almost got a brand new tire for free!!!

Admitting you have no conscience on the internet? Not surprising.

Telling a story where something almost happened? Pretty common.

Using the word "compacity" in a post where you call other people idiots? Priceless.

You sir, are a king among men.


oops my bad should had my coffee first.

knew i would get flammed as everyone here is an angel.

U guys keep throwing the word conscience around when it has nothing to do with it what so ever.

its about rewarding stupidity, and i refuse to do it.

now at the same time, i have chased people down for a few blocks to return purses, have returned wallets with over $ 100 cash in them many times, actually look up the people using returned numerous cell phones (iphones, blackberry etc..) and stopped for and given gas to many riders, helped changed flat tires a few times and intervened in many fights on the streets and have given CPR and first aid more times then i can count.

I would feel bad if i kept someones wallet/purse/cell phone or just drove by another rider, as in i would feel guilty.

BUT getting back to much change, i just dont feel guilty about it, when they dont ring everything through the register or if they ring only one item instead of two etc.. ill keep that item for free, even if i saw the mistake made in front of me.

first off, no one is getting hurt, the company can take the loss, second, no one is going to get fired for being over/under $10-20 in their cash balance. BUT if it happened every time that person works cash and becomes a habit, then yes they probely will get fired or at least moved somewhere where they dont have to handle cash.
oops my bad should had my coffee first.

knew i would get flammed as everyone here is an angel.

U guys keep throwing the word conscience around when it has nothing to do with it what so ever.

its about rewarding stupidity, and i refuse to do it.

now at the same time, i have chased people down for a few blocks to return purses, have returned wallets with over $ 100 cash in them many times, actually look up the people using returned numerous cell phones (iphones, blackberry etc..) and stopped for and given gas to many riders, helped changed flat tires a few times and intervened in many fights on the streets and have given CPR and first aid more times then i can count.

I would feel bad if i kept someones wallet/purse/cell phone or just drove by another rider, as in i would feel guilty.

BUT getting back to much change, i just dont feel guilty about it, when they dont ring everything through the register or if they ring only one item instead of two etc.. ill keep that item for free, even if i saw the mistake made in front of me.

first off, no one is getting hurt, the company can take the loss, second, no one is going to get fired for being over/under $10-20 in their cash balance. BUT if it happened every time that person works cash and becomes a habit, then yes they probely will get fired or at least moved somewhere where they dont have to handle cash.

What a disappointing post. The one trait I have the hardest time with in people is selfishness. You win.
Ya I don't mind if I get a free coffee but a tire that's been paid for out of someones pocket, not so much. I'm a repeat customer if I get treated well, and guess what, if you point somthing like that out chances are they're going to be more than willing to give you a bit of a deal on your next purchase.
i wouldn't have felt bad...

how many times do you over pay because they added stuff to a bill? In most cases i bet you it happens weekly, start checking your bills when you pay for stuff and see for yourself

I got charged $3.98 extra once for ordering bbq sauce and mayo for a hamburger i ordered? seriously it's not like i asked for bacon or cheese where you could see an extra cost...

if i didn't check the bill, i would have over paid...

another time ordered a round of drinks, it came to $35, i gave the waitress what i thought was two $20 bills and told her to keep the change
when i got home i looked in my wallet and realized i had given her one $20 and one $100 bill so she ended up with an $85 tip... didn't see her tell me that i made an error

as for the business owner losing money... it's part of the cost of doing business
like someone said, hire more competent people... that is the problem with today's society, there is no accountability... no one will accept blame or responsibility
And if i get caught while speeding(which i usually dont coz there is no point) i will admit it like a man!
That's a bad strategy, don't say anything. You don't have to lie, just don't answer any of his questions and only give him the required information, name, license, insurance, etc.

-Jamie M.
Well one good thing about this thread, it's showing who's honest within the community.
nothing to do with morals or feeling bad.

the example i used, i gave the guy a $20 for something that was $14.68. The cash register was'nt working, he couldnt count down change from $20.00 to 14.68-- thats some borderline mental issues at work. Like i said he was going to give me back change for $200. Sorry but duded got no business handling cash--NONE

Here are 2 examples from this week i personally experienced this week.

