almost got a brand new tire for free!!!


Well-known member
ok so i just came back from kahuna power sports. After my tire installation i went to pay at the service counter. The lady was like your bill is $55. And i was like what!!!! and she said, "yea since you already paid for the tire, so you only pay for the service, which comes to $55."

She swiped my card and before i was going to enter my pin, my inner man said, "This is like stealing, dont do it!!!" thats when I told her "Hey i haven't paid for the tire and you should charge me." She freaked out and i had to pay $215 in total.

Just be good fellow riders, its worth it. I feel good now. :)
Good for you bud!
That's definitely a tough moral dilemma. I too would have the demons in me pushing to accept it as their mistake.
I once had a large order of Popeye's. The cashier ringed .22 instead of $30.22. I realized after the fact that she made a mistake. Not too sure what I would've done had I spotted the mistake.
well yea, had i walked away with only paying $55, she would've gone into a alooot of trouble. I think if you put someone into trouble, it can hit you back very badly.
so ur saying u didnt realize u paid .22 instead of 30.22?

Good for you bud!
That's definitely a tough moral dilemma. I too would have the demons in me pushing to accept it as their mistake.
I once had a large order of Popeye's. The cashier ringed .22 instead of $30.22. I realized after the fact that she made a mistake. Not too sure what I would've done had I spotted the mistake.
I had this happen to me at Pop Eyes. They were taking forever with my order and when it was ready, they just gave me the food. I was holding it waiting and they asked what I was waiting for. I said, 'I haven't paid yet.' And the cashier was like, 'Oh ****!' And they thanked me for not leaving. Haha
Start the car! Start the car!
LoL, heheh...
But it's so true that honesty and more generally a keen sense of fair-play, are important qualities in life.
One's word and one's honour are the very most important things, bar none.
(Mr. Worf was right all along...)
So good for you Rashidme, you're a good man - and that's all anyone can ever hope to be.
for how much those stealerships take from you especially when you buy a bike there, they should be giving you a free set of tires or a 1k service or something...
Good on you rashidme! I went through a drive-thru the other day and one of the two girls at the window assumed the other girl took my payment. When she handed me the food (I know they only do that after the payment) I told her I didn't pay yet; she thanked me for my honesty and we settled the bill.

For anyone who suggested that running away is the best option, put yourself in the business owner's position. Lets say you own a small company, would you prefer to have an honest customer or would you like to absorb the hit which could range from a few hundred dollars to several thousand? Remember you cannot legally hold the employee financially responsible, you can only take corrective action. (Even if you **** canned said employee you'd still be out the money.)
will OP be just as honest when a cop asks if he's speeding? lol
well thank God its been more than five years that i do not have a single ticket. And if i get caught while speeding(which i usually dont coz there is no point) i will admit it like a man!
so ur saying u didnt realize u paid .22 instead of 30.22?

I just pressed OK on the keypad. Then by the time I was in the car looking over the receipt, I saw how much the total was, .22 cents. Then I was like, SCORE! I honestly didn't feel too bad...who charges 10.99 for a few flippin pieces of popcorn shrimp?!

u guys are too funny.
I would have just paid for whatever they are charging me. No moral dilemma for me.

$55 bucks sure, sounds good.

I call it natural selection, same as the animal world.

I had a guy almost give me back $180 when the total was $14.60 and i gave him a $20. I would have taken it, he still shortchanged himself by $5 bucks. sure ill take $180, whatever

sorry but if a business is stupid enough to employ someone that cannot do grade 4 math, in a compacity where they are in charge of cash, im more then happy to get a good deal. its not my problem people cant so simple math.

whats wrong with u people??

these idiots that cant add will never learn if u keep giving them breaks??
twinn;1570476...whats wrong with u people?? these idiots that cant add will never learn if u keep giving them breaks??[/QUOTE said:
There's absolutely nothing "wrong" with these people. It's simply called doing the right thing; having a conscience. As for your last statement, that's not necessarily true. Often, having our mistakes pointed out to us is *exactly* how we learn.
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u guys are too funny.
I would have just paid for whatever they are charging me. No moral dilemma for me.

$55 bucks sure, sounds good.

I call it natural selection, same as the animal world.

I had a guy almost give me back $180 when the total was $14.60 and i gave him a $20. I would have taken it, he still shortchanged himself by $5 bucks. sure ill take $180, whatever

sorry but if a business is stupid enough to employ someone that cannot do grade 4 math, in a compacity where they are in charge of cash, im more then happy to get a good deal. its not my problem people cant so simple math.

whats wrong with u people??

these idiots that cant add will never learn if u keep giving them breaks??
^^^ minus 1
There's absolutely nothing "wrong" with these people. It's simply called doing the right thing; having a conscience. As for your last statement, that's not necessarily true. Often, having our mistakes pointed out to us is *exactly* how we learn.
^^^ plus 1

I would rather have the majority of our fold running around with integrity and honesty which adds up to honour and class. That's what we need in this society. Believe it or not, it actually feels good...
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There's absolutely nothing "wrong" with these people. It's simply called doing the right thing; having a conscience. As for your last statement, that's not necessarily true. Often, having our mistakes pointed out to us is *exactly* how we learn.

nothing to do with morals or feeling bad.

the example i used, i gave the guy a $20 for something that was $14.68. The cash register was'nt working, he couldnt count down change from $20.00 to 14.68-- thats some borderline mental issues at work. Like i said he was going to give me back change for $200. Sorry but duded got no business handling cash--NONE

Here are 2 examples from this week i personally experienced this week.

I purchased an item that was 11.99 but it was 2.00 off, i literally saw the cashier take out her calculator, punch in $11.99 - 2= 9.99. WTF??

I purchased groceries, total was $59.21, so i give the cashier 60.21-- she was confused on why i was giving her more AN|D she gave me a tonnie for change, again WTF.

i have no sympathy for these people, if yuo cant count at a basic level, dont do cash.

sorry man, but people will learn when they go to balance at the end of the day and are short x amount, thats the only way.

it works other ways as well, the lady at the Hasty market by my place is always trying to rip you off for a dollar here .50 there etc... im sure she does well, cause she\s slick, but it never works with me, but if im stupid enough to not know she is trying to rip me off, then i deserve it

I call it natural selection, same as the animal world.

sorry but if a business is stupid enough to employ someone that cannot do grade 4 math, in a compacity where they are in charge of cash, im more then happy to get a good deal. its not my problem people cant so simple math.

whats wrong with u people??

these idiots that cant add will never learn if u keep giving them breaks??

Admitting you have no conscience on the internet? Not surprising.

Telling a story where something almost happened? Pretty common.

Using the word "compacity" in a post where you call other people idiots? Priceless.

You sir, are a king among men.

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