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  1. warp speed

    Stunters at L&L :)

    I share your enthusiasm and excitement seeing them do their thing lat night, but posting it on a public forum where our LEO friends can see it will bring heat at said spot... you know the saying what happens in vegas, stays in vegas? Should apply here too...
  2. warp speed

    Square One Area - Mississauga!

    I might be free... can I tag along with you guys? Never been to the spot, but it's just down the street from me... if ever, I'll be closer to 8pm.
  3. warp speed

    Neighbour parking on our side if Drive - what to do?

    buy a dog and have the dog repeatedly pee on his tires. OR just come home early and park your car right at the center line. This happened to me waaay back when I used to live in a condo. I just parked my old rust bucket so close to his car that the guy had to go thru the passenger door to get...
  4. warp speed

    2012 CBR1000RR Revealed!

    totally agree 100%. I don't even look at my tach on my ZX10. I just rely on the shift light.
  5. warp speed

    Rider down in wasaga

    25!!! too young... poor parents just lost their baby... Condolences to the family. RIP rider :-(
  6. warp speed

    Every Thursday night - Lakeshore and Leslie???

    A bunch of us here in mississauga, are meeting up at SQ1 timmies around 7:30, Leave around 8. Everyone's welcome to tag along.
  7. warp speed

    You Know You're a Rider When...

    your screen saver is your bike instead of your family/gf/wife/dog/cat
  8. warp speed

    You Know You're a Rider When...

    your contact list on your phone has bikes attached to the names. example; Mike GSXR, John R6.... etc
  9. warp speed

    do people who ride litre bikes have a lot of self control?

    I'm on my 2nd 1st gen ZX10 and I wear depends for that oh shhhi@tz moments. But then again, I'm a MOODY rider too...
  10. warp speed

    New Rider - Mississauga- !!!! Square1 and Surrounding Area!

    Mississauga here too... Yeah, take it easy. Shoulder check will save your skin. Ride safe.
  11. warp speed

    wtb adjustable rearset for 04-05 ZX10

    Let me know what you have. Black or gold pls. email pics, price and description; Thanks
  12. warp speed

    Rider down in Missisauga

    16 yrs old... wow. glad to see you're in good spirits. miss. rd can bite you when you least expect it. rest up and speedy recovery to you. a fellow rider told me to take CalMag tablets when I broke my collar bone after crashing a few years ago... ask your doctor about it.
  13. warp speed

    PINAS,Umagang kay Ganda(Rising Sun Ride)

    You were never in any of our group rides so this claim is not true. PM SENT
  14. warp speed

    PINAS,Umagang kay Ganda(Rising Sun Ride)

    REALLY? you were there? you were never in any group rides with us so I highly doubt this claim.
  15. warp speed

    almost got a brand new tire for free!!!

    The last thing they'de hear me say is; "START THE CAR !!! "
  16. warp speed

    SS bikes as daily commuters?

    gas mileage sucks and commute takes longer than when I'm taking my mini van. But then again, I take the loooong way home maybe that's why I fill up more often :)
  17. warp speed

    I Saw You: V.2.0

    Re: Stupid crazy chick... you sure it wasn't a midget boyfriend ?:)
  18. warp speed

    Square One Area - Mississauga!

    How about monday evening? Anybody gonna be there? I'll swing by after work around 7ish...Just wanna say hi :)
  19. warp speed

    Where will u be staying here in toronto?

    Where will u be staying here in toronto?
  20. warp speed

    Accident: Dundas/Postmaster Drive (Oakville)

    RIP rider... I got this terrible news thru text from a fellow rider. I don't know the deceased but it still hits close to home... sad, real sad :( edited
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