of yahoos ripping and revving.
  12. RetroGrouch

    Insurance hard to get for older bikes?

    I got a policy from Dalton Timmis through Ron Calderon for my 73 CB350. Liability only $430/yr.
  13. RetroGrouch

    The new McDonalds Layout

    I thought the double cheeseburger with 2 cheese slices is $1.89. The McDouble has one cheese slice. Both. Despite it's high fat content, it still has plenty of protein. Basically cheapest food that will keep you alive for the longest if you're starving.
  14. RetroGrouch

    The new McDonalds Layout

    At $1.59, the McDouble supposedly has the highest nutrition value to cost ratio of any food item available.
  15. RetroGrouch

    Can't fix stupid 2: Stupid and Stupiderer

    That's my move!
  16. RetroGrouch

    SF TV series

    Yes, a good adaptation of the book I read years ago. The Overlord Karellen was especially well played by Charles Dance.
  17. RetroGrouch

    SF TV series

    Black Mirror
  18. RetroGrouch

    The best thing I ever did

    Took the red pill.
  19. RetroGrouch

    Marco Muzzo

    With his resources, he can easily fly to South America or Europe to drive. And there's nothing stopping him from driving on the track here.
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