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  1. lil sushi

    BRAWL at LnL tonight

    That's just plain racist! =P
  2. lil sushi

    Find this person

    To the OP. If you feel that strongly about suggestion is to report it here and remove the plate from your post. The police are actually quite good at keeping you updated on the status if you have a legit complaint...
  3. lil sushi

    Got my M1, now deciding on a course

    Girls're both pretty!! Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I think sometimes opinions, especially on this forum, can be taken out of context. To the OP: What I suggest is filter through the comments and take away from this thread what you can. I know instructors from...
  4. lil sushi

    New rider, new bike! =)

    Woot woot!! Welcome to the club. .enjoy the ride..and my bike's name is ducky!
  5. lil sushi

    If you could save on insurance cost would you submit to this?

    I could be wrong, but I thought they had released this kind of technology and product marketing about 6 years ago with Aviva...called fastrax? I recall correctly it flopped. .the device's tracking wasn't very accurate, trying to get users to upload the information from the device was a...
  6. lil sushi

    do u have what it takes

    Best ad ever ...roflmao
  7. lil sushi

    New Gixxer knocked over - 36 toronto street

    ^um yeah...what he said.
  8. lil sushi

    New Gixxer knocked over - 36 toronto street

    Awww this kinda shizz makes me sick...good thing there are still decent pps in the world to help make up for the scum *advice for the owner of the bike** The good thing , since you have a witness who got a plate, its a comp claim as a hit and run with a 3rd party 100% at fault. 1.You need to...
  9. lil sushi

    I Saw You: V.2.0

    Yup...was heading to the studio to teach class =) Sent from my SGH-I317M using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  10. lil sushi

    I Saw You: V.2.0

    *Waves hi* was me in my kilt on sunday. .just finished teaching class and was getting a tag at Montgomerys inn...yellow and grey bell helmet
  11. lil sushi

    I Saw You: V.2.0

    *waves hi*
  12. lil sushi

    Monday Meet Up for Ice Cream, Dessert, and Sweets! 4.0

    Any decisions on which ice cream place we're going to tonight?
  13. lil sushi

    Should I cancel?

    RSA offers more than just Facility. OP: do you have another auto policy? (ie. car?) if you do, it won't affect your "insurance history", as you will be considered as having continuous insurance.
  14. lil sushi

    I Saw You: V.2.0

    Approx. 3:20pm today Where: Adelaide, turning South onto Simcoe You: Girl on a green ninja 250 (sorry again for mistaking you for my friend MJ) Me: in my LILSUSHI cage, waving and screaming out the window at you. Hope you're on here, it was nice chattin' with ya...even though it turned out...
  15. lil sushi

    Thursday Sept 13th - One of our hottest members is injured.

    GWS girl...I don't think we ever met, but I know the Club will take good care of you. *soft squishy hugs*
  16. lil sushi

    I Saw You: V.2.0

    *squishy hugs* babe *sneaks in a boob grab*
  17. lil sushi

    I Saw You: V.2.0

    Now now...we have to be very careful, there's a Sushii, bboysushi, and a lil sushi on the forum...we are not related, we don't belong to the same roll, and "somewhat new bike"? I thought my TWNKI looked pretty sharp =P
  18. lil sushi

    I Saw You: V.2.0

    LOL...I just finished dropping off cookies for a friend on University LOL....ummm you're welcome?
  19. lil sushi

    Word association game

  20. lil sushi

    Which Female GTAMer is this? Come on, own up

    oh boy...Let's just say they're NSFW.
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