I purchased an item that was 11.99 but it was 2.00 off, i literally saw the cashier take out her calculator, punch in $11.99 - 2= 9.99. WTF??

I purchased groceries, total was $59.21, so i give the cashier 60.21-- she was confused on why i was giving her more AN|D she gave me a tonnie for change, again WTF.

i have no sympathy for these people, if yuo cant count at a basic level, dont do cash.

sorry man, but people will learn when they go to balance at the end of the day and are short x amount, thats the only way.

it works other ways as well, the lady at the Hasty market by my place is always trying to rip you off for a dollar here .50 there etc... im sure she does well, cause she\s slick, but it never works with me, but if im stupid enough to not know she is trying to rip me off, then i deserve it

Not that you need or want my pity. But I feel sorry for you. Living in a world where humans are *not* perfect. Except of course, you. It must be extremely frustrating and annoying being you. God help us mere mortals who encounter you :)
first off, no one is getting hurt, the company can take the loss, second, no one is going to get fired for being over/under $10-20 in their cash balance. BUT if it happened every time that person works cash and becomes a habit, then yes they probely will get fired or at least moved somewhere where they dont have to handle cash.

I'm only quoting this part of your post, but seriously, this is how you think? You call cashiers making mistakes idiots, yet you feel compelled to do the ethical thing in returning someone's lost phone, purse, whatever, and feel an association of guilt if you don't? What exactly is going on in your brain, because I don't think it's firing on all cylinders. You lack prudence.
Well one good thing about this thread, it's showing who's honest within the community.

How so? The people who said they would not of felt bad or told the clerk, they are being honest about what they would of done. Jus saying...
oops my bad should had my coffee first.

knew i would get flammed as everyone here is an angel.

U guys keep throwing the word conscience around when it has nothing to do with it what so ever.

its about rewarding stupidity, and i refuse to do it.

now at the same time, i have chased people down for a few blocks to return purses, have returned wallets with over $ 100 cash in them many times, actually look up the people using returned numerous cell phones (iphones, blackberry etc..) and stopped for and given gas to many riders, helped changed flat tires a few times and intervened in many fights on the streets and have given CPR and first aid more times then i can count.

I would feel bad if i kept someones wallet/purse/cell phone or just drove by another rider, as in i would feel guilty.

BUT getting back to much change, i just dont feel guilty about it, when they dont ring everything through the register or if they ring only one item instead of two etc.. ill keep that item for free, even if i saw the mistake made in front of me.

first off, no one is getting hurt, the company can take the loss, second, no one is going to get fired for being over/under $10-20 in their cash balance. BUT if it happened every time that person works cash and becomes a habit, then yes they probely will get fired or at least moved somewhere where they dont have to handle cash.

"oops my bad should had my coffee first."

Now THAT is the least of your issues.

"U guys keep throwing the word conscience around when it has nothing to do with it what so ever."

It is true that some people who are abused at a very young age, grow up without a conscience. We even have a name for them. Sociopaths.

"now at the same time, i have chased people down for a few blocks to return purses, have returned wallets with over $ 100 cash in them many times, actually look up the people using returned numerous cell phones (iphones, blackberry etc..) and stopped for and given gas to many riders, helped changed flat tires a few times and intervened in many fights on the streets and have given CPR and first aid more times then i can count."

I don't believe this for a second. The exaggerations and ill-thought out exceptions give you away. At best, possibly..just maybe, you might have, once, witnessed someone else giving CPR...on TV.
its about rewarding stupidity, and i refuse to do it.

now at the same time, i have chased people down for a few blocks to return purses, have returned wallets with over $ 100 cash in them many times, actually look up the people using returned numerous cell phones (iphones, blackberry etc..) and stopped for and given gas to many riders, helped changed flat tires a few times and intervened in many fights on the streets and have given CPR and first aid more times then i can count.

I would feel bad if i kept someones wallet/purse/cell phone or just drove by another rider, as in i would feel guilty. ...

I find it interesting that you claim to do these acts of kindness "many times". Something just doesn't make sense. It would seem to me that someone misplacing a wallet/purse/cell phone, or running out of gas *could* be looked upon as being irresponsible. Yet you choose to "reward" that irresponsibility by returning said item. Just saying.
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